Bars Flashcards
Back hip pullover mount deductions- step hop or extra jump before the back hip pullover
Each 0.10
Back hip pullover mount deductions- failure to lift both legs simultaneously
Back hip pullover mount deductions- supplement support (chin resting on bar prior to leg lift)
Back hip pullover mount deductions- failure to finish in extended front support
Up to 0.10
Back hip pullover mount worth
Cast deductions- incorrect body alignment (failure to show straight line from shoulders to feet with chest hollow)
Up to 0.20
Cast deductions- lack of control in returning to bar
Up to 0.10
Cast worth
Back hip circle deductions - failure to maintain neutral head position
Up to 0.10
Back hip circle worth
Back hip circle deductions - failure to maintain staright-hollow body position throughout
Up to 0.20
Cast, straddle on deductions- placing feet inside of hands
Back hip circle deductions - failure to maintain hip or upper thigh contact on bar throughout
Up to 0.20
Cast, straddle on deductions- alternate foot placement
Back hip circle deductions - lack of continuity of circle
Up to 0.10
Cast, straddle on deductions- lack of control in straddle-on
Up to 0.20
Sole circle dismount deduction- failure to maintain neutral head position
Up to 0.10
Sole circle dismount deduction- insufficient extension of body in flight
Up to 0.20
Sole circle dismount deduction- insufficient amplitude of flight
Up to 0.20
Sole circle dismount deduction- insufficient distance
Up to 0.10
How much is a straddle on, sole circle or underlying dismount worth
Underswing dismount deduction- failure to maintain a straight-hollow body position throughout
Up to 0.20
Underswing dismount deduction- hips contacting the bar, but no deduction for thighs touching bar
Underswing dismount deduction- failure to maintain neutral head position
Up to 0.1
Underswing dismount deduction- insufficient extension of body in flight
Up to 0.20
Underswing dismount deduction- insufficient amplitude of flight
Up to 0.20
Underswing dismount deduction- insufficient distance
Up to 0.10