Vehicle and Traffic Law/Traffic Stops and Traffic Enforcement/Direction and Control (Test 4) Flashcards
What is the role of law enforcement officers in traffic enforcement
Enforcing traffic laws, controlling traffic, Investigate crashes, prepare accurate and complete reports
Selective enforcement
V&T enforcement directed to a specific time and place of high traffic incident frequency and types of violations occurring
(Watching out for a specific type of infraction in a time and place where it happens a lot)
Three major subgroups within the vehicle and traffic law enforcement system
Law enforcement agencies
T/F Every vehicle used by police is an emergency vehicle, including bicycles
T/F Fire Trucks returning from a fire are emergency vehicles
T/F In New York State, driving is a privilege granted by the government, not a right
VTL §509
License violations
Producing an invalid (fake) license is a ____________ offense
VTL §1229
Seatbelt violations
Accident report form
VTL §511
Aggravated Unlicensed Operation
VTL §1180
VTL §1192
The standing of a vehicle (occupied or not) for the purpose of loading or unloading merchandise and/or passengers
Stopping a vehicle for the purpose of loading or unloading passengers
Police Officer
All police officers as defined in penal law (§1.20) and every designated peace officer when performing their duties
What are the objectives of traffic enforcement
Deter violators and potential violators
Increase level of voluntary compliance with traffic laws
Different types of vehicle stops
Traffic or criminal offense
Felony/high risk
What is the proper position for a patrol vehicle during a traffic stop
Approximately fifteen feet behind stopped vehicle
Approximately three feet offset to the left of stopped vehicle
What are the advantages of having a traffic violator step out of the vehicle
Eliminates hazardous element of approach
Violator can be constantly observed
Violator can be placed between additional occupants of vehicle and officer to allow all to be observed at once and decrease likelihood of assault
How many digits are there in a client ID number
Why are vehicle inventories conducted
To protect officer allegations of theft
Protect the property of the accused
Protect agency from false claims valuables were stolen