VENI VIDI VICI 2 Flashcards
Femoral nerve injury presentation
- weakness in quadriceps group ( inability to extend the knee against resistance)
- sensory loss in the anterior and medial quadriceps extends to the mid shin and towards arch of foot due to saphenous nerve ( root of femoral nerve)
- decrease or absence of knee jerk
sciatic nerve injury presentation
- weakness of lower leg musculature including harmstrings.
- loss of sensation of lower leg
- knee jerk normal
- ankle jerl absent
MCC of sciatic nerve injury
trauma hip disclocation, freacture, replacement wayward buttock injection compression external sources deep seated mass in pelvis.
obturator nerve injury
weakness with adduction
sensory loss in small area of medial thigh
common peroneal nerve injury presentation
acute foot drop
wekaness in dorseiflexion and eversion
causes of bacterial enteritis- bloody stools
shigella, salmonella, campylobacter, E.coli, Yersinia
Antibiotic treatment of E. coli O157:H7 can lead to HUS
high risk patients for pancreatitis ( 5 groups)
- HF or HTN ( Thiazides, furosemide, enalapril, losartan)
- Autoimmune diseases (azathioprine, mesalamine, corticosteroids)
- chronic pain(acetaminophen, opiates, NSAIDs)
- Severe seizure disorder(VPA, CBZ)
- HIV (lamivudine, TMPX, didanosine)
diuretics that cause pancreatitis
chlorthalidone, hydrochlorothiazide, furosemide
Effects of parathyroidectomy ( 1 gland or 31/2 glands)
- Relative hypopTH- suppression of PTH by increased Ca levels in blood. Is transient and recovers in a couple od fays.
- Hungry bone syndrome: sudden PTH withdrawal causes Ca influx into the bone- causing hypocalcemia- in days 2-4 pop.
Hypocalcemia sings ( perioral cyanosis, chvosteck, trousseau, are ALWAYS BILATERALLY SYMMETRIC)
HIV triple PEP therapy
there are many combinations but tenofovir emtricitabine, raltegravir low SE profile initiate within 72 hrs and for 4 weeks.
How does botulinum toxin works
in the presynaptic NM . inhibit release of ACH in the synaptic cleft by cleaving SNARE proteins
tto of botulism
equine derived heptavalent antitoxin, only for >1 years of age.
colonic ischemia presentation
hematochezia, diarrhea, leukocytosis, lactic acidosis
CT and colonoscopy in colonic ischemia
CT: Increased wall thickness, pneumatosis, fat stranding
Endoscopy: edematous, friable mucosa, scattered pale patches
Treatment for colonic ischemia
IV fluids, bowel rest( NG tube )
Anitbiotics (cipro/levo +MTZ)
Colonic resection if necrosis develops
RF angiodysplasia of colon
Aortic stenosis
VonWillebrand disease
Organisms causing pseudomembranous colitis
C.dif and Salmonella
fat embolism presentation
triad: respiratory insufficiency + neurologic impairment + petequia
can also have fever, tachycardia, AMS
Why does petechiae occur in fat embolism
there is occlusion of the dermal capillaries by fat globules, and extravasation of the RBCs.
There is no abnormalities with platelets.
tto of fat embolism
supportive, early immobilization and operative fixation of fractures prevent more fat embolism.
which systemic disorder is associated with pseudogout?
patient with DM, with arhtralgia, now with knee pain with rhomboid shaped crystals, hepatomegaly
2nd and 3rd MCP are more commonly affected , also knees, ankles and shoulders.
Endocrine manifestations of hemochromatosis
DM, hypogonadism, hypothyroidism
Patients with hemochromatosis are susceptible to which infections
Listeria, Vibrio Vulnificus, Yersinia
treatment of hemochromatosis
serial phlebotomies- but it does not help arthropathy
- reduces risk of hepatocellular carcinoma
complications of hemochromatosis
20 fold risk of hepatocellular carcinoma
accounts for up to 45% deaths
Light criteria
- Pleural protein/serum protein > 0.5 OR
- Pleural LDH/Serum LDH >0.6 or
- Pleural LDH > 2/3 of the upper limit of normal serum
Causes of exudate
Infection (TB, pneumonia) Malignancy Connective tissue disease PE Pancreatitis Post CABG
Causes of transudate
nephrotic syndrome cirrhosis HF cONSTRICTIVE PERICARDITIS Hepatic hydrothorax
What is hepatic hydrothorax, why does it happen?
occurs in decompensated cirrhosis
pleural effusion occurs due to passage of peritoneal ascitis to the right pleura ( right sided diaphragm is thinner and more porous)
tto hepatic hydrothorax
tto:furosemide, spironolactone, Na restriction
if refractory - transjugular intraheptic portosystemic shunt placement.
is bad so start looking for liver transplant.
Pleurodesis is effective for exudative but not transudates.
transudates will recurr.
Who should undergo endoscopic screening for metaplastic changes in esophagus
chronic GERD >5 years At least 2 risk factors: > 50 male caucasian hiatal hernia obesity or increased waist circumference (>102) current or former tabacco first degree relative with Barret or gastric adenocarcinoma
RF for Barret esophagus
> 50 male caucasian hiatal hernia obesity or increased waist circumference (>102) current or former tabacco first degree relative with Barret or gastric adenocarcinoma GERD
dyspepsia vs. GERD
dyspepsia: postprandial fullness, early satiety, epigastric pain. - H.pylori
GERD: heartburn that worsens at bedtime, with coffee,
coin as foreign objects are considered low risk- nontoxic material and round. Management?
Weekly follow-up X rays.
IF no transti endoscopic removal.
When is a CT indicated in foreign body aspiration
When pt is symptomatic and the event was unwitness
or if in X rays it is not possibly to define if the object is high risk
treatment for oral candidiasis
nystatin suspension or clotrimazole troches
SE of amiodarone
photosensitivity skin discoloration LFTs Thyroid Pulmonary toxicity
Pulmonary toxicity by Amiodarone presentation
Interstitial pneumonitis MC – nonproductive cough, fever, pleuritic chest pain, fever, weight loss, dyspnea. Chest X ray with interstitial/diffuse or alveolar opacities.
can also present with
respiratory distress
and rarely, solitary pulmonary nodule.
