Vaccines- Quiz 2 Flashcards
Attenuated vs Inactivated
Attenuated: “Modified-Live” give more broad, longer lived immunity than inactivated.
Inactivated: “Killed”
- We don’t do live virus immunizations in the US anymore
Key Notes about administration
-Give live virus vaccines at least 28 days apart
-Reduced doses should never be used
-Re-immunization is not harmful
-Space vaccines at least 1 inch apart
-Be aware of and monitor for adverse reactions and respond appropriately
Inactivated Vaccine Examples
-Diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis (DTaP & Tdap)
-Hep A
-Hep B
-Polio (rest of the world uses attenuated)
Contraindications for Inactivated Vaccines
-Anaphylaxis to prior dose
-Allergy to Neomycin, polymyxin B, streptomycin
-Allergy to yeast-> No Hep B or Inactive Polio
-Can’t have a moderate or severe infection for HPV or Hib (H. flu B)
Contraindications for Live Attenuated Vaccines
–Prednisone >20mg/day
–IVIG therapy
Live Attenuated Vaccine examples
-Baccilus Calmette-Guerin (TB) normally not used in the US
-Measles, Mumps, Rubella, Varicella
What is the vaccine recommended for EACH pregnancy around 27-36 weeks?
Maximizes the transfer of antibody from mother to baby
Doesn’t matter when last vaccination was given