UWorld I Flashcards
Acute respiratory distress syndrome
Hypoxemia and bilateral pulmonary infiltrates lead to injury to alveolar pneumocystis and endothelial damage - hyaline membranes form, diminished surfactant production (alveolar collapse), and increased capillary permeability
Cardiac tissue conduction velocity
Fast - Purkinje –> Atrial muscle –> Ventricular muscle –> AV node - Slow. Park at venture avenue
A/w pager’s disease of bone
Vitamin A (retinol)
Teratogenic - microcephaly, cardiac anomalies, growth retardation, and spontaneous abortion.
Inhibits viral RNA polymerase - chronic Hep C or RSV
DNA laddering
DNA fragments of 180 BP = apoptosis. Endonuclease cleave DNA during karryhorexhis. Absence of BCL-2 = inhibited apoptosis. No DNA laddering suggests malignancy.
M3 receptors
Stimulates Gq in bronchial smooth muscle –> IP3 –> increased intracellular Ca2+ –> Bronchoconstriction
Cholinergic antagonist - Over dose –> Hot as a hare, mad as a hatter, blind as a bat, red as a beet, dry as a bone
Cholinergic toxicity
DUMBELLS - Diarrhea, urination, mitosis, bradycardia, emesis, lacrimation, lethargy, salivation
Acute promyelocytic leukemia
Auer rods
(15:17) translocation
15 = promyelocytic leukemia gene.
17 = retinoic acid receptor.
Sx: Pancytopenia (weakness, fatigue, infections, gingival bleeding) and DIC
Tx: All trans-retinoid acid
Burkitt lymphoma - Starry sky + EBV
8 = c-myc
14 = Ig Heavy chain
Childhood B cell acute lymphocytic leukemia
Anemia, thrombocytopenia, lymphoblasts
Follicular lymphoma
14 = Ig heavy chain
18 = BCL-2 (inhibits apoptosis)
Produced only by T cells
Stimulates growth and differentiation of B cells, T cells, macrophages, and NK cells.
Can promote FAS mediated apoptosis
Systemic inflammatory response - e.g. septic shock and cachexia
Bind epithelial cells together, calcium dependent - loss of calcium –> loss of cell-cell adhesion
Molluscum contagiosum
Caused by Poxvirus
Eosinpohillic cytoplasmic inclusion bodies
Anterior/posterior knee dislocation
Injury to popliteal artery
Postpartum endometritis
A/w C-section
fever, leukocytosis, uterine tenderness, foul-smelling discharge.
ARR = control group event rate - experimental group event rate
Metabolic acidosis, ketonemia, hyperglycemia, hyperkalemia, hyponatremia.
Everything high EXCEPT sodium - being peed out
Dandy walker formation
Absence of cerebellar vermis - 4th ventricle enlargement
Prior to pheochromocytoma removal
Long active alpha-blocker
Non-selective beta-agonist (increases beta-1 effects on heart –> increase HR) used for bradycardia and heart block
Alpha agonist - decongestant and vasopressor in severe hypotension
Germinal matrix hemmorrhage
Intraventricular hemorrhage - premature infants less than 32 weeks at greatest risk
Interstitial pneumonitis
slowly progressive dyspnea and productive cough
Aspirin sensitivity
Cox blockade –> increased leukotrienes and bronchoconstriction. Leukotrienes are pro-inflammatory
Allelic heterogeneity
different mutations in the same locus cause similar phenotypes
Leukotriene D4
Bronchial asthma pathogenesis - induces bronchospasm and increases bronchial mucus secretion.
Monteleukast is a D4 antagonist
FGFR3 gain of function
Bruton tyrosine kinase
x-linked agammaglobulinemia - on X-chromosome
B cells can’t leave marrow, no Ab’s produced.
Recurrent respiratory tract bacterial infections in infants.