Pulmonary toxicity by Amiodarone
removal of the amiodarone is mainstay
steroids can be used in severe cases
High risk characteristics of pulmonary nodule
large size >2 cm advanced age female active or previous smoking family or personal hx of cancer upper lobe location spiculated
organophosphates poisoning mechanism and presentation
inhibit Acetylcholinesterase - so high Ach Muscarinic effects: Diarrhea Urination Miosis Bradycardia Bronchospasm Emesis Lacrimation Salivation
Nicotinic effects:
muscle weakness, paralysis, fasciculations
CNS effects: Respiratory failure, seizure, coma
organophosphates poisoning ttto
atropine (competitive inhibitor)
pralidoxime ( regenerates achase if given early)
antimuscarinic toxicity presentation
fever dry/flushed skin dry mouth cyclopegia constipation disorientation
Elderly: acute angle closure glaucoma
urinary retention
Infants: hypertheramia
antimuscarinic toxicity antidote
H. pylori treatment
- standard
- if allergy to penicillin
- if failure after 1 course
- If no allergy to penicillin: Amoxi, Clarithromyicin + PPI for 10-14d
- If allergy to penicillin: MTZ , Clarythromycin +PPI for 10-14 days
3 If failure or high resistance to macrolide or MTZ:
- MTZ, bismuth, tetracyclin, PPI for 10-14 days.
- *Advice stoping NSAIDs while in therapy
- PPI just used during the treatment timeframe
H. pylori causes which diseases
Peptic ulcer disease
gastric cancer
MALT: Mucosa associated lymphoid tissue lymphoma
patient with treated H,pylori infection comes after a month with persistent symptoms. next step?
stool antigen testing for h. pylori
or urea breath
testing is done >=4 weeks after treatment to conform erradication
In which patients should you confirm H.pylori erradication
persistent symptoms
h.pylori associated ulcer in endoscopy
evidence of h.pylori associated malignancy (ie. malt)
polymiositis vs. PMR
polymyositis (inflammatory myopathy): PAINLESS, PROXIMAL MUSCLE WEAKNESS, elevated CK and inflammatory markers- trigger is unknown, possibly viral
difficulty climbing stairs, combing the hair, getting in or out of a car ( age >40)
PMR: Stiffness and pain rather than weakness age < 50s), fever, ESR, systemic signs and symptoms, improve with steroids
Polymyositis can also involve esophageal musculature leading to dysphagia, regurgitation, and aspiration
definitive diagnosis of polymyositis
muscle biopsy - endomysial infiltrate patchy necrosis
tto of Polymyalgia rheumatica
tto of polymyositis
corticosteroid sparing agents (methotrexate, azathioprine
Pt with polymyositis with shortness of breath, bibasilar fine crackles. Dx and next step
interstitial lung disease- do pulmonary function tests
Complications of polymyositis
Interstitial lung disease ( associated wiht Jo-1) - on CT would be likeground glass opacities, reticular changes, honeycombing pattern.
drug induced pneumonitis ( methotrexate induced)
respiratory weakness
say kyphosis and scoliosis algorithms
say it
why symptoms of lactose intolerance are higher with milk and icecream , than yogurt or cheese
milk and ice cream have higher lactose content
dx: lactose breath hydrogen test
Mono, recs for sports
3 weeks from all sports since symptom onset
4 weeks contact sports
smoking cessation at least 4 weeks prior to surgery decreases the risk of posoperative pulmonary complications
treatment for latent TB if resistance to INH
Rifampin 4 months
acute gout treatment in CKD
intra articular steroids or if multiple joints involved then oral steroid
acute gout tto
NSAIDs and colchicine
IN CKD: intra articular steroids or if multiple joints involved then oral steroid
Why does porcelain gallbladder occur?
chronic gallbladder stones and inflammation
Patients with porcelain gallbladder are at increased risk of
gallbladder cancer
prophylactic surgery if symptomatic or punctuate calcifications.
If curvilinear no increased risk, and no need for surgery
treatment of toxic megacolon (> 6cm diameter in transverse colon)
if caused by C.diff: antibiotics- IV MTZ and PR Vancomycin
If not caused by C. diff: steroids
** do not give sulfazalazine as they can precipitate attack.
treshold for transfusion in stable pts with upper GI bleeding
<7 as it is associated with less complications
treshold for transfusion in adults
< 7 if stable, and even with GI bleeding
< 8 if stable cardiovascular disease, malignancies,
Characteristics of functional abdominal pain
chronic >= 2 months
poorly localized or peri umbilical
no vomiting, diarrhea, weight loss
negative guaiac
next step: symptom diary
suspect gout, next step
uric acid level is not as sensitive because it can be normal or even low in gout.
RF for gout
volume depletion diuretics high protein or high fat increased alcohol consumption recent surgery or trauma
contraindications of NSAIDs when considering gout tto
Kidney disease anticoagulated PUD CHF NSAID sensitivity
Diverticulosis can cause hematochezia. while diverticulitis doesnt
diverticulosis - ok to do colonoscopy
diverticulitis - contraindicated to do colonoscopy due to risk of perforation
complications of GERD
Esophageal: erosive gastrtitis, Barrets, stricture
Non esophageal: asthma, laryngitis
GERD management
8 week trial of low dose PPI( Daily)
If they fail- and no risk factors: can do high dose ( BID) for other 8 weeks prior to ordering further testing
Patient with recent MI with sudden onset periumbilical pain severe and constant. Dx, next step?
acute mesenteric ischemia
CT Angiography
acute mesenteric ischemia can have elevated amylase and phosphate, in addtion to lactic acidosis and leukocytosis
one to two thirds of ADHD adolescentes will have it in adulthood
if untreated: social underachievement underemployment antisocial behavior substance use motor vehicle collisions
Stimulant therapy in ADHD does increase risk for substance abuse?
