Variation and evolution Flashcards
What is heritable variation
Caused by different genes and so can be passed on from parent to child, eg hair colour, type of nose ect.
What is environmental variation?
Is caused by the environment in which the organism has developed. It cannot be passed to the next generation. Eg scars, muscularity or dyed hair colours.
What is continuous variation?
There is a continuous range with no ‘catergories’ for example height, people can be any height within a certain range.
What is discontinuous variation?
There are distinct groups that don’t change (eg your fingerprints can either be an arch, whorl or loop, there are no ‘in-between’ fingerprints)
What is a mutation?
A mutation is a random change in the structure of a gene.
What can increase rates of mutation?
Ionising radiation or certain chemicals. (think sun radiation causing cells to mutate into cancerous cells)
What mutations spread onto the next generation?
Mutations in gametes will be passed on, mutations in body cells will not.
What does heterozygous mean?
Two different alleles (eg one dominant and one recessive)
What does homozygous mean?
Two of the same alleles (eg both dominant)
What is gene therapy?
It is the name given to a range of techniques that can be used to remove the effects of a harmful allele like the one causing cystic fibrosis.
What 2 main ways is gene therapy completed?
- Introducing a healthy allele into a persons DNA (eg adding a dominant allele to counteract an unhealthy recessive)
- ‘Switching off’ the harmful allele
Ethical rejections to gene therapy?
- Some religious groups believe that humans should never alter the genes of living organisms.
- The process is very expensive and could take funds from other types of healthcare which might help more people.
What is evolution?
The process by which living species have gradually changed and developed from earlier forms over a long period of time.
What does evolution result in?
Organisms becoming better adapted to their environments.
The difference between the theory of evolution and the theory of natural selection?
The theory of evolution is that living things have evolved over a period of time. The theory of natural selection assumes that evolution has occurred and is a theory of how it has happened.
Which theorist’s proposed natural selection?
Charles Darwin and Alfred Russel Wallace in 1958
What is the process of natural selection?
- Most organisms over produce, there is competition in younger organisms.
- Some of the young have variations which help them survive better in their environment.
- The organisms that survive have a better chance of breeding and passing on the genes to the next generation.
- The next gen will have these variations, new competition arises and they adapt again. Process repeats, gen after gen.
- These changes will eventually spread to whole species, henceforth they have ‘evolved’ as the result from this.
Reasons for animals to become extinct?
- Failed to adapt to its environment
- The organism has adapted, but cannot compete with other adapting species.
- Sudden changes in environment (usually human interference)
Why is natural selection rapid in bacteria?
- They reproduce very quickly
- The level of exposure to antibiotics is very high
What is a ‘genome’?
The name given to all genetic information in an organism.
Why is mapping the human genome so important for medicine?
- Knowing about the existence of alleles that cause disease allows us with the possibility of altering them or counteracting their effects.
- Allows the possibility of creating drugs that attack only one gene, instead of jepodising all genes (eg chemotherapy does attack cancer mutations but also skin ells, hair cells ect)
How many genes are there in a human being?