Vaccines Flashcards
Hep B
Three doses (0,1, 6 mo)
Do not restart series if a dose is missed, continue with series.
Annually from Oct through January (fall to winter).
Healthcare workers should get it annually.
Egg Allergy - OK to give if a person only experiences hives.
Who is the live attenuated flu vaccine approved for? Who should not get it?
Approved for healthy non-pregnant person between 2-49 yrs.
Avoid antiviral tx 48 hours before vaccine.
Contraindicated in
- Pregnancy
-Chronic conditions
-Children (2-17) on aspirin therapy
Should you give a person the influenza vaccine if they developed Guillan Bare 6 weeks after getting previous vaccine?
No, try to avoid.
Start at 7 yrs with Td, repeat every 10 years for lifetime.
Tdap can replace one Td dose starting age 11 to 12 yrs
If pt has tetanus-prone wound, should administer Td if over 5 yrs since last dose or if Td status unknown.
Pneumococcal vaccine recommendations
PPSV23 (Pneumovax)
- If high risk between ages 2 to 64
- At 65 yrs (space by 5 yrs if previous dose before age 65)
PCV13 (Prevnar)
-for adults 19+ yrs w/ immunocompromise, CSF leaks and cochlear implants
- At 65 yrs (space by 1 yr after previous dose of PPSV23)
What are the shingles vaccines?
Shingrix, 2 doses that are 2-6 mo apart - preferred for adults aged 50+ yrs
Do not restart if missing a dose, continue.
Zostavax (live), single subQ injection for healthy adults aged 50+, used if:
-Allergy to Shingrix
-Need immediate immunization and Shingrix unavailable
What are contraindications to the Shingrix vaccine?
Currently having shingles
Pregnancy, breastfeeding
Negative varicella titer, get chickenpox vaccine instead
Varicella vaccine
Live vaccine, two doses 4-8 weeks apart
Start at 13 yrs
Do not get pregnant for 1 month following vaccine
What time frame can you give the varicella vaccine for post-exposure prophylaxis?
Up to 5 days (120 hrs), ideally within 3 days (72 hrs)
What are acceptable forms of proof for varicella immunity?
Documented two doses of vaccine
Written dx of chickenpox or shingles from HCP
Positive lab varicella titer (IgG ELISA)
Birth in U.S. before 1980
What are the recommendations for HCW for MMR vaccine?
Proof of immunity
If not vaccinated, two doses needed (at least 28 days apart)
What is the preferred method of TB testing for someone that received the Bacillus Calmette-Guerin (BCG) vaccine?
TB blood test
(BCG vaccination can produce a false positive with the Mantoux skin test)
What is the minimum age a person can receive the flu vaccine? Or the egg-free vaccine?
6 months
For egg-free, 4+ yrs
Meningococcal (MCV4) vaccine schedule
2 doses starting age 11-12 years, second dose at 16 yrs