NOO! - Stimulants are the first line treatment for adolescents and school aged > 6 years .
Even if the patient has a family history of substance abuse.
However, if the patient had. PERSONAL history of substance abuse ( more than just trying some drugs) may consider non stimulants drug
clinical features of meniscal tear
small effusion
locking sensation
inability to extend
positive mcMurray test ( push medially knee and pull ankle)
management of meniscal tear
if uncomplicated can be managed with RICE Rest, Ice Compression, Elevation
Most cases are managed non operatively
Best initial approach to difficult conversations of fear to die with cancer diagnosis is open ended question
patient with HIV afraid of telling fiancee
first step is always to encourage them to tell the third parties.
physicians should always report the HIV case to the Department of Public Health, but the disclosure to third parties varies among states
contraindications for going to hospice care
even if the patient is ill enough that is not able to decide to go to hospice, family works as surrogate deciison maker.
forced sterilization is considered unethical even if patient is intellectual disable
she must decide, and if she doesnt want other contraceptive methods should be discussed instead
also is important to identify guardanship for deicision making.
patient with mild intelectual disability who is her own guardian, asking about contraceptive methods. After physician explains, she says whatever you decide Dr. Next step?
Assess Capacity- tell me your understanding about the options we just discussed
Which are the systemic ss and cervical involvement seen in RA
Systemic symptoms: fatigue, weight loss, anemia
Cervical involvement: subluxation, and cord compression
antibodies of rheumatoid arthritis
RF and anti-cyclic citrullinated peptide - associated with accelerated destruction
If negative, less severe disease
BUT RA can present with negative antibodies! So clinic suspicion is important and even if negative is OK to start methotrexate
MOA methotrexate
inhibits dihydrofolate reductase
inhibits purine synthesis and DNA
SE of Methotrexate
Hepatotoxicity, stomatitis, bone marrow suppression
Patients with RA started on Methotrexate should receive supplementation with
Folate acid
Predictors of poor outcome/worse severity in pancreatitis
Age > 55 Obesity BMI>30 Hematocrit >44 CRP >150 BUN >20
scores for pancreatitis
Ranson criteria
Bedside indext for severity of pancreatitis
Which patients can have catatonia
severely ill patients with:
bipolar disorder with psychotic features
major depression with psychotic features
medical conditions (infectious, metabolic , neuro, rheumatologic)
treatment of catatonia
BZD (especially lorazepam) and/or ECT
Lorazepam challenge (1-2 mg ) pt improve within 10-15 min. If does not respond doesnt rule out catatonia and patient may need multiple doses.
WHEN IS Dantrolene used
neuroleptic malignant syndrome
neuroleptic malignant syndrome presentation
recent exposure to antipsychotics muscle rigidity fever altered mental status autonomic instability CK and leukocytosis
cocaine in urine
only indicates recent use, the last 2-3 days
patient who comes for asthma follow-up and is in a hurry, mentions that he left his home, moved with friends, lost school, and at exam septum perforated. Next step
brief counseling intervention
Combination of psychotherapy and antidepressants is more effective than either alone in depresssion
Treatment of Tourette
Habit reversal training ( form of behavioral training)
Tetrabenazine ( dopamine depleter)
antipsychotics ( Risperidone, aripiprazole)
alfa 2 adrenergic receptor agonist (Clonidine, guanfacine)
Bordeline personality
unstable relationship, suicide attempt after finishing relationship, long standing mood instability, marked impulsivity
often have splitting– saying first best things of boyfriend and then the opposite
tto Bordeline personality
and sometimes can add antipsychotics (2nd generation-risperidone, aripiprazole) and mood stabilizers
Lithium can be used in pregnancy?
Although it causes ebstein abnormality in baby it can be used.
However if bipolar pregnant with suicidal thoughts, is better to pursue ECT - acts faster
Etiology of reactive arthritis
Gastroenteritis : Salmonella, shigella, yersinia, campylobacter, C. diff
Genitorurinary infection: Chlamydia trachomatis
extra MSK manifestations of reactive arthirits
ocular: uveitis, conjunctivitis
Genital: urethritis, cervicitis, prostatitis
skin: keratoderma blennorrhagica, circinate balanitis
oral ulcers
NAAT for chlamydia is done in URINE not from lesions
Tto of reactive arthritis
antibiotics for chlamydia or non self resolving GI tract infection
NSAIDs (naproxen, ibuprofen, indomethacine)
If NSAIDs not helpful or contraindicated may add: intraarticular steroids
or systemic steroids
patient with acute diverticulitis who is on cipro and mtz but persists with abdominal painafter a week. next step
repeat CT scan to assess for complications: abscess, obstruction, fistula, perforation
*pts usually improve with antibiotic therapy by 2-3 days
most common complication of diverticulitis
colonic abscess - require percutaneous drainage and IV antibiotics followed by elective partial colectomy several weeks later
when would be prudent make a colonoscopy in a pt with diverticulitis
6-8 weeks after resolution of ss
patients who are actively suicidal and refusing treatment should be placed in 1:1 observation and hospitalize under involuntary status
thyroglobulin and radioiodine intake in pt taking exogenous hormone
low and low
drugs that cause serotonin syndrome
SSRiS interacting with IMAO (Phenelzine)or linezolid
Intentional overdose with SSRIs
Serotonin antagonist
tto of serotonin syndrome
Discontinuation of serotonin medications
supportive care, sedation with BZDs
Can give serotonin antagonist (cyproheptadine) if tto fails.
serotonin syndrome presentation
triad of mental status changes ( Anxiety, delirium, confusion, restlessness) autonomic dysregulation (diaphroesis, hypertension, hyperthermia) neuromuscular hyperactivity( hyperreflexia, tremor, clonus)
switch from SSRI to IMAO needs how many weeks to dont cause serotonin syndrome
5 weeks
2 most common comorbidities in Tourette
excessive superficial emotionality and attention seeking. They may also have sexually provocative behavior
when do you indicate cholecystectomy in gallbladder pancreatitis
if mild disease- usually within 7 days- so in the same hospitalization
if severe disease is better to wait until inflammation has gone down, and there is resolution of complications. these patients need preoperative ERCP
first line tto for ADHD in pre-school ages
nonpharmacological therapy - parent child behavioral therapy
prior to prescribing methylphenidate the physician need to assess for
cardiac history and physical exam
- assess for sudden death in the family
- no need for routine ECG
if no significant improvement with stimulants, or report od side effects, best option is to switch to another medication.
