Observation and Patrol & Nature and Control of Civil Disorder Flashcards
What are the Advantages of Foot Patrol
Close contact and exchange of information with the community
Accessibility to community
Can move around easily in large crowds and congested areas
Can inspect areas more closely
What are the Disadvantages of Foot Patrol
Lack of mobility
Ability to observe is limited
Lack of transportation if an arrest is made
What are the advantages of motorized patrol
Wider coverage
More incidents can be handled
Vehicle serves primarily as a means of transportation and communication
Allows for Timely Response
Allows for Carrying of Special Equipment
More Conspicuous in a large area
Vehicle offers protection
Allows transportation of prisoners and partner
What are the disadvantages of motorized patrol?
Lack of direct contact with the public
Equipment expenses
What are the three parts of a complete observations
Receiving Stimulus
Being aware of stimulus
Responding to stimulus
What are the factors that affect perception
Past experiences
Mental condition
Emotional involvement
Physical condition
Cultural and ethnic background
What are the steps for preparation for duty
Proper uniform and equipment
Gather information through reports and briefing
Gathering of required reports
Obtaining and checking equipment
What are some factors to consider before approaching a pedestrian while on patrol?
Subject’s appearance
Subject’s reactions
Prior personal knowledge of the subject
Area of stop
Time of day
Purpose of stop
Reliability and completeness of information received
What are the names of some prominent activist groups
Black Lives Matter (BLM)
Black Bloc
Occupy Wall Street
White Student Union
The first amendment guarantees
Right to free speech
Right of religious practice
Right to PEACEFULLY assemble
Right to peacefully protest
What is Anarchy
A state of disorder in the absence of government
T/F A police officer’s presence is enough to stop an assembly from turning violent
Riot in the First Degree
Penal Law 240.05
10 or more people
Riot in the Second Degree
Penal Law 240.08
Four or more people
Inciting a riot
Penal law 240.10
Criminal anarchy
Penal Law 240.15
Disorderly conduct
Penal Law 240.20
What are an officer’s main roles during a crowd control situation
Protecting the constitutional rights of all parties
Protection of life and property
What are the phases of an assembly turning into a riot
Grouping phase
Interaction phase
Volume phase
Mimicking phase
Riot Phase
What are the types of crowd?
Reluctantly responsive
Passive non-violent
Actively resistant
Violent - Riotous
What are the main factors to consider when handling crowd control
Legal rights to assemble
Right of the public to carry on business
Tactical ability of officers at time
Emotional complexion of group
What are the two types of crowd control
Fixed (open areas and buildings
Mobile (small splinter groups)
What are some possible consequences of stopping pedestrians without making a proper determation of the circumstances
Unnecessary confrontations
Improper detentions
Unsuccessful prosecutions
Civil litigations
Personnel complaints
Damages to department/community relations
Injury to officer
T/F officers must announce their intent to use OC spray
What are the four principals of riot control
Incident planning
What are the steps of incident planning
Determine the number of participants and psychology/emotional makeup of the group (Figure out who will be there and why)
Assess and allocate deployment of equipment and personell (decide where to send officers and with what equipment)
Assign specific tasks