V Speeds Flashcards
Operating Manuevering Speed
- Up to 3,748 lbs = 112 kts
- 3,748 lbs - 3,968 lbs = 119 kts
- Above 3,968 = 122 kts
Do not make full or abrubtt control surface movement above these speeds
Max Flaps Extended
Flaps APP = 133 kts
Flaps LDG = 113 kts
Max Landing Gear Operating Speeds
VLOE = 188 kts
VLOR = 152 kts
Do not operate the landing gear above these speeds
Max Landing Gear Retraction Operating Speed
* 152 kts
**Notice that you may fly with the gear extended up to 188kts, but you you may not retract the gear above 152 kts.
Do not operate the retraction of the landing gear above this speed
Max Landing Gear Extension Operating Speed
* 188 kts
Do not operate the extension of the landing gear above this speed
Max Landing Gear Extended Speed
* 188 kts
Do not exceed this speed with the landing gear extended
Minimum Controllable Speed Airborn Single Engine
* Flaps UP = 71 kts (Red Line)
* Flaps APP = 68
With one engine inoperative, keep airspeed above this limit
Max Structural Cruising Speed (normal operating speed, Green Arc)
* 151 kts (top of the green arc)
Do not exceed this airspeed except in smooth air, use caution
Never Exceed Speed
* 188 kts (last Red Line)
Never fly faster than this speed
Stall Speed in the Landing configuration (gear down)
* Flaps APP = 68 kts
* Flaps LDG = 64 kts (Bottom of the White Arc)
At MTOW 4407 lbs
Stall Speed, Clean configuration
(flaps up, gear up)
* 72 kts (bottom of the green arc)
At MTOW 4407 lbs
Rotation Speed
Flaps UP = 76 kts
Flaps APP = 71/74 kts (short field t/o)
-4189 / +4189 lbs
V50 (Vx)
Speed at 50ft AGL, speed to clear a 50ft obstacle (Vx)
* Flaps UP = 83 kts
* Flaps APP = 77/79 kts (short field t/o)
Most altitude gained in the shortest distance
-4189 / +4189 lbs
Best rate of climb
* Flaps UP = 90/92 kts
* Flaps APP = 85 kts
Most altitude gained in the shortest amount of time
-4189 / +4189
Landing Reference speed
* Flaps UP = 86/92 kts
* Flaps APP = 86/92 kts
* Flaps LDG = 84/86 kts
-4189 / +4189 lbs
90 kts
Vyse (Blue Radial)
Best rate of climb, single engine
* 85 kts (Blue Line)
Vyse in Icing Conditions?
88/90 Kts
-4189 / +4189 lbs
Red Radial
Minimum Controlable Airspeed, Single engine
* Flaps UP = 71 kts (red line)
* Flaps APP = 68 kts
This is Vmc
V Cruise Climb
90/92 kts (SOP 100KTS)
-4189 / +4189 lbs
Emergency Gear Extension speed limit
AFM page 3-50
Max Engine restart speed using starter (not windmilling)
Engine restart (windmilling)
125-145 kts
Autopilot Max & Min operating speeds
Max 180 kts
Min: 90 kts