Difference between somatic symptom disorder and illness anxiety disorder
somatic: excessive anxiety or preoccupation with >=1 unexplained symptom >=6 months
illness: fear of having a serious illness despite few or no ss, and multiple negative evaluations.
Difference between factitious disorder and malingering
factitious: intensional falsification of ss without external gain
malingering: falsification or exaggeration of ss with external gain
treatment of somatic symptom disorder
schedule regular visits with same physician
develop a patient-physician relationship
focus on functional improvement
-limit workup and unnecessary testing/referrals
lithium toxicity (5)
N/V/ diarrhea
slurred speech
therapeutic levels 0.8-1.2
toxicity >1.5
Meds that increase risk of lithium toxicity
Thiazides ( chlorthalidone)
NSAIDs (not aspirin)
- also volume depletion/renal insufficiency
Management of lithium toxicity
lithium levels every 2-4 hrs IV hydration (0.9%NS) Hemodialysis: > 4 mEq > 2.5 with ss or renal failure increasing levels despite IV fluids
Patient with depression who was started on fluoxetine comes 2 weeks after initiation of treatment. Reports feeling better but has some nausea, anxiety and insomnia. Next step in tto?
Wait and re-evaluate at the 6 month period
- pt is clinically improving
- pt has mild SE of SSRIs for which is common develop tolerance and they will go away with time*
** SSRI erectile dysfunction is the only thing that will not go away and that warrants assessing other med.
Pt with anterior knee pain, pain worse when squatting, prolonged sitting, climbing or descending stairs. Dx?
patellofemoral syndrome -
+ patellofemoral compression test : pain elicited by extending the knee while compression of patella
patellofemoral syndrome vs patellar tendonitis
patellofemoral syndrome:anterior knee pain, pain worse when squatting, prolonged sitting, climbing or descending stairs.+ patellofemoral compression test
patellar tendonitis: episodic pain and tenderness at interior patella and inferior tendon
patellofemoral syndrome tto
exercises that strenghthen quadriceps
prepatellar bursitis complication
septic bursitis by S.aureus
presetnation of anserine bursitis
medial knee pain
ss are acute/episodic
Osgood Schlatter syndrome
pain at the insertion of the patellar tendon in the anterior tibial tubercle
in children/adolescent growth spurt
localized pain at the tibial tubercle
evaluation of acute dysentery ( bloody diarrhea)
stool pathogen panel, Shiga toxin, fecal leukocytes
low leukocyte count- amebiasis
Why antibiotics are adviced for all causes of acute dysentery except for EHEC?
antibiotic therapy in EHEC has been associated with high risk of HUS
Antipsychotic extrapyramidal effects timing and tto
Acute Dystonia (4h-4d) Benztropine, dyphenydramine
Akathisia (any time) - propanolol
parkinsonism (4d-4m)- benztropine, amantadine
Tardive Dyskinesia (1-6 m) - clozapine, valbenazine
antibodies and their course in celiac disease
anti tissue transglutaminase
anti gliadin antibody
correlate with disease activity
should decline by 50% in 8 weeks and normalize in 12 weeks after gluten free diet.
beer can have gluten
woman with menopause should be encouraged to have vit D and calcium supplementation
Clozapine SE
agranulocytosis ( pts should have weekly ANC checks for 6 months and then every other week for 6 months, and then monthly) weight gain metabolic syndrome seizures pulmonary embolism myocarditis excessive salivation constipation ileus
Indications for hospitalization in anorexia nervosa
hemodynamic instability: syncope, orthostasis, BP < 80/60, HR<40, hypothermia Refeeding syndrome < 70% of expected weight, or BMI<15 Acute food refusal suicidal, psychosis
tto of anorexia
psychotehrapy and nutritional rehab
clinical manifestations of refeeding syndrome
hypophosphatemia, hypokalemia, hypoMg, low thiamine
Congestive heart failure( pulmonary edema, peripheral edema)
Wernicke Korsakoff
woman wit refeeding syndrome who has pulmonary edema as manifestation. tto?
replete electrolytes- phosphate.
no need of diuretics- would worsen electrolyte derrangement
3 types of colonic polyps
Hyperplastic - mucosal proliferation
Hamartomas - juvenile and Peutz Jeghers
Adenomas( pre-malignant)
cancerous characteristics of polyps
sessile, villous
villous> tubulovillous> tubular
patient with small rectal hyperplastic polyps, when should be the next colonoscopy?
10 years
patient with 1-2 small (<1cm) tubular adenoma, when should be the next colonoscopy?
5 years
patient with the following, when should be the next colonoscopy?
- 3-10 adenomas
- any adenoma >1cm
- adenoma with high grade dysplasia or VILLOUS
large sessile polyp or with adenoCa, next colonosocpy?
2-6 months
anual colonoscopy is indicated in which patients
familial adenomatous polyposis
First line treatment for insomnia
cognitive behavioral therapy
Postcholecystectomy diarrhea and post short bowel syndrome diarrhea -underlying mechanism and tto
bile salt induced diarrhea
Cholestyramine is a bile acid sequestrant
history of attemted suicide is the strongest risk factor for suicide.
pregnant women with gallstones but asymptomatic, next step?
reassurance, pregnant women are predisposed to gallstone formation.
- if asymptomatic no surgery
- if ss- IV fluids, pain control. If not able to control cholecystectomy in 2ND SEMESTER
What happens in developmental hip dysplasia
abnormal acetabular development
shallow hip socket and inadequate support for the femoral head.
