Chapter 3 - Ethical Relativism ( Prt. 1) Flashcards
It refers to the doctrine that ethical values and beliefs (as to what is right/good and wrong/bad) are relative to the time, place, persons, situations and societies that hold them.
Ethical Relativism
a theory that hold that there are no universally valid moral principles; that all moral values are valid relative to culture or individual choice
Ethical Relativism
For an _________, “whether an action is right or wrong depends on the moral norms of society or moral commitments of the individual, and no absolute standard exists by which differing rules or commitments can be judged.
ethical relativist
T/F There are values that cut across cultural boundaries and peoples that are not relative to the specific place or context in which they are held
False; there are no values
T/F Ethical relativists are neither _____ nor _______. They believe in moral right and wrong. It is just they contend that what is basically right for an individual or group may be wrong for another.
The framework of Ethical Relativism
is where _______ is mainly
A theory that holds that there are no
universally valid moral principles
That all moral values are
valid relative to culture or
individual choice.
Right or wrong depends on the ____________ of society (Camp, Olen & Barry
moral norms
- The Cultural Differences Argument
- The Argument from Respect
- The Psychological Argument
- The Conformity Argument
- The Provability Argument
Ethical Relativism is
consistent with the facts of
cultural diversity.
The Cultural Differences Argument
Noted American anthropologist __________ claims that “careful study of the cultural practices of different peoples supports the idea that what is and not behaviorally normal is culturally determined.”
Ruth Benedict
Part of its [powerful drawing power] is due to the fact that such view has been though to promote tolerance
The Argument from Respect
Through Ethical
Relativism, it is believed that
people would become more
accepting of moralities of others.
They have to stop this “we’re right
and they’re wrong” attitude and
rather view the other as simply
The Argument from Respect
Tolerance has always been considered a _______ while taking a superior stance is usually viewed as the height of ___________
OUR VALUES are simply the result
of our having been CONDITIONED
to behave in a certain way
The Psychological Argument
All of us, consciously or unconsciously, have been subjected in one way or the other to some sort of a __________ by our ___________
The Psychological Argument
Psychic manipulation
Significant others