Are needs and expectations which humans have to find meaning, purpose, and value in their life.
Spiritual needs
is the belief in the existence of one God who created
and who rules the universe
is the belief of more than one God.
is the uncertainty about the existense of God or supreme being
What are the Spiritual Needs?
-Need for love
-Need for hope
-Need for trust
-Need for forgiveness
- Need to be respected and valued
-Need for dignity
-Need for meaning and sense of purpose to the fullness of life
-Need for creativity
-Need to be connected with God or supreme power
-Need for to belong to community
A strong affection for another
Need for love
It reflects a positive orientation towards outcomes
Need for hope
Indicates having confidence in something or someone
Need for trust
The process of forgiving or being forgiven
Need for forgiveness
A sense of pride in oneself; self-respect
Need for dignity
What are the factors that affect spiritual health?
- Gender
- Previous experience
- Crisis and change
- Separation from spiritual ties
-Factors across life span
- Physiological factors
-Moral issues regarding therapy
It refers to a challenge to the spiritual well-being or to the belief system that provides strength, hope, and meaning to life. I
Spiritual Distress
The 5 spiritual needs are:
- Love
- Hope
- Trust
-Meaning and purpose in life
What are the characteristics of Spiritual Distress?
-Showing maladaptive behavior
- Showing discomfort with self-awareness
- Expressing ambivalent feelings about God
- Having value conflicts
- Fear of death/life after death
- Refusing to cooperate with health regimen
- Being bitter/angry with God
- Lacking commitment
- Feeling worthless about life
- Expressing lack of hope
Goals of Spiritual Care
-Help the client fulfill religious obligations
- Help the client draw on and use inner sources more effectively to meet the present situation
- Help the client maintain or establish a dynamic, personal relationship with a supreme being in the face of unpleasant circumstances
- Help the client find meaning of existence and present situation.
-Promote a sense of hope
-Assess concept of God and deity
- Source of hope and strength
- Religious practices and rituals
- Relationship between spiritual beliefs and state of health
Nursing Diagnosis List
- Spiritual distress related to loss of child/sense of guilt/ conflict about belief/sexual abuse/crisis of illness
- Potential for enhanced spiritual well being
- Risk for spiritual distress
- Ineffective coping related to loss of loved ones/ psychiatric disorder alcoholism
- Readiness to enhance spiritual well being related to terminal illness
- Dysfunctional grieving related to multiple losses/loss of employment/career/lack of physical independence
- Help client create, maintain or renew relationships
-Help to meet the need for love expressed through relationship and seen in words and acts of kindness
-Help the client to search for meaning - Create a need of hope in the person