-hip clunk, asymmetric leg creases
developmental hip dysplasia in adults that were not diagnosed
leg lenght discrepancy toe walking on affected side trendelenburg gait osteoarthritis activity related pain in the hip and groin
antiseizure medications that decrease efficacy of OCPs
phenytoin, CBZ, ethosuximide, phenobarbital,topiramate
Ovarian insufficiency can cause amenorrhea and likely presents with hypoestrogenism signs (vaginal dryness, hot flashes)
Patient that calls the office with concerns for vaginitis , pruritus, discharge, malodour. next step?
Ask her to come to clinic, diagnosis of vaginitis ALWAYS NEED WET MOUNT MICROSCOPY OR NAT.
Clues for metastatic brain tumor
multiple, well circumscribed areas ( can be enhancing lesions) with significant vasogenic edema as compared with the lesion.
- small cell lung cancer has early metastasis to brain.
presence of cremasteric reflex DOES NOT exclude testicular torsion
In testicular lesion moderate to severe always get doppler
-significant swelling and or marked pain
Testicular FNA is used to retrieve sperm in pts with male infertility but its not used for testicular evaluation of injury.
Absent cremasteric reflex
is nonspecific finding- can or not occur in testicular torsion, can occur in testicular trauma, or jsut a normal variant.
presence of cremasteric reflex does not exclude testicular torsion or trauma
Management of scrotal trauma
mild- conservatively with angalgesics, ice
moderate to severe- US to assess for testicular injury.
antenatal findings of PUV
Bilateral hydronephrosis, thickened and dilated bladder- olignohydramnios, dilation of anterior urethra
PUV can cause POTTER Sequence
So babies with PUV that in the first hours of life have transient tachypnea think about that.
PUV prsentation
besidesBilateral hydronephrosis, thickened and dilated bladder- olignohydramnios, dilation of anterior urethra
can have: recurrent UTIs, respiratory distress, POTTER sequence, WEAK URINE STREAM
What is the best dx study for posterior urethral valves?
voiding cystourethrogram - dx confirmed with dilation of proximal urethra when the catheter is removed.
Next steps after VCUG confirms PUV
Foley cath to relieve obstruction
Then cystoscopy to allow direct visualizations and ablation of the valve
tto of panic disorder
long term SSRI AND/OR cognitive behavioral therapy
Postmenopausal women need topical estrogen for vaginal dryness. SSRIs for postmenopausal ss wont help that
assess particularly in the woman who complains about their sexual life.
nightmares vs night terrors
nightmares: REM disorder, second half of the night. Will recall dream and have complete awakenings
night terrors: non REM disorder, first half of the night, crying incosolably
prognosis and tto of night terrors
resolve in 1-2 years
tto is reassurance , unless there is high frequency in episodes or impairment of day function- low dose BZD
MOA Tamoxifen and Raloxifen
SERS - Selective Estrogen receptor modulators
- competitive inhibitor of estrogen binding
mixed agonist/antagonist options
Indications of Tamoxifen /Raloxifen
tamoxifen: adjuvant tto in breast Ca
raloxifen: postmenopausal osteoporosis
SE Tamoxifen /Raloxifen
Hot flashes, DVT
Tamoxifen only: endometrial hyperplasia and Ca
How to monitor for side effects of tamoxifen
thinking of endometrial hyperplasia, only if ss develop endometrial US or biopsy would be useful. Otherwise NOT!
Woman who wants a bariatric surgery and then get pregnant, recommendation?
bariatric surgery and space pregancy for a year.
Stabilize nutritional status prior to pregnancy.
If during year of bariatric surgery can have bad outcomes in fetus (neural tube deffects due to poor folate)
After the year risks of fetus are same than general population
appendicitis can present with fever
Pregnant women have atypical presentations of appendicitis
True- displacement of appendix by uterus
May not present with peritoneal signs or McBurney point
imaging of choice for dx appendicitis in pregnancy
-when results are unconclusive-MRI
complication of appendicitis/diverticulitis
pyeliphlebitis- infective suppurative portal vein thrombosis (portal vein drains all the abdomen)
Pain management of opioid dependent pt who is victim of MVA
Obtain consent, discuss risks,
prescribe opioids- given tolerance this may be higher doses than usual for pain
Dx of acute hemolytic transfusion reaction
positive direct coombs test
pink plasma
repeated cross match showing mismatch.
- flank pain, hemoglobinuria, DIC
Complications of breast implants
capsular contracutre (pain) distortion of shape implant deflation or rupture
Silicone breast implants DO NOT CAUSE autoimmune, rheumatologic, or neuro complications
Mammograms in women with breast implant
same as non-breast implant
50 to 54 years should get mammograms every year.
55 years and older every 2 years, or have the choice to continue yearly screening.
In addition breast mplant: every 2-3 years MRI to assess for asymptomatic breakdown
Presentation Henoch schonlein
palpable purpura
abdominal pain/intussusseption
renal disease
labs Henoch schonlein
Normal coagulation/plts.
Normal to increased creatinine
Hematuria, RBCs, Protein
tto Henoch schonlein
In severe cases: steroids
Hypothyroidism can produce hypoNa
Evaluation of hyponatremia algorithm
say it
postpartum thyroiditis presentation
brief thyrotoxic, then hypothyroid and then eu.
Meds that interfere with folate metabolism leading to macrocytic anemia
MTX, TMP, phenyotin
always that you guve mtx supplement with
Folinic acid (Leucovorin)
How does BZD withdrawal present?
