Ventilation Flashcards
Come up with a vent strategy
Walking up to the door Reilly kicks over a STRATEGO game and pieces go flying everywhere. He thinks thank god I’m wearing boots or this would hurt
Station 2
Perform a 360
Dan picks up the entire building and spins it around to do a 360
Front door
Take a TIC
This makes a huge TICK come to the door with the “may I help you” line
Just inside front door
Identify the fire location
A anthropomorphized FIRE with sunglasses pushes the tick out of the way and starts being a dick, asking for ID to come in
Mr. Fire
PPV or Vertical?
Dan grabs Mr. Fire and puts him in a PRESSURE head lock stretching his whole body VERTICAL
Behind Mr. Fire
Use a gas fan over an electric
Mr. Fire breaks free, grabs a can of GAS and threatens to pour it on himself getting to get huge and kick Dan’s ass
Response to Mr. Fire
Think of the flow path
Dan realizes that the gas would FLOW down a PATH straight to the truck and calls for the rest of the crew
Calling the Crew
Can we control the entryway
Dan calls the rest of the crew to CONTROL the ENTRYWAY front door. We stand there with axes and halligans
Hallway behind the door
Do we have a clear path to the exhaust
Dan realizes he has wicked diahrrea and asks the crew if there is a clear PATH to the bathroom with an EXHAUST fan
Outside the bathroom
Is the exhaust point in an occupied room
DA looks in the bathroom window from outside and says there is a bathroom with an EXHAUST but it is OCCUPIED
Fight Mr. Fire
Is it near the seat of the fire or are we pushing the fire to an uninvolved area?
Dan pushes Mr. Fire back and he falls into a SEAT and rolls down to the UNIVOLVED hallway
In the bathroom
Does it matter if it’s the fire room probably not survivable anyway.
Mr. Fire gets pissed, says ‘fine’, goes into the bathroom and gets huge making the whole room UNSURVIVABLE
In the bathroom with Mr. Fire
Can we get a big enough exhaust?
Dan grabs an axe and goes into the bathroom, turns on the EXHAUST fan and makes the hole BIG ENOUGH to suck all of the extra heat out
Taking over the bathroom with Mr. Fire
Things to look for: multiple buildings with different roofs, signs of collapse, parapets, overhangs that don’t need to be ventilated
Dan realizes a huge shit is coming and BUILDS different toilets, he tries stacking them on top of each other but they all COLLAPSE, so Mr. Fire mocks him by playing a regal TRUMPET, Dan gets pissed and HANGS him OVER the toilet so he doesn’t need to be VENTED
Defeating Mr. Fire
Ladder the building
DA grabs a LADDER and shoves it in the window so Dan can get Mr. fire out
Get Mr. Fire out
Most experienced guy goes first with the hook
Mr. Fire starts fighting so DA grabs a hook and pulls him out
Mr. Fire strikes back
Sound and area 10’ around the ladder
Mr. Fire is still tied up so he makes the most god awful SOUND that you can’t get within TEN FEET of him
Crew enters the building
Cut an inspection hole out of the path of travel. Start 45* to any wall. Push away until you hit a rafter. Make it big enough to get in and see; bigger than you think. Then finish the triangle parallel to the two walls. Pull everything out, announce which way the rafters are going, look what kind of material you have.
Crew hears the sounds Mr. Fire is making and move in the PATHWAY to INVESTIGATE. They ROLL down the hallway to protect their ears and grab a RAFTER to break the door open. They keep banging away until the hole is BIGGER than they need. They PULL Dan OUT and ANNOUNCE over the radio that they have rescued him. He looks burned so they wrap him in wet MATERIAL to protect him.
