GI exam and history Flashcards
What are you looking for in general inspection?
Sputum pots Sick bowels Medication Peg feed Not jaundice--> colour of the patient
What are you looking for in the hand?
Clubbing Leuconychia Koilonychias Palmar erythema Pale palmar creases Spider naevi Dupytren’s contracture
What does Leuconychia indicate?
What does Koilonychias indicate?
Iron deficiency anaemia
What does Palmar erythema indicate?
Chronic liver disease
What does Pale palmar creases indicate?
What does spiner naevi indicate?
Liver disease
What does Dupytrens Contracture indicate?
Liver cirrhosis
Seen in alcoholics and in FHx
What is hepatic flap a indication of?
Liver failure
What does liver failure cause?
Hepatic encephalopathy–> confusion, altered consciousness and coma state
What does clubbing indicate?
Inflammatory bowel disease, Coeliac disease and cirrhosis
Do you do a pulse check in GI exam?
What are the signs you are looking for around the eyes?
Conjuctive pallor
What do you look in the eye for jaundice and what does it indicate?
In the sclera
Cirrhosis and iarbily obstruction
What does Xanthelasma indicate?
What does pale conjuctival indicate?
What are you looking for in the mouth?
Angular stomatis Oral candidas Mouth ulcers Glossitis Odor
What does Glossitis indicate?
Smooth swelling of the tongue
Indication of B12/iron/folate deficiency
What does oral candidas indicate?
It is thrush
Indication of Iron deficiency/ immunodeficiency
What does mouth ulcers indicate?
Chrons or coeliac disease
What does angular stomatitis indicate?
B12/iron deficiency
What nodes do you palpate?
Supraclavicular, virchows, axilliary and femoral
What signs are you looking for on inspection of abdomen?
Scars Colles sign Grey Turners Sign Spider neavi Gynaecomastia Hair loss Pulsation Striae Stomas Abdominal distention Caput medusae
What scars would you see and what surgery does that indicate?
Midline–> laparotomy
RIF –> Appendectomy
Right inferior to subcostal–> Cholecystectomy
What is colles sign?
Bruising around the umbilicus
What is Grey Turners sign?
Bruising around the flanks
What does Colles and Grey Turners sign indicate?
Retro peritoneal beading causes by ruptured AAA or pancreatitis
Having 5 or more spider neavi can be a indication of?
Can be due to Chronic liver disease
What is the cause of gynaecomastia (over production of the mamillary gland)?
Sign of liver Cirrhosis
S/E of Digoxin or Spirolactone