Vault Flashcards
What is the level 1 vault?
Strech jump onto a raised mat surface and the then hs fall to straight line position on the back
What is the minimum height of the vault mat?
16 inches
The suggested running distance for a level 1 vault is?
20 feet
How many bulk runs do they get before the vault become void?
What type of spring board will result in a void vault?
Inflatable rebounding device or junior board
General faults deductions- insufficient dynamics (speed/power)
Up to 0.30
General faults deductions- spotting assistance on straight jump
General faults deductions- spotting assistance on landing of straight jump
General faults deductions- fall after spotting assistance, additional deduction
General faults deductions- vaults without signal from chief judge, chief judge deducts from average of next completed vault
(CJ) 0.50
Run and Board Contact deductions- failure to maintain horizontal running speed to the board (stutter steps
Up to 0.3
Run and Board Contact deductions- excessive forward lean of body upon board contact
Up to 0.3
Run and Board Contact deductions- additional jumps on the board
0.3 each jump
Run and Board Contact deductions- runs onto board and steps up onto mat stack or rebounds from board to come to rest/support on mat stacks on body parts other than feet first
5.00 or Void
Stretch jumps from board to mat deductions- lack of height on strech jump
Up to 0.5
Stretch jumps from board to mat deductions- incorrect foot form (flexed or sickled)
Up to 0.1
Stretch jumps from board to mat deductions- legs separated
Up to 0.20
Stretch jumps from board to mat deductions- legs bent
Up to 0.30
Stretch jumps from board to mat deductions- failure to maintain neutral head position
Up to 0.30
Stretch jumps from board to mat deductions- arch during jump
Up to 0.30
Stretch jumps from board to mat deductions- pike during jump
Up to 0.5
Stretch jumps from board to mat deductions- deviation from a straight direction, determined by initial contact with the mat during jump
Up to 0.30
Stretch jumps from board to mat deductions- failure to land in demi-plié with control and proper body position
Up to 0.50
Stretch jumps from board to mat deductions- fall after landing stretch jump onto feet first
Can the athlete step onto the spring board before the hs flat back?
Where can the athletes put their hands for hs flat back?
Board or mats
General faults deductions- extra kick up to hs
Each 0.50
General faults deductions- spotting assistance of coach after gymnasts achieves hand support on the mat stack
General faults deductions- performing incorrect elements (forward roll)
5.00 or void
Approach deductions- failure to keep ears coveted by arms when moving into hs
Up to 0.20
Handstand deductions- additional hand placements (taking steps/hops on hands)
0.10 each but 0.30 max
Handstand deductions- incorrect foot form
Up to 0.10
Handstand deductions- failure to mai tain neutral head position
Up to 0.30
Handstand deductions- arch
Up to 0.30
Handstand deductions- arch
Up to 0.30
Handstand deductions- pike
Up to 0.50
Handstand deductions- pike
Up to 0.50
Handstand deductions-legs separated
Up to 0.20
Handstand deductions- legs bent
Up to 0.30
Handstand deductions- incorrect should e r alignment (showing a shoulder angle less than 180degrees)
Up to 0.30
Landing phase deductions- failure to land in a straight-lying position on the back
Up to 1.00
Landing phase deductions- gymnast lands on her feet and steps off the mat without fixing herself
Landing phase deductions- gymnast lands on her seat with 90 degree hip angle and steps off the mat without fixing herself
Landing phase deductions- gymnast lands on her seat with 90 degree hip angle and steps off the mat without fixing herself
Gymnast lands on her back with an arch and bent legs and steps off mat without fixing herself