Valvular Heart Disease (Gebska) Flashcards
competence of these valves relies on the proper function of leaflets, the tendinous cords, and the attached papillary muscles
mitral and tricuspid valves
competence of these valves relies on the integrity and coordinated movements of the cuspids
aortic and pulmonic (semilunar) valves
layer of the cardiac valves that is characterized by a dense collagenous core at the outflow surface, connected to the vascular supporting structures
layer of the cardiac valves that is characterized by a central core of loose, proteoglycan-rich connective tissue that facilitates intreactions between stiff collagen and elastic layers
layer of the cardiac valves that is elastin rich and is situated on the inflow surface
ventricularis or atrialis
most abundant cells in the heart valves, that synthesize extracellular matrix (ECM) and matrix metalloproteases (MMPs)
valvular interstitial cells
this type of valve pathology is the key feature in rheumatic heart disease
fibrotic thickening
Which of these statements regarding valve pathology and disease is FALSE?
A. fibrotic thickening is the key feature in rheumatic heart disease
B. aortic stenosis is commonly caused by nodular calcification that begins in interstitial cells
C. every type of valve disease can be either congenital or acquired
D. insufficiency refers to failure of the valve to open completely, which impedes forward flow
E. functional mitral regurgitation is a type of secondary insufficiency
D. This is the definition of stenosis. Insufficiency refers to regurgitation or “leaky valve” and may be primary (as in the case of mitral valve prolapse) or secondary (e.g., the mitral valve leaflets are normal but another condition is causing incompetence)
mitral or aortic insufficiency most often leads to this type of overload
aortic stenosis most often leads to this type of overload
All of the following statements regarding calcific aortic stenosis are true EXCEPT: A. It is the most common valvular abnormality B. It is caused by age-associated “wear and tear” as well as recurrent chronic injury (hyperlipidemia, HTN, inflammation, etc) C. Congenitally abnormal valves are prone to infective endocarditis D. Statins are not helpful in treating it E. Tricuspid valves incur greater mechanical stress than bicuspid valves, which may explain their accelerated stenosis
E. The opposite is true - bicuspid valves incur greater mechanical stress than normal tricuspid valves
mutations in this gene are associated with congenital aortic stenosis, which leads to increased risk of infective endocarditis
hypertrophied myocardium tends to be ischemic due to diminished microcirculatory perfusion, leading to ____ even in the absence of coronary artery disease
the onset of symptoms of aortic stenosis is accompanied by a steep drop off in survival rate, with ____ being a symptom associated with best prognosis and _____ associated with worse prognosis.
angina; syncope and heart failure
degenerative calcific deposits in the mitral valve typically develop in the ____ _____.
fibrous annulus