Venous Drainage Flashcards
Cephalic Vein
Ascends in subcutaneous tissue from lateral aspect of dorsal venous network, along lateral border of wrist and anterolateral surface of forearm and arm
Perforating veins
Communications between superficial and deep veins
Median cubital vein
passes obliquely across anterior aspect of elbow and joins basilic vein
Cephalic Vein
passes between deltoid and pectoralis major and enters clavipectoral triangle->pierces costocoracoid membrane (part of the clavipectoral fascia) and joins terminal part of axillary vein
Basilic Vein
ascends in subcutaneous tissue from medial level of dorsal venous network along medial side of forearm and inferior part of arm
Median Anterbrachial Vein
Ascends in middle aspect of forearm
Deep Veins
lie internal to deep fascia and usually occur as paired; continually interanastomosing veins that travel with and bear same name as major arteries of upper limb