Uworld Vascular Flashcards
Where is venous O2 the lowest?
Coronary sinus.This is because heart is very efficient and extracts 90% of O2 out of vesels.Body extracts 75-80% of O2.
When do you begint o see fatty streaks? What are they composed of?
Composed of foamy macrophages . Fatty streaks appear in aortas of childre less than 1 year old. Are present in aorts of all children over 10. May be precursors of atheromatous plaques, but not all fatty streaks progress.
What does the 6th pharyngela ouch form?
Pulmonary arteries and ductus arteriosus.
In INC central central venous pressure, how can one prevent WITHOUT edema?
INC lymphatic drainage.
What heart/vessel drug causes angioedema?What causes peripheral edema + flushing
Angioedema - ACEPeripheral edema + flushing - DHP Ca antagonist (Amlodipine)
Major cuase of AAA?
Atherosclerosis. Start w/ intimal streak. These can proress to atheromas, which weaken underlying meda of aortic wall.
What hemangiomas are common in infancny? In adults?Which regress/dont regress?
Strawberry hemangiomas - children (First few weeks of life) - regress spontaneously at 5-8 years old. Can be found in deep tissue, esp liver. Cherry hemangoas - adults - stay. Frquency INC w/ age.
Anaphylactic Shock. First line. SEcond line?
Epi.Alpha1 - vasoconstrictionB1 - INC contractilityB2 - bronchodilates.Norepi doesnt bronchodilateSecond line - Diphenhydramine - 1st gen antihistamine - use after pt is stabilized w/ epi.
Concern w/ ACE inhibitors? (2)
Angioedema1st dose HYPOTENSION. ESP if there is preexisting diuretic (thiazide/loop) being used.
Central lines -w hich is least likely to get infected? Most likely?
Subclavian vein has lowest risk, then IJV. Femoral has greatest risk. BTW ROUTINE REPLACEMENT OF CENTERAL VENOUS CATEHTERS IS NOT NECESSARY. No evidence that it DEC infection. SHould be remved prompty when no longer required tho. proper Hand washingCHlorhexidien for skin disinfection.Avoid femoralRemove when needed
Describe pathway of fat absorption in body.
Chylomicrons (synthesized in RER/gogli of small intestine enterocyte)Chylomicrons released w/ ONLY ApoB48.HDL give chylomicrons ApoC2 and ApoE.Lipoprotein Lipase activated by ApoC2 on chylomicrons and VLDL. Thus, ApoC2 def -> hyperchylomicronemia.ApoB-100 is present on LDL and required for receptor mediated ptake of LDL by EXTRAhepatic cells.’ApoA-1 - LCAT activation (Cholesterol esterification)ApoE3, E4 - VLDL and chylomicron remnan uptake by liver cells.
Chylomicrons assembly and secretion?Given by HDL to chylomicrons?Activates Lipoprotein lipase?Activates LCAT activation (choletserol esterification?)Causes VLDL chylomicron remnant uptake by liver LDL particle utake by extrahepatic cells?
ApoB48 - chylo assemblyApoC2 and ApoE - given by HDL to chyloApoC2 - Lipoprotein lipase activityApoA-1 - LCAT activationApoE3,E4 - VLDL chylomicron reuptake by LIVERApoB-100 - LDL uptake by EXTRAHEPATIC
Gouty arthritis can be a sign of what drug use?
Niacin. Also facial flushing and warmth. may be prevented by pre-adminsitration of aspririn.Hepatotox w/ high dose nicotininc acid. Nicotininc acid INC HDL by 25-30%.
Cause of INC in staph blood stream infections?
Intravascular devices (indwelling catheters etc)I picked laparoscopic surgeries (thinking epidermitis), but these asa whole have DEC infection from open heart.
Where is COX 2 found?
COX2 is an enzmye that is NOT found in most tissue (only in inflam cells including M!)COX1 on the other hand is fiound in all tisues.
Where/how do:Colchicine act?Infliximab?
Colchicine - binds to tubulin - inhibits microtubule formation - Impairs N! mitosis as well as DEC N! motility.Inflixamab - monoclonal ab that irreversibly binds to TNFa (cytokine).
Niacin - how does it work
DEC hepatic VLDL synthesis!! by DEC FFA release from peripheral tissues.
Pharyngeal arches. GO through all of them123456
1 - Trigeminal nerve (5) + maxillary artery2. Facial nerve (7)+ face muscles3. Glossopharnygeal nerve (9) - internal carotid4. Vagus (10) - subclavian arteries - muscles of pharynx/soft palate - 5. NOTHING. Obliterated6. Recurrent laryngeal branch of vagus. Pulmonary arteries and ductus arteriosus. Most muscles of the larynx.
What are the response sof low dose Dopamine on physio?High Doses?
B1 and D1B1 - INC heart rate/contractility etc.D1 - INC renal blood flow/glomerlar filtration rate, sodium EXCRETION. At high doses, also stimulates a1 receptors - vasoconsrction -> DEC cardiac output due to INC afeterlaod.
What to give those underging hip surgery?When do you use aspirin prophylaxis?When do you use heparin prophylaxis
Aspirin - low dose - prevents coronary artery thrombisis and ischemic strokes. Aspirin is not strong neough to prevent DVT/PE in high risk pt (thos eudnergoing hip surgery) - must give low dose heparin to prevent PE in hospitalized pt.