Integumentary Flashcards
Fever, chills, HA, N/V
Myalgia, arthralgia
Small red spots (petechiae) that start on wrists, forearms, ankles (sometimes palms and soles) that progresses toward trunk
Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever
Rocky Mtn Spotted Fever treatment/prevention
Use of DEET-containing bug spray, permethrin on clothes
Bradycardia or tachycardia
Wheezing, flushing
Hypotension, hypoxia
Cardiac arrest
Anaphylaxis (angioedema, hives)
Treatment of anaphylaxis
Epinephrine at mid-outer thigh every 5 to 15 minutes
Call 911
Fever/chills, N/V
Swollen, red, tender blister with the central area becoming necrotic (eschar)
Brown Recluse Spider Bites
Expanding rash with central clearing and bulls-eye + flu like symptoms
Lyme disease
Erythema migrans
Sore throat, cough, HA, stiff neck, photophobia, changes in LOC, drowsiness, lethargy.
Petechial rash in axillae, flanks, wrists and ankles.
Elevated procalcitonin
Systemic infection of Neisseria meningitidis (gram negative)
Sudden eruption of vesicular lesions that rupture into ulcers w/ crusts on one side of the scalp, forehead, sides, and tip of the nose.
Can have eye pain and blurred vision
Shingles infection of trigeminal nerve (Herpes zoster opthalmicus)
Dark colored moles w/ uneven texture, variegated colors, irregular borders and > 6 mm diameter
Melanoma of the nailbeds
The most common subtype of melanoma in African Americans and Asians
Subungual melanoma
Pearly/waxy skin lesion
Atrophic/ulcerated center
Does not heal
Common in fair-skinned individuals
Basal cell carcinoma
Dry, round, red lesions
Rough in texture
Not healing
On sun-exposed areas of the body
Actinic keratosis
Blood collection under the nailbed from trauma
subungual hematoma
A method of draining a subungual hematoma
Used when the hematoma involves > 25% of the nailbed
Flu-like symptoms
Widespread rash with hives, blisters (bullae), petechiae, necrosis, sloughing
Triggered by medications like allopurinol, anticonvulsants, sulfonamides, NSAIDs
HIV infection, lupus and malignancies put people at greater risk
Steven’s Johnson Syndrome
Honey colored crusts
Fragile bullae (blisters)
Pruritic (itchy)
Koplik spots (white spots on the cheeks and rear molars)
Pruritic, esp at night
Serpiginous rash on interdigital webs, waist, axilla, penis
Sandpaper rash w/ sore throat
Scarlet fever
Christmas-tree pattern
Herald patch initially
pityriasis rosacea