Ventilation and Diffusion Flashcards
What is the volume of dead space?
What is partial pressure?
the pressure that would be exerted by one of the gases in a mixture if it occupied the same volume on its own at the same temperature
How would you calculate partial pressure?
percentage of the gas (proportion) x atmospheric pressure
What determines how much oxygen will dissolve in water?
- solubility of O2 in water
- PO2
What is the normal partial pressure of PN2, PO2, PCO2 and water vapour?
- PN2 = 593.48 mmHg
- PO2 = 159.22 mmHg
- PCO2 = 0.23 mmHg
- water vapour 47mmHg
(divide by 7.5 to get to KPa)
What is the alveolar gas composition of PN2, PO2, PCO2?
- PN2 = 556.78 mmHg
- PO2 = 149.37 mmHg
- PCO2 = 0.21 mmHg
(divide by 7.5 to get KPa)
What is Henry’s Law?`
- the concentration of O2 dissolved in water is proportional to the partial pressure in the gas phase
- [O2]dis = s x PO2
(s = solubility of O2 in water)
What are the requirements for oxygen for gas exchange to the bloodstream?
- dissolve in the aqueous layer
- diffuse across the membranes
- enter the blood
What is rate of diffusion proportional to?
- partial pressure difference (∆P)
- surface area
- solubility (D, diffusion coefficient)
- molecular mass (D, diffusion coefficient)
What is rate of diffusion inversely proportional to?
- tissue thickness (T)
Describe the normal conditions for gas exchange between the alveoli and blood to take place
- surface area of lungs is large
- large number of alveoli
- thickness is small
- concentration gradient is large so diffusion is rapid (PO2 alveolar air is 100 mmHg and PO2 venous blood is 40 mmHg)
- molecular mass insignificant
- CO2 20 times more soluble than O2
Describe the conditions and process of the movement of CO2 in gas exchange
- CO2 moves in other direction from capillary to alveoli
- smaller concentration gradient (alveoli PCO2 is 40mmHg, venous PCO2 is 45mmhg)
- however greater solubility so CO2 diffuses faster than O2
- same amount of gas moves
Describe how different disease states can limit gas exchange
- oedema: thickness of barrier increases so transit time through capillar may not be sufficient to complete full gas exchange, gas exchange reduced
- emphysema: surface area reduced, reducing gas exchange
- pulmonary fibrosis: tissue thickness increases, reducing gas exchange
- mucus, inflammation of airways, tumours which reduce gas entry reducing gas exchange
How does altitude affect atmospheric pressure?
decreases PO2
What are the physiological adaptations to acute altitude?
- hypoxia sensed by peripheral chemoreceptors
- ventilatory drive increases initially but blunted by central chemoreceptors that respond to decreased PaCO2 due to increased ventilation
- CO increases due to suppression of cardioinhibitory centre
What are the physiological adaptations to adaptive altitude?
- central chemoreceptors adapt so ventilation rate continues to increase
- PaCO2 drops leading to respiratory alkalosis, kidneys compensate by reducing acid secretion blood pH normalises
- alkalosis stimulates 2,3 DPG production leading to rightward shift of O2 dissociation curve
What are the changes to blood in altitude?
- erythropoietin release stimulated
- Hb concentration increases
What are the changes to vasculature in altitude?
- hypoxia stimulates angiogenesis
- capillary density increases throughout body
What are the changes to the cardiopulmonary system in altitude?
- vascular and ventricular remodelling
- smooth muscle growth increase vascular wall thickness
- right ventricle hypertrophies
How does diving affect atmospheric pressure?
atmospheric pressure increases by 760mmHg every 10m depth
What effect does depth have on the blood?
- increase in partial pressure
- N2 and O2 dissolve into blood at lethal excess
- volume decreases
Describe the gas toxicity associated with diving?
- N2 narcosis: partial pressure of N2 rises and starts to dissolve in body tissues
- O2 poisoning: high pressure O2 dissolves in blood in excess of buffering capacity of Hb
- TREATMENT - Heliox: N2 replaced by helium and percentage of O2 tailored to reduce harm
- less readily dissolves in body tissues and less narcotic