Labour analgesia Flashcards
nerve supply to perineum
S1-2-3 (posterior femoral cutaneous)
Pudendal nerve: nerve roots?
Mons/Anterior labia majora innervation
Iliohypogastric (L1), ilioinguinal (L1), genitofemoral (L2)
Pain pathways involved in first stage of labour
- C fibres
- Sympathetic fibres within uterine, cervical, hypogastric nerve plexuses into the main sympathetic chain.
- T10-L1 posterior nerve roots to synapse in dorsal horn of spinal cord.
- Spinothalamic tract to brain
- Hypothalamic and limbic systems
- Referred to T10-12 dermatomes felt in lower abdomen, sacrum and back.
Pain pathways involved in second stage of labour?
Somatic pain (2nd stage of labour) - A delta fibres
- S2-S4
o Pudendal nerves and perineal branches of posterior cutaneous nerve of the thigh - L1-L2
o Cutaneous branches of ilioinguinal and genitofemoral nerves - Dorsal horn cells
- Spinothalamic tract to brain
- Hypothalamic and limbic systems
- Sharp in character and localised in vagina, rectum and perineum
Cochrane review of systematic review on labour pain management classifies analgesia as ‘effective’, ‘may be effective’, and ‘insufficient evidence’. Given 2 examples of each.
Effective: epidural, spinal epidural, 1:1 support
May be effective: music, birthing ball, water immersion, NO, relaxation/massage, acupuncture, non-opioids, sterile water, remifentanil PCA
Insufficient evidence: TENS, biofeedback, hypnosis, aromatherapy, oral/parenteral opioids.
Adverse obstetric outcomes associated with regional anaesthesia
assisted vaginal delivery
prolonged second stage of labour
List possible complications of epidural anaesthesia.
failure to work (10%) pruiritis and shivering significant hypotension (1/50) severe headache 1% temporary nerve damage 1/1000 permanent nerve damage 1/13,000 infection/meningitis or epidural blood clot <1/50,000 paraplegia/death 1/140,000
Care and observations recommended for regional analgesia?
IV access prior
do not administer routine preloading and maintenance fluid
Check BP every 5 min for 15 minutes during establishment or after further boluses
anaesthetic review after 30 min if woman not pain free
hourly sensory block check
continuous EFM for 30 min during establishment or after boluses of 10mL or more
Antidote for severe local anaesthetic toxicity with cardiovascular collapse
Intralipid 20%.
Bolus 1.5mL/kg IV over 1 min. Q5min interval. Max 3 bolus
infusion 30ml/kg/hr.
Cumulative max dose 12ml/kg
Drug used for seizures secondary to local anaesthetic toxicity?
benzodiazepines. Can also consider propofol use
Treatment of hypotension with local anaesthetic toxicity?
Intravenous normal saline. Inotropes if required. Avoid vasopressin.
Treatment for ventricular dysrhythmia in local anaesthetic toxicity?
sodium bicarbonate 1-2mmol/kg up to 100mmol. IV 1-2min until perfusing rhythm obtained. Can also use amiodarone. Avoid CCB/B-blockers.
Treatment for methaemoglobinaemia in local anaesthetic toxicity?
methylene blue IV 1-2mL/kg. IV Q5min.
Maximum dose lignocaine?
ECG changes local anaesthetic toxicity?
Prolonged PR and QRS