The Cattell-Horn Carroll Theory of Cognitive Abilities (Schneider & McGrew) Flashcards
What is the structure of the CHC model?
Broken into 4 levels:
- General intelligence/ability g
- Broad abilities
- Narrow abilities
- Specific abilities
Did Cattell, Horn and Carroll all agree in the concept of g?
No - Carroll was pro g, while Cattell and Horn were against the concept of g
All mental abilities are positively correlated - what is one interpretation of this finding?
That all abilities have a common cause - general intelligence
What are broad abilities?
Clusters of narrow abilities that are mutually more correlated with each other than the abilities in other broad-ability clusters
e.g., Gwm: working memory (comprised of: auditory short term storage + visual short-term storage + attention control form)
What are narrow abilities?
Clusters of highly correlated specific abilities
e.g., auditory short term memory storage capacity is a narrow ability, such that the ability to repeat back: sentences, single words, digits, letters, and nonsense words are highly correlated specific abilities that correspond to individual differences in auditory short-term memory
What are specific abilities?
Abilities that are tied to a specific task or test
e.g., the ability to repeat sentences back after hearing them once, or the ability to discern whether 2 lines are parallel or skewed
Of the 3 categories of abilities, which ones can be measured directly?
Of the 3 categories of abilities, the only one that can be measured directly is “specific abilities”, the other ones are theoretical entities inferred from the observed relations among specific abilities
How many narrow abilities are there?
How many broad abilities are there?
What are the 5 broad abilities
- Fluid reasoning
- Memory
- Cognitive speed
- Acquired knowledge
- Sensory-motor-linked abilities
What are the narrow abilities in Fluid Reasoning?
Gf - fluid reasoning
What are the narrow abilities subsumed under Memory?
- Gwm - working memory
- Gl - learning efficiency
- Gr - retrieval fluency
What are the narrow abilities subsumed under Cognitive Speed?
- Gs - processing speed
- Gt - reaction and decision speed
- Gps - psychomotor speed (tentative)
What are the narrow abilities subsumed under Acquired Knowledge?
Gc - comprehension knowledge
Gkn - Domain-Specific Knowledge
Grw - Reading and writing
Gq - Quantitative knowledge
What are the narrow abilities subsumed under Sensory-Motor-Linked Abilities?
Gv - Visual processing Ga - Auditory processing Go - Olfactory abilities (tentative) Gh - Tactile abilities (tentative) Gk - Kinesthetic abilities (tentative) Gp - Psychomotor abilities (tentative) Gej - Emotional intelligence (tentative)
What is the basic idea behind CHC theory?
Intelligence is both multidimensional and functionally integrated
CHC theory was revised so that Glr (which fits under the broad ability of Memory) divorced - what does this mean?
Glr became
Gl - effort needed to store new information in LTM
gr - speed at which information in long-term storage can be loaded into working memory structures for use
To what degree do emotional intelligence ability tests correlate with traditional measures of intelligence?
Generally in the range of .20 to .60, with higher correlations between the component of understanding emotions and Gc
Describe Cattell’s Investment Theory
The correlation between Gf and Gc results from the consistent application of fluid reasoning to general new knowledge, which, as it accumulates, becomes crystallized knowledge.
“All else being equal, people with greater fluid ability acquire greater crystallized ability”
However, all else is not equal, even in societies that aggressively promote equality. Having the same level of fluid intelligence does not imply the same opportunities/incentives/drive to learn
Spearman believe that general intelligence consisted of individual differences in the ability to perform three mental processes:
- Apprehension of experience
- Education of relations
- Education of correlates
What is the structural evidence for Gf-Gc theory?
Factor analysis. Tests of crystallizaed intelligence correlate more strongly with one another than they do with tests of fluid intelligence, and vice versa
What is the developmental evidence for Gf-Gc theory?
Different developmental growth curves. Fluid intelligence declines steadily starting in early adulthood, whereas crystallized intelligence increases until late adulthood
What is the neurocognitive evidence of Gf-Gc theory?
Different types of brain injury have differential effects on the two types of intelligence
What is the difference between Gs and Gt?
Gs tests: no pauses and the examinee must sustain mental quickness and move swiftly from item to item until told to stop
Gt tests are generally easier than Gs tests. Gt tests: quickness of responding each time with pauses between items
How distinct is Gf from g?
Gf and g are sometimes perfectly corrrelated
Working memory = ?
Short-term storage + attentional control
Of what narrow abilities is Gf comprised?
- Induction - ability to observe a phenomenon and discover the underlying principles of rules that determine its behavior
- Deduction
- Quantitative reasoning