Intro to Lab Medicine (Krasowski) Flashcards
mass spectrometry test that can can identify a microbe down to the species, bypassing biochemical testing
serology tests detecting antibodies commonly require this type of sample, which is drawn following a period of clotting
test that uses an electrical field to separate the proteins in the blood serum into groups of similar size, shape, and charge; useful for diagnosing myeloma
serum protein electrophoresis
this is the most appropriate sample for measuring lead level and relies on anticoagulation
whole blood
most chemistry tests use this type of sample, to which anticoagulants (ie, EDTA, heparin) are added
tubes with this color top indicate ‘no additives’ - meaning no anticoagulants have been added - and are useful for serology and protein electrophoresis
what are the drawbacks associated with samples in a red top tube?
they contain clot activators, so the turnaround time is rather slow (takes at least 30 minutes to clot) and microclots can form and interfere with automated instruments
this type of tube has clot activators as well as a special gel that separates the serum from the clotted RBCs; handy for samples that need to be sent out to a reference lab
serum separator tube
tube with a lavendar or pink top that contains a calcium chelator which prevents clotting; useful for tests that require whole blood (e.g., lead and DNA)
EDTA tube
tube with a light green top that uses the anticoagulant lithium heparin to separate plasma from the RBCs, whose separation is maintained by a layer of gel
plasma separator tube (PST
this is the tube of choice for all chemical assays at UIHC but CANNOT be used for lithium drug tests because of the lithium heparin
light blue top tube used for coagulation testing, whose main drawback is inadequate filling, leading to too much anticoagulant relative to blood
sodium citrate tube
tubes with this color top are required for certain trace metal analysis (e.g., arsenic, copper, mercury, etc.)
royal blue
Do NOT need for lead testing
problem seen in lab testing that is associated with poor draw technique (e.g., use of a narrow gauge needle, rapidly forcing blood from syringe into tube, contamination by IV fluids or drugs)
True or false: hemolysis is problematic in lab testing because it may falsely elevate insulin levels.
False. When red blood cells lyse, proteases escape that break down insulin, which would cause an artificially low reading;
Hemolysis would cause, however, elevated readings of AST, LDH and potassium
a turbid specimen is most often due to elevated levels of _____, and this is known as ______.
triglycerides; lipemia
hypertriglyceridemia may lead to this condition, characterized by pain in the upper abdomen, nausea and vomitting
yellow discoloration of the skin due to hyperbilirubinemia in the newborn and often attributed to chronic alcoholism in the adult
icterus (jaundice)
law revised in 2003 that established federal government oversight of clinical laboratories, including small labs in doctors’ offices, and requires that sites have coverage at the highest level of complexity of testing in their laboratory
clinical laboratory improvement act (CLIA)
Which of the following laboratory studies is MOST LIKELY affected by a specimen that is hemolyzed?
A. Aspartate aminotransferase (AST) B. Creatinine C. Lipase D. Chloride E. Prolactin
What is MOST LIKELY cause of a glucose value of 1,200 mg/dL in a non-diabetic patient?
A. Interference by hemolysis
B. Inappropriate use of sodium citrate tube
C. Interference by lipemia
D. Draw from contaminated IV line
E. 8 Hour delay prior to specimen processing
In general, what is the proper draw order for tubes?
those requiring sterility (ie blood culture) are drawn first;
those that contain additives are drawn later, e.g.:
Red top serum separator and lt. blue top sodium citrate tubes for coagulation
EDTA tubes for lead, DNA
Plasma separator tubes (w/lithium heparin) for chemicalk assays
extreme lipemia is defined by triglycerides > _____, and this can interfere with tests and lead to hemolysis in the test tube
1000 mg/dL
very high bilirubin levels of >_____ can lead to test cancellation
40 mg/dL