Validity and fairness in testing (Sackett etl al., 2008) Flashcards
Do tests predict badly?
No, in contrast, taking range restriction and criterion unreliability into account the validity coefficients are quite strong
How is % of variance accounted for calculated?
The squared correlation coefficient gives the percentage of variance accounted for
Describe how range restriction leads to an underestimation of validity
Because there is usually lower correlation in the restricted sample than in the full applicant pool
e.g., r=.50 in unrestricted sample drops to .33 when only including the top 50% of the sample
Given an example of how unreliable criterion measures result in an underestimation of validity
School performance - measured by averaging course grades without accounting for course difficulty
Describe educational evidence that goes against the assertion that tests predict only short-term criteria
Test scores are predictive of a variety of long term indicators of academic and career success
- Meta-analytic evidence that the SAT predicts 1st-4th year grades equally well, with only slight decrements over time
- Meta-analytic evidence that GRE scores predict comprehensive examination performance, faculty ratings of student performance, and subsequent citation counts
- LSAT scores are predictive of passing the bar exam, getting a doctoral degree, detting tenure, and getting patents in a gifted sample
Describe military evidence that goes against the assertion that tests predict only short-term criteria
Armed Forces Qualification Test predicted soldier performance over 4 year in a longitundinal study
Describe employment evidence that goes against the assertion that tests predict only short-term criteria
Test validity was constant throughout the 10 years that a study followed a sample of 6500 individuals in low complexity jobs and 2500 individuals in high complexity jobs
Why is the assertion that tests do not predict earnings false?
National Longitudinal Study of Youth shows relationships between measures of developed abilities and earnings
People argue that some relevant criteria are not predicted well by tests of developed abilities, what is wrong with this statement?
While it is true that there are criteria of interest to educational and professional organizations for which tests of developed abilities, there are other mechanisms in place to predict such criteria:
e.g., academic performance: personal statements and letters of recommendation for fit to the college’s social and cultural environments
People argue that important determinents of traditional criteria are missed, what is wrong with this statement?
Yes there is evidence that constructs in the noncognitive domain have the potential for improved prediction (e.g., achievement motivation and academic self-efficacy have incremental validity over admissions tests and high school GPA)
BUT you cannot say a test is flawed because it does not measure all determinants of the criterion of interest. Tests are typically part of broader selection systems, which incorporate multiple measures.
Evidence against the statement that tests do not predict above a minimum threshold
There is strong evidence that higher test scores are associated with higher criterion scores throughout the test score range
Is it true that the appearance of validity is due to SES?
No - multiple sources of data (including meta-analyses, longitudinal studies, SAT dataset of >165,000 students) are at odds with this assetion
Is it true that tests are readily coached?
No - coaching produces small mean improvements in test scores, but these are far smaller than those claimed by test preparation firms
Do men or women tend to have higher GPAs?
Do motivational factors (such as stereotype threat) explain group differences in test performance?
Is it true that while minority group members obtain lower mean scores on tests, they perform just as well as majority group members once admitted or hired?
May be true for gender, not true for race