Male Reproductive System - LAB Flashcards
Identify these structures. What are their basic function?
A. Seminal Vesicle - secrete fluid during emission what forms most of the volume in semen
B. Vas deferens - major male duct, transports mature sperm from epididymus to the urethra
C. Prostate gland - produces prostatic secretions into semen
Identify these structures. What is the purpose of C?
A. Prostatic urethra
B. Membranous urethra
C. Bulbourethral (Cowper’s) gland - secretes mucous secretions into the membranous urethra that neutralize urine and lubricate penis
D. Ejaculatory duct
What are these structures? What passes through them?
A. Deep inguinal ring - internal inguinal orifice
B. Superficial inguinal ring - external inguinal orifice
Spermaticord passes through the inguinal canal
- contains vas deferens, branches of testicular vein, femoral nerve and testicular artery
Identify these structures. What are they made of/what are their functions?
A. Testicular artery
B. External spermatic fascia - derived from epimysium of external abdominal oblique
C. Cremaster muscle - derived from skeletal muscle from internal abd oblique
- innervated by genitofemoral nerves
D. Tunica vaginalis - peritoneal sac
E. Genitofemoral nerve - general somatic efferent nerve
F. Vas deferens
G. Pampiform plexus - branches of testicular vein that decrease temperature
Identify these structures. What are their basic functions?
A. Dartos - smooth muscle that wrinkles scrotum when cold
B. External spermatic fascia - supports inguinal canal and scrotum, made from fascia of ext abdominal oblique
C. Cremaster muscle - derives from skeletal muscle fibers of internal abdominal oblique
D. Internal spermatic fascia - derived from transversals fascia at deep ring
E. tunica vaginalis - peritoneal sac found anterior to testes
G. Skin
Identify these structures. What is the order of flow for sperm?
A. Seminiferous tubule
B. straight tubule
C. rete testes
D. efferent ductule - not embryonically part of testes
E. tail of epididymis
F. body of epididymis
G. head of epididymus
A - B - C - D - G - F - E
Identify these structures
A. Crus of penis
B. Bulb of penis
C. Corpora cavernous
D. Corpora spongiosum
E. Glans penis
Identify these structures.
A. dorsal nerve
B. Dorsal artery
C. Dorsal vein
Identify these structures
A. Pelvic splanchnic nerve - parasympathetic
B. Pudendal nerve - sensory
C. Cavernous nerve - postganglionic
Identify these structures
A. ischiocavernosus muscle
B. bulbospongiosus muscle
C. pudendal nerve
What are these structures? Label the chromosomal pattern at each step. What is the chromosomal pattern for the step between B and C?
A. spermatogonium 2N
B. primary spermatocyte 2(2N)
C. Spermatid (n)
D. Sertoli cell 2N
secondary spermatocyte 2(N)
Identify these structures. What does A do?
A. Interstitial cell - secretes testosterone when stimulated by LH
B. spermatogonium
C. Primary spermatocyte
D. sertoli cells
Identify these structures
A. Section of testes with seminiferous tubules and interstitial cells
B. Epididymus - high amounts of CT
- microvilli along lumen
- spermatozoa free in lumen
What is this structure?
What is this structure? What is the epithelium in the lumen? What are the three layers of smooth muscle?
vas deferens
pseudostratified columnar with stereo cilia
3 layers: inner circular, middle longitudinal, outer circular
What is this structure? How can you tell what it is versus the female structure?
seminal vesicles
have maze-like structure with no way out
brown secretions
What is this structure? What does it secrete?
Prostate gland
secretes zinc, clotting enzymes, prostate specific antigen, seminalplasmin, spermine. fertilization promotion protein
What is this structure? How can you differentiate from other histology slides?
prostate gland
- clear cytoplasm vs seminal vesicle
- much more CT than seminal vesicle
What is this structure?
urethra - can tell by transitional epithelium
What is this structure? What is the lighter tissue? The darker tissue?
corpora cavernosa
corpora spongiosum
- contains spongy urethra
What is this structure? What does it secrete?
cowper’s (bulbourethral) gland - secretions neutralize urine and lubricate penis