Elderly that has been on BZDs, discontinued due to fall or other SE
Then presents with confusion, restlessness, hallucinations, psychosis, AUTONOMIC INSTABILITY
TTO BZD- and then taper off.
tto of keloids
intralesional glucocorticosteroids
but 30% recur
patient on ACEi who develops edema, next step
stop ACE and give ARB
first line tto for UTI in pregnancy
Nitrofurantoin for 5-7 days
Cephalexin 3-7 days
Amoxi-clavulanate 3-7
Fosfopmycin single dose
**always repeat urine culture and analysis after a week to assure for cure
tto of acute pyelo during pregnancy
complete course of antibitoics, then prophylactic dose durng and 6 weeks after birth to prevent recurrence
first line tto for UTI in non pregnancy
Why TMP SMX cannot be used in pregnancy
1st trim: neural tube defects
3rd : kernicterus
test for scabies
skin scrapings for exam under light microscopy –reveal mites, ova, and feces
tto scabies
5% permethrin cream
oral ivermectine also alternative
pt GBS positive in first trimester. next step?
treat with amoxi now, and then penicillin prophylaxis at labor
Indications of GBS prophylaxis in labor
GBS bacteriuria or UTI in current pregnancy(regardless of tto)
GBS positive rectovaginal culture during pregnancy
Unknown GBS status PLUS one of the following:
a. < 37w
b. Intrapartum fever
c. ROM> 18
Prior infant with early onset GBS infection
hypokalemia from loop diuretics can cause ILEUS
POTTER sequence
P: pulmonary hypoplasia. O: oligohydramnios. T: twisted skin (wrinkly skin) T: twisted face (Potter facies: low set ears, retrognathia, hypertelorism)
Diversion of medication
transferring medication that was prescribed to you, to another individual
Misuse of medication
using higher doses to achieve euphoric effects, mixing with other drugs.
SE of stimulants
weight loss, decreased appetite, dry mouth, irritability
Why do patients take St.Johns wort?
depression, insomnia
SE/Risks of St. Johns wort
- Interaction with drugs ( decreased efficacy of OCPS)nticoagulants,
- Can cause serotoninergic syndrome (SO SSRIs + St Johns wort is contraindicated)
-In depression the results are inconsistent-European study show that it may work for mild to moderate depression.
When to administer anti D immunoglobulin
RH - moms, Rh + infant
at 28 weeks and < 72 hours postpartum
Generally 300 micrograms
What is the dose of anti D immunoglobulin ? how to calculate
standard dose is 300 micrograms
If fetomaternal hemorrhage it has to be adjusted.
1st rosette test to assess presence of fetomaternal hemorrhage
If positive, then Kleihaure Betke to calculate the increase in dose based onpercentage of the RBCs in the maternal circulation
- so if a mom received immunoglobulin and has low titersfrom previous pregnancy is because the dose was wrong after birth.
When is early prophylaxis with anti D immunoglobulin indicated
If there is hemorrhage , vaginal bleeding or trauma < 28 weeks.
psedofolliculitis barbae tto
pic, is painful
- stop shaving
Complications of psedofolliculitis barbae
secondary bacterial infection
keloid formation
Role of vit E in alzheimer
It does NOT prevent it- nothing prevents it
But there has been some benefit in slowing progression in mild to moderate AD
Clinical presentation of Duchennes muscular dystrophy
2-3 years old Proximal muscle weakness (Gower sign,calf psudohypertrophy) hyporeflexia achilles waddling gait Dilated cardiomyopathy Scoliosis
Diagnosis of Duchenne’s
High CK level
Genetic test: dystrophin deletion on X gene
Muscle biopsy: fat, fibrosis, muscle degeneration
tto of Duchennes
Prognosis of duchenne
Wheel chair dependence by adolescence
Death at age 20-30 from heart or respiratory failure
Characteristics of fibroadenoma
unilateral, rubbery, mobila
outer quadrant
hormonal fluctuation
The most common adverse events in non surgical and surgical patients
surgical- related to surgery ( wound infection, bleeding, DVT)
non-surgical: adverse drug reactions
2nd most common cause for both is hospital acquired infections.
Why do patients with PCOS have anovulation and infertility
chronically elavated estrogen due to peripheral conversion from androgens to estrone in adipose tissue , which contributes to anovulation and infertility
womam with PCOS and infertility , next step
weight loss
letrozole (aromatase inhibitor) for ovulation induction
tto for stress urinary incontinence
lifestyle modifications pelvic floor exercises pessary sometimes SSRIs surgery
tto for urgency urinary incontinence
lifestyle modifications
timed voids (every 3-4 hours) and bladder training
antimuscarinic ( OXYBUTININ)
tto for overflow urinary incontinence
intermittent cath
location of lichen planus lesions
Flexural areas (wrists) - very itchy oral (Wickham striae) genital area (glans of penis,vulvar area)
Dx of lichen planus
skin biopsy
tto of lichen planus
antihistamines, steroids
lichen planus is associated with which condition
triad of mixed cryoglobulinemia syndrome
palpable purpura
weakness - peripheral neuropathy also frequent
Mixed cryoglobulinemia is associated with which condition
Hep C (MCC)
BUT can also be seen in Hep B, HIV, rheumatologic diseases
labs in mixed cryoglobulinemia
elevated RF
and high serum cryoglobulins
In which disease do you see antiglomerular basal membrane antibodies
Good pasteur
tto of mixed cryoglobulinemia
two parts:
- initial immunosuppresive therapy- targers glomerulonephritis- rituximab and steroids
- treat underlying cause- antivirals for Hep c
risk factors for abruptio placenta
abdominal trauma, hypertension, cocaine, tobacco use
Pt with abnormal Newborn screen with hypothyroidism
start immediately hormone replacement to prevent developmental delay if not started within 2 weeks
order us of thyroid and refer to endocrine
presentation of congenital hypothyroidism
at birth normal
age <1 month: jaundice, poor feeding, hypothermia
age 1-4 m: FTT, constipation
If a patient is diagnosed with Turner, next step
Echocardiogram- coarctation of aorta, bicuspid valve, hypoplastic heart, MVP
renal US
presentation of uterine rupture while in labor
loss of fetal station
fetal parts in abdomen
loss of intrauterine pressure( seen in the contractions)
RF for uterine rupture
previous C section, myomectomy,advanced maternal age, fetal macrosomia, interpregnancy interval < 18 months.
tto uterine rupture
emergent laparotomy
treatment of mild to moderate plaque psoriasis
HIGH potency topical steroids( fluocinonide, augmented bethametasone)
ORAL STEROIDS are not recommended because risk of developing pustular psoriasis
Low potency steroids ( hydrocortisone) only for face or intertriginous areas
treatment of severe plaque psoriasis
methotrexate or phototherapy
ORAL STEROIDS are not recommended because risk of developing pustular psoriasis
guttate psoriasis tto
observation ( no tto)
Patient who had resection of medullary cancer , and after 6 months still has elevated calcitonin. Next step?
