Goljan High Yield Flashcards
Physiologic effects of hemorrhage
Drop in BP, activation in RAA, DEC renal blood flow, catecholamine stimulation, catecholamine release from high pressure baroreceptors, tachycardia, stimulation of JG apparatus (venoconstriction), INC ADH
Opportunistic infections of AIDS 8
PCP, CMV, Cryptococcus, MAI, TB, Herpes (esophagitis), Candida, (Thrush, esophagitis, vulvogaginitis - T cell candida are superficial, not systemic (N!), Cryptosporidium (acid fast; diarrhea)
CNS Stimulant, DEC uptake of DOPA, NOR
Serum protein electrophoresis - polyclonal vs monoclonal
Polyclonal - chronic inflam. Monoclonal - one clone of plasma cell, MGUS is most common cause
Abscence of Y chromosomes
germinal ridge moves in direction of ovarian differentiation, presence of Y chromosome -> testes differentiation
UVB light. Action and causes
Thymidine dimers. If not replaced by normal DNAw/ repair enzymes -> CA (Basal, squam, melanom)
ESR related to age?
INC w/ age. Probably abnormal (indicates disease process rather than just age related)
Key elements in wound healing
granulation tissue, fibronectin
Cause of death in 15-25 age bracket
MVA. Black males - homicide
Xeroderma pigmentosum
AR disease w/ absent DNA repair enzymes and INC indidence of UVB related skin CA
Cytochrome oxidase - Inhibited by?
Last enzyme in electron transport chain - inhibited by CO and cyanide
Chronic granulomatous disease of childhood
SXR diseae, absent NADPH oxidase, absent respiratory burst, cant kill catalase positive S. aureus but can kill catalse negative sterptococci
Cause of atrophyi n muscle in a cast?
Lack of muscle stimulation
Non-disjunction in somatic cells
How to calculate the reference interval of a test when given mean of test and 1 SD
Double SD - since 2 SD covering 95% of population is used
Mitochondria inheritance patterns
Mom give disease to all kids. Her son gives none to his kids
Vitamin deficiency in acloholics
Metal deficiency in alcoholics
Viatamin assoc w/ pyruvate dehydrogenase
Ambiguous genitalia - what to do?
Always determine genetic sex of a child
Respiratory burst. Found where?
NADPH oxidase conversion of O2 to superoxide free radicals. Found in N! and monocytes only
Caisson disease- blood gas?
Pressure N2 DEC in blood, as it moves from vessels into tissue
Clear Cell AdenoCA of vagina risk
DES exposure. Vaginal adenosis is precursor (persistence of upper 1/3 of vagina (columnar) - did not differentiate into squamous
What happens to other kidney if one is damaged?
Undergoes hypertrophy
Vit E toxicity
DEC Vit K dependent factors and thus INC risk of hemorrhagic strokes - potentiates action of Warfarin
Biotin reaction (B7)
carboxylase reaction in conversion of pyruvate to oxaloacetate
Cherry red macula
Tay sach disease
Pyridoxine (B6)
Transamination rx involving AST/ALT. Also needed for Heme creation (ALAS, ALAD)
Functions of ANP
inhibits ADH release, AT2 affects on thirst stimulation, inhibits aldosterone secretion, inhibits renal reabs of Na
Chance of a male w/ CF having a kid
Less tahn 5%. Vas deferens never fully develop or are atretic. Females w/ CF can be pregnant but it is difficult due to thick cervical mucus
Vitamin supplements for CF?
All fat soluble vitamins
Woman is pure vegan and is breats feeding baby and baby develops anemia. Why?
B12 deficiency
EBV attaches to waht moleecule on B cell?
Hypogonadism, MR, and unilateral gynecomastia
Klinefelter syndrome (XYY) - males
Hypogonadism and color blindness
Kallman syndrome (absent GnRH
Hypogonadism, MR, Retinitis pigmentosum
Laurence-Moon-Biedl Syndrome
Male w/ hypogonadism, MR, short stature, webbed neck
Noonan syndrome - AD - can be in males of females. (similar to male version of Turner-45x),
Male pseudohermaphrodite w/ cryptorchidism
Testicular feminization (absent androgen receptors, SXR (sex reversal XX -> male), most common cause of male pseudohermaphroditism
Microdeletion syndrome w/ hypogonadism, MR, short stature, obesity
Prader Willi syndrome (Chr15 deletion of paternal origin - can occur in females and males). Angelman syndrome is deletion is of maternal origin
Pt. w/ neurofibromatosis w/ severe diastolic HTN
Probably Pheo. MEN3
Use and Complications of cyclophosphamide
Alkylating drug for chemo. Hemorrhagic cystitis and transitional CA of bladder
Decline in deaths due to SIDS attributed to
Having baby sleep supine. SIDS often due to immature central chemoreceptors which do not respond to reespiratory acidosis by moving their heads and die
Most important risk factors for INC morbidity/mortality of single 25 black male
Unprotected sex (AIDS is number 1 killer) , white males - MVA
Car assembly plant present w/ headache nausea vomiting, muscle weakness, ab cramps
Lead poisoning from incineration of battery. Or People making moonshine in an old car radiator.
Newborn female presents w/ edema of hands and feet and cystic mass in neck
Turners Syndrome w/ 45XO karyotype
Compare breast milk to cows milk
Cows milk has more vitamin K, B12, more casein, less ascorbic acid. Breast milk has low iron but it is better absorbed. Whey is primary protein in breast milk, wherears casein is in cows
UV light most likely to produce corneal burn
UVB - snow skiing. UVB also related to CA (UV-Bad)
Retinal hemorrhage in young children
Possible child abuse - shaking syndrome
Pt stung by bee and has respiratory difficulty, flushing, ab cramping - Tx?
Aqueous Epinephrine 1:1000 sc.
Fire ant bites
multiple wheals that later devo into vesicles, and pustules
Black widow bite (carrying logs outside, moving boxes in basement
painful bite that is followed by crampy pain in thighs and ab. Rx w/ muscle relaxant (Calcium gluconate), tetanus prophylaxis, antivenin in severe cases.
Poisonous scorption sting in Southwest presentation
pain sting followed by local itching, paresthesia, nausea, vomiting, HTN
Brown Reculuse spider bite
PAINLESS BITE begins w/ slightly tender red papule on arm that laters forms hemorrhagic blister surrounded by purpura
Chigger bites
extremely pruritic, discrete bright red papules on legs and around waist
Child who ingests 30 adult aspirins most likely to devo
INC anion gap metabolic acidosis (kids unlike adults, do not devo mixed metabolic acidosis and respiratory alkalosis. Rx - gastric lavage and activated charcol to alkalinize urine for INC excretion of the acid
Disease to more likely infect fetus AFTER first trimester?
Engineer driving train involved w/ crash has THC metabolites in urine - why?
Delayed reaction time, impaired ability to judge speed/distance
Angiosarcoma of liver - causes?
Vinyl chloride, arsenic, thorotrast (radiocontrast used in the 40s)
Acetaminophen tox - worry about where?
Liver and kidney (renal medulla), free radical injury. Tx Liver w/ n-acetylcysteine
Low AFP - be concerned for?
Downs syndrome