Ventiliation Of The Lungs Flashcards
What happens during the process of breathing?
Inspiratory muscles contract, the thoraic cavity expands, the pleural pressure becomes more negative, transpulmonary pressure increases, lungs inflate, alveolar pressure becomes subatmospheric, and air flows into the lungs into the alevolar pressure is eqaul to the atmospheric pressure
What are the movements of the different parts of the lung?
The lungs move in an up, the thoracic cage pulls out and the passive stretch of the diaphragm pulls it downwards
What is the equilibrum that occurs in the lungs in the absence of muscular activity?
Elastic recoil is balanced by the outward recoil of the chest wall, and equilibrum postion is in the respiratory tract
What are the muscles mainly responsible for the proccess of breathing in?
Contraction of the diaphragm and the external intercostal muscles
Are muscles invoved in breathing out?
No, it is a passive proccess
What are the muscles involved in forced expiration?
Contraction of the abdominal muscles and the internal intercostal muscles
Where is the futherest that atmospheric air reaches in the respiratory tract?
The terminal brochiles, and the exhagne of gases occurs by the diffusion of atmospheric air in the terminal brochioles and the respiratory gases
When might you see forced expiration?
Respiratory obstruction and disease states, when you want to expel more from the lungs compared to normal resting breathing rates
What are some of the functions of the pleural fludi?
Is found between the visercal and the pariteal pleuras, and esnures that the lungs fill the thoraci cavity and that there is no resistance towards their movement