USMLErX Flashcards
Jaundice + positive coombs test + INC retic count. What is this and tx?
Warm agglutination. IgG chronic anemia - from SLE, CLL, DRUGS (methydopa) Tx w/ STEROIDS
Where are majority of dopamine RECEPTORS located?
Dopamine neurons in substantia niagraRECEPTORS in Striatum! (putamen, caudate)
Which larger parasites invades mucosa?
CryptospordiumEntamoebaNOT giardia
WHAT HAPPENS IN ELISA? What is best confirmatory test for HIV?
Binding of protein (for example HIV protein) and ab (patients ab - tests to see if pt has ab) . Differs from Western blot in that the ab is linked to an enzyme. The activity of the enzyme changes color - intensity depends on amount of ab. Western blot is the least likely to have false positives and false negatives so it is the major CONFIRMATORY STEP.
Which 2 chemo drug types work on the G2 phase?
Topoisomerase (Etoposide) - (G2 and S)And Bleomycin - strand breaks. (G2)
Bevacizumab used in?
VEGF ab - colon CA, breast, nonsmall cell Lung CA.
Tx for alcohol related cardiomyopath?
ACE, Digoxin, diuretics
Longtime bikers can get handlebar palsy. What is this? What else innervated by this nerve?
Compression of ulnar nerve - cause difficulty spreading fingers and making a fist. Hook of hamate compresses ulnar nerve. Ulnar nerve dmg can cause ulnar claw hand, as well as lumbricals 3,4 (claw hand) and ADDUCTOR pollicis
Two treatments of serotonin syndrome?
Diphenhydramine and cyproheptadine
Tx for PCP in sulfa allergy pt?
Most common side effect of Odansetron? Mech of action?
5-HT3 receptor blocker.Headache, constipation, urinary retention, dizziness (blocks GU tract)
What are 3 ways to define AIDS?
Serologic evidence of HIV infection CD4 count less than 200CD4% less than 14%Presence of one or more opportunitistic infections
micronodules in liver?Macronodules in liver?
Micro - chronic liver disease - alcoholism, Wilsons, hemochromatosisMacro - postinfectious, drug induced hepatitis.
Antibiotics tha tcan cause ototox?
Pagets lab findings?
Lytic findings on radiographcElevation of alk phosNORMAL partyhyroid, Ca, P
What is pre-ecmalpsia first line?
Delivery of baby.IV Magnesium to PREVENT SEIZURES - can see DEc deep tendon reflexes.Phenytoin and diazepam are second kline (phenytoin second line due to neural tube problems etc)
Red casts?WBC casts?Granular castS?Fatty casts?Waxy casts?Hyaline casts?
RBC - inflam - GN. ishemia, malignant HTNWBC - ifnection/pyleo, tx rejection.Fatty - nephroticGranular/muddy - Acute Tubular NecrosisWaxy - advanced/chronic renal failureHyaline - nonspecific. Can be seen in concentrated urine samples
As the prevalance INC, what happens to the PPV and the NPV?
SchizoaffectiveSchizophreniformShizophreniaSchizoid personalitySchizotypal personalityGeneral anxiety disorder must last how long?
shizoaffective - 2weeks +. Shizo plus mood/depressionSchizophreniform 1-6 monthsSchizophreniaShizoid - voluntary withdrawalShizotypal - magical thinkingGAD - 6 months+
What muscles are supplied by the radial nerve?
Brachioradialis, Extensors of wrist/fingers, Supinator, Triceps. (bEST)
Where do most pancreatic CA occur?
Ventral pacnreatic bud = obstructive jaundice, weight loss, ab pain radiating to back
What is more likely to cause MI?Plaque rupture or thromboembolic event?
Plaque rupture leading to possible thrombus.
What test can be used to dx Acromegaly?
High GH -> high Insulin like growth factor - confirmed via glucose tolerance test - Normally - growth hormone is suppressed after glucose load.Lack of suppression indicates GH excess that is not responsive to negative feedback loop. Acromegalic pt usu display hyperglycemia!SUMAMRY: ACROMEGALY ALWAYS HAVE ILGF floating around. THEREFORE desensitive to insulin. THEREFORE HYPERGLYCEMIC.
