UWorld Flashcards
Tamoxifen and Raloxifen have what adverse effects?
- both may induce hot flushes and increase the risk of venous thromboembolism
- tamoxifen increases the risk of endometrial hyperplasia and carcinoma
What is the primary contraindication for Raloxifen?
history of venous thromboembolism
What is the primary risk factor for magnesium toxicity during pregnancy?
renal insufficiency
What descriptors are used to describe a mass secondary to fat necrosis in the breast?
firm and irregular, often with overlying skin or nipple retraction
What features of a breast mass are consistent with a fibroadenoma? What features are consistent with fibrocystic changes? How can the two be distinguished?
- fibroadenoma: a solitary, well-circumscribed, mobile mass with cyclic premenstrual tenderness
- fibrocystic change: multiple, diffuse nodulocystic masses with cyclic premenstrual tenderness
- fibroadenomas peak in incidence before age 30 and fibrocystic change peaks after age 30
Describe the appearance of a TOA on ultrasound along with it’s clinical presentation.
a complex, multilocular mass involving the tube and ovary, often in the setting of leukocytosis and fever
Describe the appearance of a mature teratoma on ultrasound.
- hyperechoic nodules and calcifications
- they may have solid components but rarely have septations
When should suppressive antivirals be started in pregnant patients with known HSV-2?
at 36 weeks
What is the first line therapy for premenstrual syndrome?
Describe oxytocin toxicity, including the pathogenesis and clinical features.
- oxytocin is analogous to ADH and high doses can result in water retention and a dilutional hyponatremia
- hyponatremia can then present as headaches, abdominal pain, n/v, lethargy, and tonic-clonic seizures
What treatment options are available for genital warts (condyloma acuminata)?
- podophyllin resin or trichloroacetic acid
- imiquimod
- cryotherapy, laser ablation, or excision
What is the treatment for BV, trichomoniasis, and vaginal candidiasis?
- BV: metronidazole or clindamycin
- trichomoniasis: metronidazole
- candidiasis: fluconazole
Which causes of vaginitis are associated with changes in pH and which are associated with inflammation?
- BV and trichomoniasis are associated with a rise in vaginal pH
- tichomoniasis and candida are associated with inflammation
Name two vaccines that are recommended during pregnancy.
Tdap and inactivated influenza
Name four vaccines that are contraindicated during pregnancy.
MMR, varicella, live attenuated influenza, HPV
What is the difference between symmetric and asymmetric IUGR?
- asymmetric is that which spares the head; it is typically the result of placental insufficiency or maternal malnutrition
- symmetric is more often caused by chromosomal abnormalities and congenital infections
How can uterine rupture be differentiated from placental abruption in clinical presentation?
both present with pain, bleeding, and fetal heart rate tracing abnormalities
- abruption often has low-amplitude, frequent contractions
- rupture is usually defined by diminishing contractions
How does diminished ovarian reserve impact fertility?
with age the quantity and quality of oocytes diminishes, so even though menstruation is normal, the woman’s fecundability (conception rate) is often lower
List severe features of pre-eclampsia.
- blood pressure greater than 160/110
- pulmonary edema
- elevated creatinine or liver enzymes
- thrombocytopenia
- CNS symptoms like headache or visual disturbances
At what point should patients with pre-eclampsia deliver?
as soon as they are no longer considered stable; otherwise, 34 weeks with severe features and 37 weeks without severe features
What is the mechanism of action of hydralazine? What is the mechanism of action of labetalol?
- hydralazine is a vasodilator
- labetalol is a beta blocker with alpha blocker activity as well
What is believed to cause HELLP?
abnormal placentation, inducing systemic inflammation and thereby activating the complement system and coagulation cascade
What are the obstetric complications associated with post-term delivery?
- fetal: macrosomia, oligohydramnios, dysmaturity, and demise
- maternal: severe obstetric laceration, c/s, postpartum hemorrhage
What is the preferred treatment for confirmed Chlamydial infection?
azithromycin alone
What would be an indication for suction curettage in a patient with an inevitable abortion?
patient preference or hemodynamic instability