Systems - DA42 NG Flashcards
Give a brief overview of the Landing Gear System
Acronym: THERN
T - Tricycle
H - Hydraulically actuated
E - Electronicaly powered (power pack)
R - Retractable
N - Nose gear stearing
What is the Power Pack, what are its main components, & where is it located?
Acronym: REEP
1) Provides the power & hydraulic fluid for the landing gear
R - Resevoir (hydraulic)
E - Electric Motor
E - Emergency Accumulator (emergency gear down)
P - Pumps for Hydraulic fluid
3) Located behind the R rear pax seat
What are the 10 components of the Landing Gear?
D - Down Lock Hook (DLH)
U - Unlocking Rod
S - Strut
T - Tension Spring
F - Folding Stay
T - Trailing Link
P - Position Limit Switches
S - Squat Switches
H - Hydraulic Actuator
D - Dampner
Describe the basic overveiw of the Prop System
- The master switch turns on the Unfeathering accumulator & the Feathering valve. (SEE DIAGRAM)
- Main Components
* Master switch
* Solenoid valve
* Unfeathering accumulator
* GB
* Feathering Valve
* Prop Gob
* Hub
* Counterweight Latching system
Describe the Automatic Feathering System
Automatic Feathering occurs when
1. Engine Master is turned off ABOVE 1,300 RPM
2. Complete loss of oil pressure
What is the Centrifugal Latching Mechanism?
Weights attached to the Propeller that are..
1. Latched below 1,300 RPM to prevent unwanted feathering on the ground
2. Unlatched above 1,300 RPM to allow the prop to be feathered
Why dont we want the prop to be feathered on the ground below 1,300 RPM?
- A feathered (high/coarse pitch) prop will put more stress on the engine
- The prop will produce more thrust at a lower RPM in the unfeathered (low/fine pitch) position, which is good for taxiing.
What is meant by a Fully Feathered or Unfeathered Prop?
Fethering refers to the change in pitch of the propeller blade
Fully Feathered = High pitch, Coarse Pitch (low RPM)
Unfeathered = Low pitch, Fine Pitch (high RPM)
Describe how oil pressure effects the pitch & RPM of the prop in a Twin
- High Oil Pressure = Low Pitch = High RPM
- Low Oil Pressure = High Pitch = Low RPM
This is the reverse of the DA40 NG.
Describe what the Unfeathering Accumulator does
- Stores Compressed Nitrogen Oil (125 PSI) in order to forcibly UNFEATHER the prop to RESTART a failed engine
- Helps to maintain Oil Pressure for 5-10 seconds if lost intermittently
- The Unfeathering Accumulator is engaged when the Engine Master Switch is turned on
Essentially, the Accumulator provides Hydraulic pressure when the engine is restarted or during a temporary loss of oil pressure
Why does the oil pressure in the prop governor of a twin work the opposite of a single engine aircraft?
Because if our engine fails in the twin, we want our propeller to fail in the HIGH pitch position (coarse, low RPM) in order to minimize drag
- In the single engine, we want our engine to fail in the low pitch position (fine, high RPM) in order to maximize thrust.
What provides the oil pressure necessary to operate teh Prop Governor?
The Gearbox Oil Pump
What is the Low Pitch Limit (Unfeathered)?
13 degrees
What is the High Pitch Limit of the Prop (Fully Feathered)
80 degrees
- Close to 90, to minimize drag
What does the Left Gear Squat Switch do?
A sensor that..
1. Prevents gear retraction on the ground
What does the Right Gear Squat Switch do?
Acronym: G-TEST
A sensor that..
G - Glow Plugs, prevents them from being activated in the air
T - Traffic Avoidance System, turns it off on the ground
E - ECU test, prevents it from occuring in the air
S - Stall Heat, prevents it from being turned on too long on the ground (will damage it)
T - Tach time, tracks it (air time)
How does a Squat Switch work?
They are essentially electrical weight sensing devices
* When weight is applied to the Landing Gear an electrical circuit is completed
Where are the Squat Switches located?
On the L & R main gear
* Little black things
(see photo)
Auxiliary fuel tank capacities
13.7 Max (x2: 27.4)
13.2 Usable (x2: 26.4)
We don’t use our auxillary tanks on training flights
Main Tank Capacities
26 max (x2: 52)
25 Usable (x2: 50)
What is the total fuel capacity per side?
39.7 Max
38.2 Usable
*including Aux tank
What is the total fuel capacity?
79.4 Max
76.4 Usable
*including Aux tanks
What is the max fuel imbalance (between the mains) when NOT using the AUX tanks?
5 Gal
What is the max fuel capacity in the main tanks only?
52 gal total (26 per side)
50 usuable (25 per side)