Areas and theit blood supply Flashcards
Internal capsule
medial & lateral branches of MCA: upper parts, ant.limb, genu, post.limb
Heubners recurrent of ACA: lower ant.limb
Post. communicating a: lower Genu
Ant. choroid: lower post. limb & retrolentiform
Mainly perforating branches of PCA
Post.medial g. of central as: medial& ant. parts
Post.lateral g. of central as: post. &lateral parts
Ant.medial g. of central (ACA): anterior part
Post.medial g. of central (PCA): posterior part
Caudate nucleus & Putamen
Lat.& med. striate branch of MCA: main supply
Heubner’s recurrent of ACA: head of caudate nucleus & ant. putamen
Ant. choroidal: tail of caudate nucleus and post. putamen
Globus Pallidus
Ant. choroidal: central part
Post. communicating: medial part
Straite arteries: lateral part