Enter construction workers
Doing it by the ladder saves time because 1st saw can be cutting while the last two crew members are climbing the ladder. But there is a good chance construction will change where you actually cut the roof
As the crew pulls Dan down the hallway a CONSTRUCTION worker CHANGES their direction and sends them into the bay
DA throws the sound
Hook man sounds path along the edges of the roof
DA manages to grab the SOUND ring and throw it up onto the roof where it hangs on the EDGE
Sound starts acting weird
Try to find where rafters and purlins are by the sound
The SOUND ring starts vibrating weirdly and kind of sinks down showing the RAFTERS and a bunch of small pebbles that look like PEARLS
DA loses it
Call out relief cuts to be made every 10’ or so. Best is a triangle cut one blade width for each side. Kerf cuts might get blocked by insulation. Can also use the pick head of an axe then shove the handle through to move the insulation if trying to save the chain
DA can’t stand the sound any more and CALLS OUT for RELIEF. Grabs a reflective road TRIANGLE in desperation and throws it at the sound ring. Bluth SURFS in on a wave and asks what’s going on here but gets knocked off his board by a pile of INSULATION. He gets mad and pulls a PICK EHAD AXE off his back and smacks the INSULATION.
Up to the roof
Then sound again 10’ around where the hole will be cut
Crew finally gets to the roof and slides the SOUND ring where the HOLE will be CUT
Dan gets confused
Captain calls the cut. Where the cut goes. Trench or vent hole. With or against construction. Size.
Dan treats the cut like Gabe and tries to CALL the cut on his cell phone. He tells the cut he’s worried about WHERE IT GOES and who it hangs out with. His friends look like the TRENCH coat mafia. The hole says you never support me, are you WITH or AGAINST my CONSTRUCTION? Dan is exacerbated and just SIGHS. 1
Joon also gets confused
First saw needs to tell 2nd saw what we are doing
Joon takes the FIRST SAW and tell me everything that Dan just said
The tale of the Four Cuts
All vent holes have four cuts
Ready to start the cut and four horsemen appear: Nearly HEADLESS Nick, gets scared and hides INSIDE A RAFTER, but it doesn’t work so he starts ROLLING on the RAFTERS; Next is the DEADMAN who runs FURTHERST LEFT and FURTHERST RIGHT of the hole trying to confuse everyone; next is Andrew DICE Clay who is so fat he keeps falling BETWEEN the rafters who makes himself 3’ TALL to hide; finally the Fat BOTTOM girl who we tell we DON’T NEED because we have space sheathing, she starts with jokes WHERE DICE Clay ENDS
Hitting on Fat Bottom Girl
Cut till you see woodchips
Try to SCORE with the Fat Bottom Girl by offering her some WOOD CHIPS to eat. She’s easy to feel her RAFTERS, easy on the SAW, easy with a CHAIN, easy on ME
A whale surfaces
Vent hole
With construction, mirror cut, start with parallel, do headcut as a deadman, drop random dice cuts
A whale surfaces through the cut hole WITH a CONSTRUCTION worker riding it and VENTS through its blowhole. It kicks its tail and turns the DEADMAN into Nearly HEADLESS Deadman. DICE Clay pulls up a MIRROR to distract it
Mirror whale
Against construction
DA prefers this because it’s faster to expand.
Saw 1 cuts head cut, Saw 2 follows with deadman then dice cuts. Saw 1 cuts bottom cut.
Second whale surfaces with a protestor who is AGAINST CONSTRUCTION. The protester has two saws he takes the FIRST SAW and cuts the whales HEAD off. Then takes SAW 2 and tries to cut the DEADMAN but misses and hits Andrew DICE clay. Pulls SAW 1 out of the whales head and goes after the fat BOTTOM girl.
Trench cut with construction
Mirror cut. Saw 1 starts with dice cut. Find top rafter and then middle rafter. Cut inside top rafter all the way. Saw 2 mirrors exactly. Finish dice cut from middle rafter to bottom rafter and cut bottom cut inside the bottom rafter all the way. Dice cuts every 6 feet or so.
TRENCH coat mafia shows up. DICE Clay tried to START shit with them. So they take his HEAD and shove it INSIDE a RAFTER. He pulls out a full length MIRROR to watch himself do the whole cut.