Values & Ethics Flashcards
Are inherent in all nursing acts
Values and Ethics
Is strong personal belief; an ideal that a person strives to uphold
It reflect cultural and social influences, relationships & personal needs
Vary among people and it change over time
Values & Ethics
Branch of philosophy concerned with determining right & wrong in relation to people’s decisions & actions.
Are often used interchangeably but
morals are often stated as private, personal standards of what is right and wrong, ethics reflect a commitment to standards beyond personal preferences
Morals & Ethics
An expression of how nurses ought to conduct themselves.
Nursing Ethics
Refers to ethical standards that govern and guide nurses in everyday practice such as “being truthful with clients” “respecting client confidentiality” &
advocating on behalf of the client.”
Nursing Ethics
What are the Ethical Principles
- Autonomy
- Nonmaleficence
- Beneficence
- Justice
-Veracity - Fidelity
Refers to a person’s independence, self-determination, self-reliance
A patient has the right to make decisions about her/his care
What type of Ethical Principle is this “Signing a consent form for surgery”
Refers to the avoidance of causing any harm to clients
Non-maleficence would imply that the harm should not be disproportionate to the benefit of the treatment.
What type of ethical principle is this “Stopping a medication known to be harmful or refusing to give a medication to a patient if it has not been proven to be effective”
This means promoting good or doing good for others
Take positive steps to help others
It helps to guide difficult decisions where the benefits of a treatment maybe challenged by the risk to the client’s well-being or dignity
The best interests of the client must be upheld
What type of ethical principle is this “Immunization”
Refers to fairness or equity
Clients need to be treated in a manner that they deserve
What type of ethical principle is this “Both clients receive the same treatment
when being admitted for surgery, fair resources etc.”
Distribution of nurses to areas of “most need” in the time of a nursing shortage
Means telling the truth; being honest
Accuracy or conformity to truth
Accuracy or conformity to truth
Truthfulness may be challenged during the delivery of health care
What type of Ethical Principle is this “Before administering the medication, the nurse assessed the client’s needs for drugs, checked doctor’s order and followed the “rights” in drug preparation and administration.”
Means being faithfulness to one’s commitments & promises.
nurse’s commitments to clients include providing self-care & maintaining competence in nursing practice.
Gives guidance for decision making about ethical matters by providing a set of values that are basic to nursing practice
Code of Ethics
Provide rules of ethical or moral behavior for every circumstance.
Code of Ethics
Offer guidance about which values should take priority or how they can be balanced in practice
Code of Ethics
What are the seven Values & The Code of Ethics
- Providing safety
- Compassionate, competent and
- Ethical care
- Promoting health and well-being
- Promoting & respecting informed decision-making
- Maintaining privacy & confidentiality
- Promoting justice & being accountable
Nurses value the ability to provide safe,
compassion, competent & ethical care that allows them to fulfill their ethical & professional obligations to the people they serve
Providing safe, compassionate, competent and ethical care
Nurses value health promotion & well being & assist persons to achieve their optimum level of health in situations of normal health, illness, injury, disability or at the end of life
Promoting health & well being
Nurses provide persons with
appropriate information and services so they can make informed decisions. Ensure nursing care is given with informed consent
Promoting and Respecting Informed Decision-Making
Recognize and respect the inherent worth of each person and advocate for respectful treatment of all persons/patient.
Preserving Dignity
Recognize and respect the inherent worth of each person and advocate for respectful treatment of all persons/patient.
Preserving Dignity
Recognize and respect the inherent worth of each person and advocate for respectful treatment of all persons/patient.
Preserving Dignity
Nurses safeguard the trust of clients that information learned in the context of a professional relationship is shared outside the health care team only with the clients permission or as legally required or where failure to disclose would cause significant harm.
Maintaining Privacy & Confidentiality
Nurses apply and promote principles of equity and fairness to assist clients in receiving unbiased treatment (social justice) and a share of health services and resources proportionate to their
needs. Safeguard human rights
Promoting Justice
Nurses act in a manner consistent with their professional responsibilities and standards of practice and are answerable for their practice
Being Accountable
Describes the desirable & achievable level performance expected of registered nurses in their practice against which performance can be
Nursing Standards
What are the six standards of nursing practice?
- Accountability
- Continuing competence
- Application of knowledge, skills and judgement
- Professional relationships & advocacy
- Professional Leadership
- Self-regulation
Accountable to the public to ensure that clients receive competent, safe, & ethical care.
The registered nurse attains and maintains competence relevant to their own scope of nursing practice
Continuing Competence
The registered nurse demonstrates competencies relevant to their own scope of nursing practice.
Application of knowledge, skills and judgment
Establishes a professional therapeutic relationship and is an advocate for clients.
Professional Relationship & Advocay
Demonstrates leadership when providing quality nursing care & health care services to clients.
Professional Leadership
Personally accountable to practice nursing in a competent and ethical manner