Utilitarianism Part 2 Flashcards
In the________ (giving a fixed numerical value to each of the seven elements, say from one to ten; one signifies the lowest while ten the highest) the amount of pleasure is deducted from the amount of pain to arrive at the balance.
hedonic calculus
If the total net amount or the balance is more on pleasure or happiness, then the act is morally good or right and has to be
On the other hand, if the balance is more on the side of pain or suffering, then the act is considered bad or wrong, and hence must be
pursued and performed
By grounding ethics on a strictly scientific foundation, ______________ as a methodical way of weighing the amount of pleasures over pain in a plus and minus scheme, provides a clearer and simpler way for us to determine what we ought to do under certain situations.
‘Bentham’s hedonic calculus
Today, we find similar models that in a way have adopted Bentham’s hedonic calculation whenever anyone does a cost-benefit analysis, in which the____ are pains or suffering and the_____ are pleasures or happiness.
Bentham’s/ formulation of the hedonic calculus to provide a Quantitative calculation of the value of different pleasures where decisions are made into a simple exercise of addition and deduction at arriving at the final balance put him (rightly or
“wrongly) under the level of a
psychological hedonist
They only pursued his or her own personal desire and happiness
ethical egoist
insists that we should not only pursue our own self-interest but also that of the group or the majority.
The greatest happiness of the greatest number is for_____ the top priority over individual happiness.
As Bentham maintains a quantitative position in evaluating the amount of pleasure that we can get in doing an act, his genius of a pupil_____develops his own version that enables his view to deviate from that of his master.
John Stuart Mill
Mill introduces a way of determining pleasure that is not just confined to quantity or amount but more on its____.
Thus he claims that pleasures are of two types:
John Stuart Mill
quantity and quality
pleasures of the___ or ____ are higher than pleasures of the___ and of the___.
mind or the spirit
flesh/ body
“It is better to be a human being dissatisfied than a pig satisfied: better to be Socrates dissatisfied than a fool satisfied.”
A life with only____ pleasures is not as good as one containing pleasures of the ____ and ____. The pleasure that one gets from acquiring love, having knowledge, being morally good, securing freedom, knowing God, and so on makes life much more worth living than a life that wallows in the mire of bodily pleasures alone.
mind and spirit
is “the doctrine that actions are right if they are useful or for the benefit of a majority.”
It is one form of the school of ethics known as consequentialism. In this school, the measure of morality rests on the “consequences” of man’s actions.
addition to utilitarianism, we can more particularly pigeonhole Duterte’s war as “________” since we are dealing here with a state-sanctioned program.
Under this conviction, “all actions, practices, and policies that promote the overall welfare of society are morally right, and those that interfere are morally wrong.
state consequentialism
_ No person shall be deprived of life, liberty, or property without due process of law, nor shall any person be denied the equal protection of the laws.
Article III
Section 1
(1) No person shall be held to answer for a criminal offense without due process of law.
Article III
Section 14