UWORLD Flashcards
Red mans syndrome
- from rapid vanco admin
- It is characterized by flushing, erythema, and pruritus, typically on the face, neck, and chest.
- Muscle pain, spasms, dyspnea, and hypotension may also occur
- slow the infusion
- hives, angioedema (lip swelling), wheezing, and respiratory distress are more suggestive of anaphylaxis
cushings traid
- bradycardia, slowed respiration, widened pulse pressure
iron rich foods
- meats
- green leafy veggies
- whole grains
- shellfish
- eggs, dried fruits, dried beans
Intra dermal injection
- inner forearm
- 25-27 gauge
- 1/4-5/8 inch
SQ injection
- abdomen, posterior upper arm, thigh
- 25-27 gauge
- 3/8-5/8
IM injection
- deltoid, vastus latteralis, ventrogluteal
- 18-25 gauge
- 1-11/2 inch
CN neumonic
- on old olympus towering tops a finn and german viewed some hops (for the name of the nerve)
- some say mary money but my brother says bad business marry money (for if sensory or motor
CN 1
- olfactory
- sensory
- smell test
CN 2 (ii)
- sensory
- visual acuity and visual feids
CN 3 (iii)
- oculomotor
- motor
- pupil constriction and extraoccular movements
CN 4 (IV)
- Trochlear
- motor
- extra ocular movements- inferior adduction
CN 5 (v)
- trigeminal
- both
- clench teeth and light touch
CN 6 (VI)
- abducens
- motor
- extra ocular movement’s- lateral abduction
CN 7 (VII)
- both
- facial movements- close eyes smile
- acoustic
- sensory
- hearing and romberg test
CN 9 (IX)
- glossopharyngeal
- both
- gag reflex
CN 10 (x)
- vagus
- both
- say ah and uvulr and palpate movement
CN 11 (XI)
- spinal accessory
- motor
- turn head and lift shoulders to resistance
CN 12 (XII)
- motor
- stick tongue out
Isotonic crystalloid solutions
-0.9% NaCl, lactated Ringer, 5% dextrose in water (D5W)
-concentration is same as plasma & extracellular fluid
- stays where you put it
- stays in blood stream
- good for intravascular fluid volume replacement
Hypotonic crystalloid solutions
- low numbers
- 0.45% NS (1/2), 0.33% NS (1/3), 0.225 % NS (1/4)
- 2.5% dextrose & water, 0.45% NaCl
- Osmolality is less than that of extracellular fluid
- go out of the vessel and into the cell (swells)
Hypertonic solutions
- High numbers
- ex: dextrose 5% & 0.9% NaCl, 5% dextrose & lactated Ringer) & colloid solutions
(dextran, albumin) - Osmolality is more than that of extracellular fluid
- fluid go from cell into vessels (cells shrink)
sulfa meds side effects
- Crystalluria causing kidney injury – client should drink 8 glasses of water daily to maintain adequate urine output (eg, 1200-1500 mL/day)
- Photosensitivity and risk for sunburn – client should avoid sun exposure and apply sunscreen
- Folic acid deficiency (megaloblastic anemia and stomatitis) – client should eat folate-rich foods and take 1 mg/day folic acid supplement
- Rarely life-threatening agranulocytosis (leukopenia) – client should be monitored for complete blood count at the start of therapy and report fever or sore throat immediately
- Stevens-Johnson syndrome – client should stop the medicine if rash develops
- often after viral infection like pneumonia, post MI, lupus
- sharp chest pain that radiates to upper back
- colchicine and non steroidal anti inflammatories
- sit up and lean forward
- elevated CRP, ESR, leukocytosis
- causes diarrhea (5-7 days- smells foul), fever, vomiting
- can easily get dehydrated
- spread fecal- orally
- ## spread via contact with foods, objects, hands
magnesium toxicity
- Mild: nausea, flushing, headache, hyporeflexia
- Moderate: areflexia, hypocalcemia, somnolence
- Severe: respiratory paralysis, cardiac arrest
tx for mag toxcicity
- stop
- calcium gluconate
signs of ruptured ectopic pregnancy
- unilateral abdominal pain
- hypotension
- tachycardia
- dizziness
- referred shoulder pain
signs of ectopic pregnancy
- lower abdominal and pelvic pain; amenorrhea, possibly followed by vaginal spotting or bleeding; and a palpable adnexal mass on pelvic examination
theraputic aptt when on heparin
- 46-70 seconds
- if too long: stop the heparin infusion, notify HCP, prepare protamine sulfate
asthma attack treatment
- Oxygen to maintain saturation >90%
- High-dose inhaled short-acting beta agonist (albuterol or levalbuterol) and anticholinergic agent (ipratropium) nebulizer treatments every 20 minutes
- Systemic corticosteroids (Solu-Medrol) to control the underlying inflammation. These will take some time to show an effect.
severe pre eclampsia signs
- htn
- proteinuria
- severe headache
- visual disturbances
- right upper quad or epigastric pain
- seizure
- edema
compartment syndrome s/s
- 7 P’s
- parasthesia (early sign)
- paralysis (late sign)
- pain
- pallor
- pressure
- pulselessness
- ## poikilothermy (cool skin)
lithium toxicity
- acute: GI (N/V, diarrhea)
- chronic: ataxia, sluggish, confusion, agitation, tremor
how to prevent lithium toxcicty
- avoid sodium being low (low sodium precipitates lithium toxicity)
- reg diet and lots of fluids
- tx depression
- Monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs) (eg, isocarboxazid [Marplan], phenelzine [Nardil], tranylcypromine [Parnate])
- can increase bp (could lead to htn crisis if taking other meds that increase bp) –> headache is early sign
live vaccines
- varicella
- yellow fever
- rotavirus
- narrowed veins: heart is not vacuuming blood back to heart (blood cant get to heart)
- veins carry deoxygenated blood to heart
- dark veiny legs that are bloated with edema
- no pain since not an 02 issue
- pooling issue
- yellow brown ankles
- elevate legs
- narrowed arteries which are supposed to push oxygenated blood away from the heart
- oxygen problem
- pain in calves when walking or elevating leg
- intermitent claudication (calve pain during exercise from low 02)
- absent pulse
- black crispy feet
- legs will be hairless, shiny, cool to touch
- round red sores from lack of perfusion
- dangle legs
normal glucose for people are are not diabetic when sick and not sick
-glucose target range for critically ill clients is 140-180
-For non-critically ill clients, <140 mg/dL fasting and <180 mg/dL random blood glucose.
function of cerebrum
involved in 2 major functions: coordination of voluntary movements and maintenance of balance and posture.
placenta previa
-abnormal implantation of the placenta resulting in partial or complete covering of the cervical os (opening).
- The condition is diagnosed by ultrasound
- In clients reporting painless vaginal bleeding after 20 weeks gestation, placenta previa should be suspected.
- obstructive gastrointestinal disorder caused when a segment of the bowel slides, or telescopes, into another section.
- ischemia and leakage of blood and mucus into the lumen of the bowel.
- Classic clinical manifestations of intussusception include episodes of sudden, crampy abdominal pain; a palpable sausage-shaped abdominal mass; and red, “currant jelly” stools
- Other manifestations include inconsolable crying with the knees drawn up to the chest and vomiting
s/s of DVT
unilateral edema, localized pain (eg, calf pain) or tenderness to touch, warmth, and erythema
s/s of sepsis
- HR > 90
- Temp > 101 or < 96.8
- RR >20 or pa02 < 32
- > 12,000 or < 4,000 or over 10% bands