Variation and Natural Selection Flashcards
What is a species?
- Organisms that are similar
- Able to breed and produce fertile and offspring
What are humans?
What is variation?
Differences in the characteristics within a species
Variation is caused by:
- Genes
- Environment
- A combination of both
Jane and Hannah are friends. Jane is taller than Hannah and has pierced ears. Hannah does not have any piercings. Jane has brown eyes, whilst Hannah has green eyes.
Identify examples of variation between Jane and Hannah caused by genes, the environment or a combination of both.
- Variation caused by genes:
- Variations caused by the environment:
- Variation caused by a combination of genes and the environment:
- Eye color
- Piercings
- Height
A person’s tattoos
The height a sunflower grows
A combination of both
The stripes on a tiger
The mass of an elephant
A combination of both
A person’s eye colour
A person’s accent
What is genetic variation caused by
Mutations to genes
A mutation is a change…
to the genetic code of an
Mutations happen randomly…
and continuously when DNA is
Most mutations have…
no effect on an organism’s
What is the first stage of
natural selection?
Variation caused by mutations
What is the second stage
of natural selection?
Competition for a resource
What is the third stage of
natural selection?
An individual of the species has
a survival advantage
What is the final stage of
natural selection?
Survivors breed and pass their
genes onto offspring
What variation is there? What
caused this? (Giraffes)
A mutation has caused variation in giraffe
neck length
What competition is there? (Giraffes)
There is competition for food
Who has the survival advantage
and why? (Giraffes)
- Giraffes with longer necks have the
survival advantage - As they can reach food higher up in trees
What are survivors able to do? (Giraffes)
Survivors breed and pass on the gene for long necks to offspring
Genetic changes can contribute to the process of natural selection.
Explain how.
- Passes the gene and
- Characteristic/genetic
- Change/mutation (onto its offspring)
Hedgehogs are covered in small spines.
When they are frightened they often roll up into a ball and keep still.
In country areas, where badgers live, this is an advantage to the hedgehogs.
In cities, where there are many roads, this is a disadvantage.
Explain these two conclusions
- in cities is a disadvantage
- Many roads, will be run over by cars
- In the country is an advantage
- Badgers live, if it rolls up in a ball then it will provide more protection
Scientists have noticed that a new type of hedgehog is increasing in numbers in cities.
These hedgehogs do not roll up. They run away when frightened. The scientists think
that genes control this behaviour.
Explain how this type of hedgehog may become more common in cities.
Use ideas about natural selection.
- Hedgehogs that run away are more likely to survive
- Less likely to get run over
- They will reproduce ✓
- Pass on the allele/gene for running away ✓
- Overtime/many generations (running away will become more common)