Vasculitis Flashcards
What is vasculitis
Is the inflammation of blood vessels
What are the causes of inflammed blood vessels
Either sepsis or systemic vasculitis
What are the three categories of vasculits
Large, Medium and Small
What are the Diseases associated with large vasculitis
Giant cell or temporal arteritis and Takayasu’s Arteries
Symptoms of Temporal arteritis
§ Headache, temporal artery and scalp tenderness
§ Jaw claudication
§ Sudden blindness
Symptoms of Takayasu’s Arteries
Granulomatous inflammation of the aorta that can lead to stenosis, thrombois and aneurysms, dissections, IHD, CVA, aortic regurg
What are the Diseases associated with medium vasculitis
Polyarthritis nodosa and kawaski disease
What is Polyarthritis nodosa?
§ Is a necrotising vasculitis that causes aneurysms and thrombosis in medium sized arteries leading to infarction of affected organs with severe systemic symptoms
What are the 2 Diseases caterggories associated with small vessel vasculitis
Either ANCA positive or negative
What are the Diseases associated with ANCA positive small vessel vasculitis
§ Microscopic polyangiitis
§ Glomerulonephritis
§ Churg-Struass Syndrome (Eosinophillic granulomatosis with polyangiitis) - Autoimmune
§ Wegner’s granulomatosis (granulomatosis with polyangiitis) - Autoimmune
What is microscopic polyangitis
□ A necrotising vasculitis that affects small and medium sized vessels
What are the Diseases associated with ANCA negtive small vessel vasculitis
§ Henoch-Schonlein purpura
§ Goodpastures
What disease is commonly associated with vasclitis
Polymyalgia Rheumatica
What is Polymyalgia Rheumatica
- Typically in >50 yrs old
- Subacute <2weeks
- Bilateral aching
- Tenderness
- Morning stiffness
- Occurs in shoulders, and proximal limb muscles
- Often with polyarthritis, tenosynvitis and CTS
- Weakness is not a feature
- Associated
§ Fatigue
§ Fever, LOW, LOA
§ Depression