Marmelade Flashcards
1-Door High
300 N
Mooses balancing on top of the door
200 W Moose jumping over Noah’s ark asking all the other moose to join him
Qince: tries to stop him
W Temple: Moose kicks him in the temple
Almond: so hard he starts puking almonds
Vine: bunch of vines ensnare him, he hase to break free
Center: so hard he hits the center of the targe
Main: and cracks the main
2-Door mid
Ardvaark whipping apricots at the moose
200W: Ardvaark trying to shoot apricots at moose, nose gets plugged because road ends
Quince: Quinton unplugs by milking it and loades with
Center: shoots almonds straight to the center of a target on the moose
Main: hits a main vein, blood everywhere
Columbus: Columbus starts dancing in the raining blood
3-Door low
400 N
Try to close the door but piles of roses which turn out to be paint like what dreams make come and smear everywhere.
400: ROSES up the
200 W: NOSE of
QUINCE. He jogs over and tries to use it to break the
CENTER target but they are too soft so road ends. He gets mad so just rips the
MAIN: and swings elbows breaking the
WALL. Water covers
COLUMBUS who is disappointed it’s not blood
4-Dresser high
500 N
Laces are holding up the love sign but they are old and worn, sign falls with a huge crash.
ARCTIC wind freezes laces causing them to break onto decorative
BALLS(tic) on the dresser. Along comes
NOAH (200N) saying save two of each ball!
QUINCE says that’s stupid so Noah runs over him with the ark, ending him. He picks up speed to hit the
CENTER of the target and smash the
MAIN but keeps going to fast and the ark splinters into a million pieces agains the
WALL and ends. Jack Sparrow the
WET CAPITAIN pieces it together as best he can and gives as a gift to
5-Dresser mid
Zane Grey sticks his head out of the drawers and takes a corner right in his bald head.
Wall: Zane rides his tricycle into a wall
W Capital: he’s crying inconsolibly, dad dresses up as Jack sparrow and dumps water on himself to cheer him up
Darwin shakes his head, this is why we don’t evelove
Columbus cuts his head off to start dancing in blood again
6-Dresser low
Girard Depardieu rushes to help but just pees on his head.
All about his huge
Swings it and breaks the
CENTER target and the
MAIN water sprays everywhere. Breaks the
WALL and now water sprays all over
WET CAPTAIN Jack Sparrow
DARWIN jumps on it like a grenade and puts an end to it
7-Shelves high
Ailida sees what he’s doing and throws roller derby disks at him to make him stop.
Endless loop of wall and cheese/rats.
8-Shelves mid
600 N
Cheese on the shelf has attracted real (not cartoon) rats.
Rats running through a maze use their
NOSES to sniff out the
CENTER target and just mass eat the whole thing; end it. They start swarming over
AILIDA who freaks out and throws them against the
WALL ending them
9-Shelves low
Clinton tries to capture the rats to train them to kill people.
Clinton uses his
NOSE to sniff cocaine off of a
WALL then gets super pumped to give a speech at the WEST CAPITAL
10-Closet high
700 N
Suitcase is the rattling case from Harry Potter.
11-Closet mid
Fern growing out of the closet and wrapping around the case handle the pulls it violently into the WALL.
12-Closet low
Lou Reed trying to play wild side while the reed is growing around him and enveloping him. The WALL it pulled the case into crashes all around him.
13-Wide dresser high
Brick wall teetering on the narrow picture shelves finally falls over.
Falls onto all of the
NOSES on the dresser. FERNS coming out and around the noses turn to ROSES as the dust settles.
14-Wide dresser mid
200 W
Breaks 100 noses poking out of the drawers to sniff what’s going on.
WALL falls on noses so
GENERAL PAXTON (1000? S) agrees to avenge them
15-Wide dresser low
Quintin flexes and takes credit punching and busting all the broken noses.
He goes for another jog and LACES MOOSES to his feet as shoes.
16-Blinds high
Pull the valance and erupts a never ending stream of almonds.
The NOSES from the dresser take the almonds and snot rocket them into
APRICOTS running away
17-Blinds mid
Slap a target on the window and punch out a hole for all the almonds to go through.
RATS start pouring thought the taget so you use VINES to try to tie it closed
18-Blinds low
That breaks a main behind the drywall under the window.
GIRARD grabs a bunch of MOOSE and tries to plug the hole
19-Window high
Wall E flying outside the window tapping the glass to get in.
COLUMBUS tries to tie Wall E down but instead of vines they throw him a
FERN and then the MOOSE just start eating the fern.
20-Window mid
West Capital
Wet capitan. Fire extinguishers from Wall E soak Captain Jack.
Clinton, Columbus and Wet Captain all in a three way circle jerk
21-Window low
Darwin grabs a finch in each hand and tries to use the flapping wings to dry Sparrow off.