CT neck and chest to evaluate metastasis
- parafollicular cells do not store iodine so iodine scan not useful.
- US bad to pick up metastasis
turtle sign
retraction of the fetal head into the peritoneum once outside due to shoulder dystocia
tto of shulder dystocia
BECALM Breath and push Elevate and flex legs to abdomen ( McRoberts) Call for help Apply pressure in suprapubic area EnLarge - episitomy Manuevers - deliver the posterior arm -rotate the posterior shoulder ( Woods screw) -Adduct posterior fetal shoulder(Rubin) Mother in 4 (Gaskin) Replace fetal head into pelvis for cesarean delivery (Zavanelli)
RF for shoulder dystocia
prior shoulder dystocia macrosomy DM Maternal obesity post term pregnancy Operative vaginal delivery
Physicians attending conferences cannot accept subsides from pharmaceuticals on travel, lodging, or other personal expenses.
While physicians presenting can, but not medical slides and full disclosure is needed .
prognosis of alopecia areata
hair can grow eventually, but there is high risk of recurrence despite successful treatment Particularly in patients: - longer duration of disease -onset in prepuberty -more extensive disease
cause of alopecia areata
exact mechanism is unknown
is alopecia areata associated with lymphoma?
Is associated with some autoimmune diseases- vitiligo, pernicious anemia, thyroid disease
tto of alopecia areata
topical or intralesional corticosteroids
Complications of systemic sclerosis
lungs: interstitial lung disease, pulmonary arterial HTN
renal: HTN, Microangiopathic hemolytic anemia
Heart: heart fibrosis, pericarditis, pericardial effusion
pelvic pain exacerbation with bowel movement, rectovaginal nodularity, ovarian mass
why there is infertility in endometriosis
pelvic adhesions and inflammations
tto: surgical resection or in vitro fertilization
first line management for uterine atony
massage and oxytocin
Victim of MVA who says that he doesnt want for him and his daughter blood transfusion given Religion, next step
- For the dad: try to do everything possible without blood transfusion
- For kid: transfuse if needed, independent of parent wishes
pruritus in pregnant , differential
pregnancy induced skin changes- due to hormonal changes, its focal. +/- transaminitis, normal bile.
intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy- generalized pruritus, involves hands and foot. elevated bile and transaminases. Can lead to fetal demise, so delivery by 37. tto ursodeoxycholic acid, antihistamines
dx of pemphigus gestationis
skin biopsy
tto of pemphigus gestationis
topical high potency steroids- triamcinolone
anti histamines
if unresponsive systemic steroids and less common immunosuppresants cyclosporin, azathioprine
Patient with lupus + glomerulonoephritis, next step?
US guided renal biopsy to classify it
there are 6 categories
Type I and II: nothing
Type III and IV: immunosupression with steroids (MP), and mycophenolate or cyclophosphamide
Type V: immunosuppression only if proliferative lesions
Type VI: no benefit of immunossupresion
How can you monitor active renal involvement and progression in lupus
Anti dSDNA and complement levels(low)
lupus nephritis is a immune complex glomerular injury. Immune complexes mainly of Anti dsDNA and they deposit in different parts of the kidney
immune complex deposition lead to complement fixation- so circulating complement is low
lack of menses in < 15 years is normal if there are secondary characteristics ( breast developed)
when doese thelarche and menarch occur
telarche 8-12
menses 2-2.5 years after
Causes of delayed puberty
Primary hypogonadism: Klinefelter
Constitutional, chronic illness, malnutrition
Hypothyroidism, Kallman Sx, Craniopharyngioma
Initial workup of delayed puberty
FSH, LH, Prolactin , testosterone, TSH
treatment of primary dysmenorrhea (pain with menses)
NSAIDs e.g,Naproxen -in non sexually active
then OCPs
treatment of immune thrombocytopenia
if asymptomatic nothing
if bleeding ( even if its just mucosa), or platelet count
30,000 give IVIG
Best contraceptive method for PCOS
patient with worsened acne, mood changes, and increased hirsutism, erythropoyesis ( elevated Hb and Hcto) that also goes to the gym
anabolic use
SE of anabolic steroids
Mood changes, increased agressiveness worsening acne hirsutism men: decreased testicular size, sperm count, gynecomastia women eating disorder, bilateral temporal hair loss, ERYTHROPOYESIS hepatic dysfunction ovarian dysfunction decreased HDL
Dx of cyclothymic disorder
2 years of hypomania and depressive ss
Streptococcus treatment
10 days of penicillin
if not able to tolerate oral: a single dose of IM Penicillin
If allergic to penixillin - 5 days of azithro
Strongest risk factor for PID
Multiple sexual partners
- Prior PID
- Inconsistent condom use
- Partner with sexually transmitted infection
tto of PID
Inpatient and outpatient: Ceftriaxone plus Doxycycline
treatment of hepatic encephalopathy
lactulose, if it doesnt work in 48 hrs can change to Rituximab.
its often triggered by hypokalemia and metabolic acidosis so if the patient already has lactulose treat electrolyte imbalance
new onset psychosis in a patient, next step
first assess if this is substance related
and medical causes
rupture ectopic pregnancy, next step
emergency laparoscopy
ectopic pregnancy and hemodynamically stable, next step
iF B-HCG< 1500: repeat BHCG in 2 days
If bHCG > 1500: Repeat BHCH and transvaginal US in 2 days
patient that presents with renal colic and has history of opioid/NSAIDS use. Dx
analgesic nepropahty - papillary necrosis
Penicillin is indicated as prophylaxis in women < 37 weeks if unknown status
Corticosteroids < 37 weeks ( or < 34 in DM)
Magnesium < 32
tto of acute bacterial prostatitis
TMP/SMX or Cipro
And empty bladder - often have urinary retention
anterior uveitis ( iritis) presentation
red eye pain variable visual loss photophobia PLUS INCREASED INTRAOCULAR PRESSURE
Suspect testicular cancer, next step?