Bartonella - regional LAN,. low gaade feverFrancisella - LAN + ULCER. wild rabbits and ticksPasteurella - cat/dog - RAPID inflam ( hours) and purulent discharge.
Standard tx for C diff diarrhea?
Metronidazole or Vanc
Malignant hyperthermia due to mutation where?
Ryanodine receptor!!! RYR1!!!DHP is normal and triggers Ryanodine.
Potters disease is due to failure of what to form?
URETERIC bud - (outgrowth that arises from mesonephric duct) Fialure of ureteric buds to form -> potters.
Treatment for E Coli O157H7>
Most Ecoli including O157H7 - supportive - hydration - AVOID antibiotic therapy.
phosphodiesterase inhbiitors such as sildenafil INC what levles?
cGMP levels - relaxes smooth muscles and INC penile blood flow.
N-acetyl cysteine is?
A reducing agent - the sulfhydryl group reduces glutathionine, so that glutathionine can reduce again.
where is the ilioinguinal nerve located?
ilioinguinal nerve located in inguinal canal - pass es through the inguinal ligament on top of the spermatic cord.Supplies cutaneous scrotum/labia and medial aspect of thigh. NOT part of spermatic cord - must be islated separately from cord during hernial surgeries so there is no loss of sensation.
Tx of salmonella?
Usu dont try to treat w/ antibiotics - PROLONGS fecal excretion.Also dont treat E coli HUS. Unless UTI (TMp-SMX, penicillin) or meningitisShigella you can treat.
What maneuver DEC preload.What maneuver INC afterload?
DEC preload w/ valsalva (INC intrathyoracid pressure DEC venous return) - Mitral valve prolapse murmur INC w/ valsalva maneuver. Hand grip INC afterload
Pros and cons of hormone replacement therapy?
Pros: Helps w/ menopaus symtpoms,. DEC colorectaCA and osteoporotic fractureCons - INC MI risk, Stroke risk, Venous thromboembolism risk, Breast CA risk.
Where woudl you want to ablate in parkinsons disease?
Not enough dopamine from substantia nigra.Ablate globus paladus (GPi/e)
polyhydramnios and congenital diaphragmatic hernia due to?
failure of pleuroperitoneal folds to derive. Often have flat stomach (w/ contents visible) and heart dispalced to right.
Prerenal Intrarenal has what ratio?Postrenal has what ratio?
Pre - ratio greater than 20:1. Intra - ratio below 15:1Post - ratio greater than 15:1.
Normal pressure hydrocephalus usu due to?
Communicating hydrocephalus - some type of problem w/ resorption in villi
Mutation in burkitts?
c-mycEBcstary sky8:14
Ceramic working. THink?
Lead posioning. Thus ALAD blocked.(second enzyme in pathway)
Replacement of heparin after HIT?
Direct thrombin inhibitor. Argatroban, bivalirudin, lepirudinShort half life do not cross react.
Best treatment for bulimia?
Fluoxetine.perhaps mirtazapine and trazadonie
What should you do before giving DOC for ankylosing spondylosis?
Tx is infliximab - anti-TNFa monoclonal ab - must check PPD (purified protein derivative skin test)
What does mom chlamydia -> birth -> kid usu yield?
Inclusion conjunctivitis - D-K.See inclusions w/ special stain.Also pneumonia between 4 to 11 weeks of life.
Severe diarrhea leads to what plasma changes?
Loss of bicarb (acidosis)INC in Cl reabs (to get NaCl from dehydration) -> non-anion gap metabolic acidosis. Often can see hyperventilation to blow CO2 off.
Tx for cryptosporidium?
There is no tx - supportive care. (esp for immunocompromised. Can give nitazoxanide to immunocompetentn AKA DONT TREAT ECOLI HUS, SALMONELLA, CRYPTO
Chediak Higashi mech?
disorder of microtubule polymerization.
What else do you see in Kawasakis besides necrotizing vasculitis, fever, cervical LAD, hand rash, racing heart, aneurysm in future?
What does PCP look like on gross xray?PCP tx in sulfa allergy?
microscopic cysts. Pentamidine, dapsone, atovaquone. Atovaquone - INHIBITS MITO ELECTRON TRANSPORT.
DIC blood smear?
Tx of GAS in penicillin allergic pt?
erythromycin - has activity agasinst GP (pneumo, strep, staph, corynebactera, enterococci and gram negative.