Vascular Flashcards
Where is the stenosis if you get buttock claudication and impotence?
Inferior abdominal aorta and common iliac artery
Where is the stenosis if you get pain in your thigh?
External iliac artery
Where is the stenosis if you get pain in calf?
femoral artery
What are the common presenting complaints in vascular?
Abdominal pain
Varicose veins
Intermittent Claudication
What are the symptoms of rest pain?
Pain at night where you wake up
Occurs in the least perfused parts of the leg which are the toes and feet
Severe pain–> cramping, burning pain
What are the relieving factors of rest pain?
Walking on cold floor
Handing feet on the edge of the bed
What questions would you ask about intermittent claudication?
How far can you walk? More or less than 200 m
How does the pain stop
How is the pain while walking up a hill
Why does pain come from stenosis of peripheral artery?
Lack of oxygen causes lactic acidosis which causes build up of metabolites in the muscle
What are the precipitating factors to rest pain?Explain?
Occurs at night while lying down flat.
Due to reduced cardiac output and dilation of vessels due to warm bed
What is critical ischaemia?
Ulcer and gangrene
rest pain over 2 weeks
ABPI <0.7
What risk factors should you ask about PVD?
Smoking Diabetes
Hypertension Cardiac Disease
Hyperlipidaemia Family History
What is fontaine classifcation?
o Stage 1 Asymptomatic = occurs in patients with diabetes and should do regular ABPI
o Stage 2 intermediate claudication
2a walk more than 200m
2b walk less than 200m
o Stage 3 ischemia at rest pain wakes you up at night
Have to dangle your legs at the end of the bed to get blood back
o Stage 4 ulceration or gangrene or both
What is virchow’s traid for vascular disease?
Blood stasis
Endothelial damage
What causes blood stasis?
What causes endothelial damage?
What causes hypercoagulabiity?
COP Malignancy Smoking Obesity Anticoagulants Genetic haematology --> factor v Leiden and protein C+S deficiency
6p’s of acute limb ischaemia
o Perishingly cold o Pallor o Pulselessness o Pain o Paresthesia o Paralysis
What action does a patient do to relieve arterial or venous ischaemia?
Arterial –> dangle leg at end of bed
Venous–> elevate the leg