presenting with enlarged testicle, hard, no translumination
bilateral US of testicle
If solid lesion- order AFP, BhCG
and CT chest , chest Xray to stage
**dont biopsy due to risk of lymphatic spread and recurrence
tto testicular cancer
radical orchiectomy plus chemotherapy is often curative
5 year survival 95%
varicocele does NOT transluminate
management of subchorionic hematoma
expectant +/- serial US
it will be described as crescent hypoechoic lesion adjacent to gestational sac
Indications of Kleihauer Betke test
hemorrhage at delivery,
maternal trauma
first trimester bleeding
complications of subchorionic hematoma
spontaneous abortion abruptio placenta preterm delivery PPROM fetal growth restriction Intrauterine fetal demise
patient with cryptoorchidism , next step
referral to surgery is indicated by 6 months( corrected for gestation) - no role of imaging.
Early orchiopexy by 1 year optimizes fertility, testicular growth and decreases risk of testicular torsion
risk of testicular cancer is decreased but not eliminated
patient with cryptoorchidism , next step
referral to surgery is indicated by 6 months( corrected for gestation)
Early orchiopexy by 1 year optimizes fertility, testicular growth and decreases risk of testicular torsion
risk of testicular cancer is decreased but not eliminated
patient with painless hematochezia( 2 episodes) and history of diverticulosis and internal hemorrhoids. cause of hematochezia
arterial erosion due to mucosal outcropping
diverticulosis: outpouching in the weakest point, where vasa recta penetrate- so these are exposed. LARGE AMOUNT OF BLOOD
hemorrhoids- SMALL amount of blood that covers the stool, and mucous, perianal itching, and mild fecal leakage.
tto of colonic diverticulosis bleeding
if slef-limiting: fluids, and transfusion of products as needed
if persistent: colonoscopy for cauterization or angiographic embolization
RF and presentation of photoaging
UV lights, cirgarrete, genetics
deep wrinkles leathery skin variable pigmentation of skin telangiectasias brown spots ACTINIC KERATOSIS
RF and presentation of photoaging
UV lights, cirgarrete, genetics
deep wrinkles leathery skin variable pigmentation of skin telangiectasias brown spots
What is erythrasma and what is the cause
infection of skin that occurs in intertriginous areas
Red patches
Corynebacterium minutissimum
Wood lamps: coral red/pink fluorescence
tto of photoaging
- all trans retinoic acid
decreases wrinkles, mottled hyperpigmentation and roughness of facial skin
reduces actinic keratosis
who qualifies for home health care services
it has to meet criteria for “homebound”
- use of supportive device ( crutch, can, wheelchair, walker)
- ability to leave home only with assistance
- medical contraindication to leave home
non-skilled care such as bathing, grooming- if person is not able to do ADLs
skilled-medication adherence, OT, PT , wound care
who qualifies for home health care services
it has to meet criteria for “homebound”
- use of supportive device ( crutch, can, wheelchair, walker)
- ability to leave home only with assistance
- medical contraindication to leave home
Patient on warfarin with intracranial hemorrhage who needs reversal of warfarin. What are the options?
Warfarin reversal
- Prothrombin complex concentrates: contains vit K dependent factors and reverses warfarin < 10 minutes
- Vit K: takes 12-24 hrs, but maintains reversal. It does not come with clotting factors so these are replaced concomitantly
Patient on warfarin with intracranial hemorrhage who needs reversal of warfarin. What are the options?
Warfarin reversal
- Prothrombin complex concentrates: contains vit K dependent factors and reverses warfarin < 10 minutes
- Vit K : takes 12-24 hrs, but maintains reversal. It does not come with clotting factors so these are replaced concomittantly
reversal of dabigatran
idarucizumab, a monoclonal antibody
indicaitions and SE of ephedra
weight loss
SE:cardiovascular risk HTN, MI , Stroke
Normal Weber and Rinne tests findings
Rinne: AC>BC in both ears
Weber : midline
Weber and Rinne tests findings in conductive hearing loss
Rinne: BC>AC in affected ear, AC>BC in UNaffected ear
Weber: lateralizes to AFFECTED ear
Weber and Rinne tests findings in sensorineural hearing loss
Rinne: AC>BC in both ears
Weber: lateralizes to UNAFFECTED ear
Weber and Rinne tests findings in mixed hearing loss
Rinne: BC>AC in affected ear, AC>BC in UNaffected ear
Weber: lateralizes to UNAFFECTED ear
patient with sudden sensorineural hearing loss, no PE findings. Next step
Urgent referral to ENT
MRI and formal audiogram
likely plus steroids!-ideally within 24 hrs
causes: may include viral infection, microvascular events, autoimmune process, tumor
When do you use aural irrigation( ear)
to remove cerumen
Labs in SIADH
Serum osmolality <275 (hypotonic)
Urine osmolality >100
Urine Na > 40
tto fo SIADH
fluid restrictuon+/- salt tablets
hypertonic saline for severe hyponatremia
Stimuli for SIADH
Osmotic: if serum osmolarity> 185
Non osmotic:
Nausea, pain, physical emotional stress, hypotension, hypovolemia, hypoglycemia
seen in POP
siadh can be caused after surgery
due to nausea, pain, hypovolemia
those are stimuli for ADH secretion
pregnancy, painless vaginal bleeding after 20 weeks
placenta previa
RF for placenta previa
prior placenta previa
multiple gestations
prior cesarea
RF for placenta previa
prior placenta previa
multiple gestations
prior cesarea
placenta previa is an absolute contraindication for vaginal delivery, needs cesarea
bleeding can cause fibronectin test a false positive
and is indicated only in < 34 weeks to assess for preterm delivery
presentation of amniotic fluid embolism
hypoxia, hypotension, DIC ,coma or seizures
during labor or immediately postpartum
RF: Cesarea, placenta previa, abruptio placenta
tto of amniotic fluid embolism