Vaginal Infections Flashcards
What is the main type of candida vaginitis infection?
What is the main classification of vaginal infections?
Bacterial vaginosis
What are predisposing factors to candidiasis?
Antibiotic therapy Corticosteroid therapy Diabetes Oral contraceptives Pregnancy Immunodeficiency disorder Use of vaginal oils
Clinical manifestations of candidiasis:
Pruritus Erythema Edema Satellite pustules White, curd-like discharge
Candidiasis diagnosis:
Normal vaginal ph
Koh prep. (Standard office procedure)
Culture- only for patients who have been refractory to treatment (in reproduction of yeast look for budding and mycelia formation)
What are preventative measures for candidiasis?
Avoid bubble baths Avoid douching Avoid use of vaginal oils Wear cotton undergarments (better aeration) Careful hygiene (corn starch to avoid moisture)
What is the treatment for candidiasis?
Topical antifuncal agents
- miconazole-OTC
- clotrimazole- OTC
- terconazole-prescription
Oral anti-fungal agents
-fluconazole (2 tablets, 1 initially then wait)
What is the treatment for recurrent candidiasis infections?
use of topical or oral agent monthly
use oral medication weekly x 12 weeks
use oral medication daily
Incubation period is 4-28 days
highly contagious (75% chance)
What are the clinical manifestations of trichomoniasis?
Frequency Dysuria Dyspareunia Erythema Pruritus YELLOW-GREEN FROTHY DISCHARGE Punctate cervical hemorrhages Vaginal pH >4.5 Strawberry cervix
How do you diagnose trichomoniasis?
Pap smear
Saline prep- only thing moving besides sperm
Culture- rarely used in clinic
What is the treatment for trichomoniasis?
drug of choice is metronidazole
single 2 gm dose (4 tablets, 500mg)
-250 mg TID x 7 days
-500 mg BID x 7 days
Sexual partner is treated too
Does trichomoniasis affect infertility?
What is the most common vaginal infection?
BV, multiple organisms
What is the most common bacterial vaginosis?