Type 1 vasa praevia, define:
velamentous insertion of umbilical cord into placenta
Type 2 vasa praevia, define:
velamentous fetal vessel connecting the placenta to a succenturiate lobe
incidence of vasa praevia?
1 in 2500-5000
perinatal mortality of prenatally diagnosed vasa praevia?
perinatal mortality of vasa praevia not diagnosed antenatally?
neonatal transfusion rates for prenatally diagnosed and undiagnosed vasa praevia?
diagnosed = 3.4% undiagnosed= 58.5%
also associated with cord pH <7 if not diagnosed.
TA USS sensitivity vasa praevia?
TV USS sensitivity vasa praevia?
sens 10%
specificity 99.8% with doppler
factors making vasa praevia diagnosis difficult?
empty bladder
direction of vessels
late first scan (most accurate 18-24weeks)
Percentage of vasa praevia resolving in third trimester?
Diagnostic criteria for vasa praevia on USS? (4)
- tubular echolucent structure
- blood flow demonstrated with colour or doppler
- umbilical arterial/venous waveforms
- aberrant vessels located overlying or within 2cm of the internal os, attached to inner perimeter of fetal membranes
Incidence of velamentous cord insertion?
1% of singleton pregnancies
Risk factors for vasa praevia?
velamentous cord insertion bilobed or succenturiate placenta (OR 22) placenta praevia LLP in second trimester (OR 22) IVF (OR 7 or 1/200) multiple pregnancy
When is TVUSS indicated due to findings on TA USS in targeted screening for vasa praevia? What does SOGC and RCOG recommend? What is the RANZCOG consensus?
RCOG = no screening SOGC= screen if below risk factors 1. low lying, succenturiate or bilobed placenta 2. velamentous cord insertion 3. IVF 4. multiple pregnancy
RANZCOG agrees with SOGC
Vasa praevia- At what gestation should elective admission for vasa praevia be recommended?
30 weeks. Give corticosteroids. Admit to appropriate centre with NICU availability. Delivery prior to onset of labour.
Other options: outpatient management, serial TVUSS and FfN. 4% risk of preterm emergency delivery.
Mean gestational age at delivery for vasa praevia?
34.9 +/- 2.5 weeks. 28% were emergency LSCS for bleeding, labour and ruptured membranes.
‘delivery at later GA may negate the benefit of prenatal diagnosis’.
RANZCOG recommends elLSCS 34-36 weeks.
Clinical presentation suspicious of ruptured vasa praevia?
fresh vaginal bleeding membrane rupture acute FHR abnormalities - progressive tachy - prolonged bradycardia - sinusoidal patttern - fetal death