POI Flashcards
LDS Hospital ER
C Street and 8th Ave
Between 7th and 9th Ave
Between C and D
The CDB guy onto a huge pile of corn cobs.
Primary Children’s Hospital
100 N Mario Capecchi Dr: Daises being served to kids in primary as carpaccio. They all think its disgusting and throw it up.
From NW: Get to S Temple: R on 1300E; L on 100 S; turns into N campus; R on Mario Capecchi
From SW: Get to 100S
From NE: NA
From SE: Get to Foothill; R on Mario Capecchi
Or 400s turns into S campus, ends at Mario Cappecci
SL Regional ER
1050 E S Temple: Smash a DISH it creates a perfect LACE to EAT a SOW
Between 1000E and 1100E; S Temple and 100S
From NW: Get to S Temple to 1000E; consider R on 900E to come N on correct side of 1000E
From SW: Get to 100S (600S, 400S) to (State, 700E) then N on 1000E
From NE: Get to S temple, S on 1000E
From SE: Sunnyside or Foothill to 1300 E; L on 100S, N on 1000E
VA Hospital
500 S Foothill: Vet takes a LAW SOW and cuts its FOOT off to defend this HILL
R on Guardsman way (1850 E)
L into parking lot
L on Valdez
Follow signs for ER
From NE Foothill to Mario Capecchi/Whalen to Valdex
From SE Sunnyside, N on Valdez
St. Marks Hospital
Mark Hamill squeezes his TIT and CHEESE comes out. The poor droid has to MOP it up. 1160 E 3900 S
3100 s exit if coming from I 15 S
Or take State to 3900 S
University ER
50 N Medical Dr
Back way: Mario Capecci, 1900 E, S Medical Dr, N Medical Dr
You hear the ER is servinge CARPACCIO and zoom in to get it; you hit a hard right to avoid a guy in the middle of the street in a TUB, he goes flying and jumps along for the ride and some food; Then there is a SOW in a MEDICAL uniform directing you to the ER
Same as Primary but stay on N Campus Dr; turns into N Medical Dr; slight right
5121 S Cottonwood St
I 15 S to 5300 S Exit
L on Intermountain Dr
I Emcee: huge MC with ridiculous gold chain standing over IMC. He sucks a LIME to be able to tap super fast. But he keeps growing and DRIVES INTO A MOUNTAIN to kill himself
1600 S Industrial
From station 600 N to I15 S to I80 W to 215 S to CA
If W and by 600 (by 11’s) just get on 215 S
If E take 80 W to 201 to 215 N
Note: Odd streets go to Industrial (1300 S/CA; 1500 S; 1700 S). Fortune road does not)
230 W 500 S
Crystal Inn
Crystal is outside the inn as host. A GNOME who is WET tries to get in hut she boots him so hard he goes flying and makes a squish sound when he lands. But a SOW with a LACE headpiece on manages to slip in.
Take 200 W S, turn on 500 S
169 E 200 S
Stratford Hotel
STAFFORD is in front of the hotel trying to TIE his SHIP to the roof of his car so he can EAT. He is finally done and eats the Hot Shots sandwich with the NOSE of a SOW.
Best to get to 200 S via 200 E
Probably S temple
176 W 600 S
Motel 6
Snoop dogg motel hotel holiday inn TIE a raccoon in a CAGE to drown in the WET pool. It floats so he stomps on it with his SHOE.
He sees the WET NOSES of the raccoons poking up trying to breath.
Addressed off 600 S but entrance is on 200 W
Take 200 W S, no median, pull onto E side of road
230 W North Temple
Seasons Apartments
Building up front and one in the back
Back buidling we have just pulled hard on the door to open
On-ramp Triangle
To access anything W of 600 W (train tracks)
Note: will most likely be addressed off 700 W
Take 400 S, right on 765 W (last street before the on ramp)
Loops back under 400 S to access Pacific Ave
Can also access from EB 400 S after the freeway entrance by going R on 765 W then L on Pacific Ave
Baracuda TRIANGLE tries to eat a COW by shaking the LEECHES of him and onto the cow. The leeches drag him into the PACIFIC ocean. Now the COW is WET (700 W)
245 N Vine
a huge NET unROLLs from the top of Trevi Towers as people try to escape
Just N of Zion summit old folks home
Easiest access might be 200N to Main to Center to Vine
Or can access from 300N
Stair access only from front door; ramp access through garage to elevator
Garage exit to the W on Almond
Another one on the E to Vine
Knox box is in the NE corner by the front door
158 N 600 W
Rendon Terrace Apartments
Old folks home
TIEd with a LOOFA the NORSE god
The SHOE of Adam WEST kicks him to his death
Sugar House Park
Liberty Park
Pamela’s Place
Can’t Turn Left On
S Temple
W Temple at 100 S
100 S
400 S
Alternate Water Draft sites
Rose Park Rule
Streets named Place run E to W
Streets name Court run N to S
Memory Grove
Gated park from N Canyon Rd
Gate at the front and then again at the turn around
N Canyon Rd goes all the way up then connects to Bonneville Blvd near the City Creak Trailhead. Goes between the Bonneville Blvd loop.
City Creek
At the crest of Bonneville Blvd
Access from B and 11th or wrong way on Bonneville from 500 N behind the capitol
City Creek Canyon Rd is just W of the trail head, paved
This seems to go way up the canyon
Trail head is blocked to traffic
Two ponds are at the trail head
Hwy 154: Gov Bangerter TYING LURES gets one through his finger
Terminal dr N: A NORSE god says it’s TERMINAL and cuts the finger off. Blood spurts everywhere and Bangerter starts screaming.
40th/38th W: ROSE MOVIE played to calm him down
140th turns W: DAISES start taking over the ROSE movie and WET the whole thing with a fire hose to kill them
420 W 600 N
Metal treatment business N of the Overpass.
Using a steel I beam to ROW an upside down NOSE boat on 600N until a huge SHOE swings down and kicks rower out.
Asher Adams
2 N 400 W
In the old Union Pacific building
Only one elevator on the S side
Can enter on either side of the main UP entrance
The West Quarter
Le Meridien hotel 131 S 300 W
Element hotel 145 S 300 W
The Charles apartments 111 S 300 W
300 S
Called W Broadway from 600 W (ends) to Main Street
Ends E at University St (past 1300 E)
641 W
N Temple
At the station put on two SHOEs made of RATs who do nothing until you get them WET with the bay hose and they run over the bridge at NORSE TEMPLE to the Citi front apartments