Medical Conditions in Labour (RCOG) Flashcards
Cardiac lesions for which fluid balance monitoring is critical in labour (6)?
- Severe left sided stenotic lesions
- hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
- Cardiomyopathy with systolic ventricular dysfunction
- pulmonary arterial hypertension
- Fontan circulation and other univentricular circulations
- NYHA class IV heart disease
Heart lesions for which planned elective caesarean should be considered for (3)
- any disease of the aorta assessed as high risk
- pulmonary arterial hypertension
- NYHA class III or IV disease
Considerations for women requiring fluid balance in labour?
hourly fluid input and output hourly obs continuous ECG continuous arterial BP serial echocardiography for output
How is LMWH titrated for mechanical heart valves?
Started on BD dose for latest weight
titrated by trough (pre dose) and peak (3-4hrs post dose) of anti-Xa levels
Investigations for heart failure in labour?
electrolytes FBC arterial blood gas ECG CXR
cardiologist –> transthoracic echo, BNP
When should regional analgesia be considered routine in the care of heart disease in labour?
WHO 3 and WHO 4 heart disease
low dose regional analgesia less likely to cause cardiac instability during labour and birth
First and second Line uterotonics for significant aortopathy?
i.e. Marfan syndrome with dilatation>40mm, bicuspid aortopathy and dilatation >45mm, previous aortic dissection, Turner syndrome and aortic size >25cm/m2
- Oxytocin
- Misoprostol and Carboprost
avoid ergometrine due to HTN induced aortic dissection or rupture
Uterotonic recommendations for limited or fixed low cardiac output, or preload dependent circulation?
i.e. severe systemic ventricular dysfunction, severe valvular stenosis, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, with outflow obstruction, Fontan circulation, cyanotic heart disease.
- slow infusion of oxytocin to avoid sudden haemodynamic change
- misoprostol, carboprost.
Avoid long-acting oxytocin analogues and ergometrine
Uterotonics for pulmonary artery hypertension?
- oxytocin
- misoprostol
Avoid ergometrine, carboprost, and long acting oxytocin analogues due to risk of worsening PAH
Uterotonics appropriate in coronary artery disease?
- Oxytocin
- Misoprostol
Avoid ergometrine due to risk of coronary ischaemia.
What prostaglandins are contraindicated with asthma?
prostaglandin F2 alpha = carboprost
prostaglandin E1 and E2 can be considered, no evidence for worsening. theoretical risk only.
What is defined as long term oral steroid therapy?
5mg pre daily for more than 3 weeks
Management of women in labour that has been on long term steroid therapy?
minimum dose IV/IM hydrocortisone 50mg every 6 hours until 5 hours after baby is born
Treatment of known immune thrombocytopenia Purpura before admission for birth if platelets low?
consider giving steroids or IV immunoglobulin to raise platelet count
If maternal immune TTP, what precautions should be taken for baby?
NICU aware No FBS Caution FSE No ventouse Caution mid cavity or rotational forceps CS may not be protective needs cord blood plt count.
What conditions would a women have if classified as ‘low risk’ for intrapartum cranial bleeding?
- fully treated cerebrovascular malformation
2. intracranial bleed of unknown cause after investigation, >2y ago.
What conditions would put a woman at high risk of intracranial bleeding in labour?
- untreated or partially treated malformation with previous bleed
- aneurysm >7mm
- complex AV malformation
- cavernoma
- IC bleeding within the last 2 years
Management of women at high risk of intracranial bleeding
consider CS
If wishing for VD, offer epidural and assisted second stage.
Timing of delivery for CKD stage 5, or deterioration stage 3b or 4?
Before 34 weeks of pregnancy. No later than 38 weeks.