Normal T cells, absent B cells (less that 1% CD19 or CD20)
Chromosome 7
CF, ehlers-danlos, osteogenesis imperfecta
Chromosome 16
polycystic kidney disease, tuberous sclerosis
Chromosome 20
Maturity onset diabetes of the young
Chromosome 22
N-terminal peptide sequence
signals protein for Rough ER
Deficiency results in cytosolic protein accumulation
Defect in branched chain alpha keto acid dehydrogenase
Branched chain amino acids (leucine, isoleucine, and valine) accumulate in urine and blood –> CNS toxicity and maple syrup smelling urine.
Sx: Poor feeding and vomitting
Tx: restrict branched chain amino acids in diet (leucine, isoleucine, valine). Supplement diet w/ thiamine (B1)
Cofactor for carboxylation enzymes - e.g. acetyl coA decarboxylase and pyruvate carboxylase.
Androgen binding protein
Keeps testosterone level high in seminiferous tubules. secreted by sertoli cells in response to elevated FSH.
Normal plasma levels of testosterone indicate that Lydia cells are working, low testosterone ONLY in seminiferous tubules indicates sertoli cell (ABP) dysfunction.
alpha-1 blocker
PAS positive granules
Whipple’s disease
Crypt abscesses + pseudopolyps
Ulcerative colitis
Cobblestone mucosa + transmural inflammation
Ischemic colitis
Evidence of CAD or PAS (e.g. decreased peripheral pulses or h/o angina)
Mucosal hemorrhage and patchy necrosis
Early onset OA + thin sclerae
Osteogenesis imperfecta
Defect in Type I collagen
RAS - GTP binding protein - cholangiocarcinom and pancreatic adenocarcinoma
MYC - Transcription factor - Burkitt lymphoma (8:14)
ERB/EGFR - Receptor tyrosine kinase - lung adenocarcinoma
ERBB2/HER2 - Receptor tyrosine kinase - breast
ABL - non receptor tyrosine kinase - CML (9:22 BCR;ABL)
BRAF - Ras signal transduction - Hairy cell, melanoma
Tumor suppressor genes
BRCA - DNA repair
APC - WNT signaling - FAP/colon cancer
TP53 - Genome stability - most cancer, li-fraumeni
RB - G1–>S inhibitor - retinoblastoma, osteosarcoma
WT1 - urogenital differentiation - wilms tumor
VHL - Ubiquitin ligase component - RCC, VHL syndrome
Treatment of carcinoid syndrome. A somatostatin analog that reduces the secretion of bioactive peptides.
Wide split fixed S2
Absence of esophageal peristalsis in distal esophagus and hypertensive LES that can’t relax. Results in dilated esophagus with distal narrowing
(+) ssRNA
Enteroviruses - most common cause of viral meningitis
(-) ssRNA
Measles, mumps, RSV
(+) ssRNA
Common cold
(+) ssRNA
Norovirus - gastroenteritis
(-) ssRNA
Lassa virus - hemmorrhagic fever virus from rodent urine inhalation
Prader will - maternal uniparental disomy OR loss of parental gene. LOSS of paternal
Angelman - Paternal uniparentla disomy OR maternal loss of gene. LOSS of maternal
Thickening of stratum corneum - outermost layer
X-linked recessive
Deficient: alpha-galactosidase
Clinical presentation: angiokeratomas, peripheral neuropathy, glomerulopathy
Deficient in beta-hexosaminidase A
Macular cherry red spot, progressive neurodegeneration
AR - Most common lysosomal storage disorder
Hepatosplenomegaly, pancytopenia, bon pain/osteopenia
Sphingomyelinase deficient
Macular cherry red spot, progressive neurodegeneration, heptaosplenomegaly (differentiates neumann pick from tay-sakcs, hexosaminidase deficiency w/o HSM)
galactocerebrosidase deficient
Progressive neurodegeneration, peripheral neuropathy, optic atrophy
Metachromatic leukodystrophy
Arylsulfatase A
Progressive neurodegeneration, peripheral neuropathy
Nephrotic syndrome, most common. Often caused by HIV
Vitamin D supplementation
Increases intestinal absorption of phosphate and calcium, the rise in serum calcium inhibits PTH