Veins Flashcards
What drains into the superior sagittal sinus?
receives CSF from arachnoid villi and venous fluid from cerebral veins
What does the inferior sagittal sinus receive blood to and where does it go?
located over corpus callous
becomes straight sinus
joins the superior sagittal sinus at confluence os sinus
What forms the confluence of sinuses and what does it drain into?
superior sagittal and straight sinus become confluence of sinuses
becomes transverse sinus (2), sigmoid sinus (2), internal jugular vein
Where does the facial vein drain into?
internal jugular vein
- can go through retromandibular vein to drain into external
Where does the superficial temporal and maxillary vein drain into?
external jugular
- can go through retromandibular to drain into internal jugular
Where does the occipital vein drain into
external jugular vein ONLY
Which brachiocephalic vein is longer?
L brachiocephalic vein - has to go to the R atria
From medial to lateral, what are the veins coming off of the brachiocephalic vein?
internal jugular
external jugular
becomes right subclavian
What are the deep veins of the arm
Brachial vein becomes ulnar and radial vein
like arteries:
- radial vein becomes deep palmar arch
- ulnar vein becomes superficial palmar arch and digital veins
What are the superficial veins of the arm? Where do they drain to, and what do they drain?
cephalic vein - enters the axillary vein at clavicle
- drains dorsal arch, back of hand
median anti brachial - palm of hand
basilica vein - enters brachial vein at teres major
- drains little finger side
Describe the H pattern of the superficial veins of the arm
contains MEDIAN CUBITAL: connects the cephalic to the basillic vein
median anti brachial branches to median cubital and basilic
Describe the Y pattern of the superficial veins of the arm
median anti brachial branches into
- median cephalic
- median basillic
contains NO median cubital
Where do the internal thoracic veins drain into? What drains into the internal thoracic?
brachiocephalic - then goes into superior vena cava
- anterior intercostals drain into internal thoracic
Where is the azygous vein located? What does it receive blood from? Where does it drain into?
Right posterior part of chest cavity
- receives blood from R posterior intercostals, hemiazygous vein
drains into Superior vena cava
Where is the hemiazygous vein located? Where does it drain into?
Left posterior side of chest cavity
receives blood from L posterior intercostals
crosses behind the heart to empty into azygous
What are the three structures that drain into the superior vena cava?
L and R brachiocephalic trunks
azygous vein
What does the popliteal vein receive blood from?
genicular, posterior/anterior tibial veins, small saphenous (lateral)
What drains into the posterior tibial vein?
fibular vein, median plantar vain, lateral plantar vein
What is the longest vein in the body? Where does it drain into?
great saphenous vein
superficial, medial
- starts at foot, enters femoral vein right before it becomes external iliac
Describe internal and external hemorrhoids. What causes them?
internal - 2 inches from opening of anal canal
- caused by varicosity of middle rectal vein
external hemorrhoids - varicosity of external rectal veins
- constipation
What does the inferior vena cava receive blood from below the diaphragm?
lumbar veins
R gonadal ONLY (L goes into renal first)
renal veins
adrenal veins
inferior phrenic
NO vessel drains into inferior VC above the diaphragm
What does the hepatic portal system receive blood from?
L gastric vein (stomach)
superior mesenteric
inferior mesenteric: L Colic and superior rectal)
splenic vein
goes into liver and forms cap bed 2 - absorbs nutrients before sending blood back to heart via hepatic vein
Where does fetal circulation pick up blood?
Describe the ductus arterioles and the ductus venosus.
Ductus arteriosis - L pulmonary artery - last chance for oxygenated blood from umbilical vein to not go to lungs
- bypass lungs and go straight to aorta
- becomes ligament postnatally
Ductus venosus - oxygenated blood from umbilical cord bypasses the liver tissue - goes to the inferior vena cava
- becomes ligament postnatally
Why is the foramen ovale important for fetal circulation?
oxygenated blood comes from the placenta/umbillical vein, not the lungs
- need blood to mix so between the atrial septum so that oxygenated blood circulates
What is the ligamentum teres and the medial umbilical ligament?
Ligamentum teres - single umbilical vein from belly button to liver
umbilical arteries become medial umbilical ligament
What are the following structures in a fetus when the baby is postnatal:
umbilical artery
umbilical vein
ductus venosus
foramen ovale
ductus arteriosus
umbilical artery - medial umbilical ligament
umbilical vein - ligamentum teres
ductus venosus - ligamentum venosum
foramen ovale - fossa ovalis
ductus arteriosus - ligamentum arteriosum