VAR and Cointegration Flashcards
What are the consequences of including unnecessary deterministic terms in the first-step of the Engle-Granger coitnegration testing framework?
You lose power but will still reject if the series are cointegrated The critical value will be more negative that it would be with the correct deterministic terms
Explain the Engle-Granger framework
First test if individual variables are I(1) using ADF. If not, they cannot be cointegrated. Then, test whether the residuals from the first-stage regression are covariance stationary, which is an indirect test of the eigenvalue. Johansen directly tests the eigenvalues.
Write out a general form VAR(P)
What are some recent methods to work with large VARs
LASSO, Machine Learning, Bayesian methods with possibility of imposing structure
Define Vector White Noise
1) Zero unconditonal mean 2) Constant covariance (need not be diagonal) 3) Zero autocovariance May be dependent No restrictions on conditional mean
When is a VAR(1) stationary?
When the eigenvalues of the transition matrix are less than 1 in absolute value and the errors are white noise
What is the effect of scaling variables to unit variance?
It can make the interpretation easier. It has no effect on persistence, inference or model selection
What is companion form
Companion form is when a higher order VAR or AR is twritten as a VAR(1). It simplifies computing the autocovariance function
Show how an AR(2) can be written as a VAR(1)
What is a problem with forecasting with VARs?
Fore more steps ahead than 2, residuals are not white noise and follow and MA(h-1) structure.
What are the solutions to autocovariance in forecast errors?
Define Granger-Causality
X does not cause Y if conditioning on past values of X does not change the forecast for Y
How to test for Granger-Causality
Define an Impulse Response Function (IRF)
The IRF of y_i w.r.t. a shock in e_j is the change in y_i,_t+s for s>-0 for a 1 std. shock in ej,t
How do we compute orthogonal shocks and their effect?
We need Sigma^(-0.5)