UTI Flashcards
definition of UTI
bacturia - bacteria in the urine - this is not a disease, can be symptomatic or not
UTI - dx based on sx and signs, tests that show bacteria in urine may provide more info
Characterized by presence of>100,000 of colony-forming units per ml of urine.
may affect bladder (cystitis), kidney/renal pelivis (pyelonephritis) or prostate (prostatitis).
lower UTI - cystitis, prostatitis
upper - pyelonephritis
abacterial cystitis/urethral syndrome - dx of exclusion in patients with dysuria and frequency, without demondtratable infection
aetiology of UTI
usually transurethral ascent of normal colonic organisms
most common - E coli
others include Proteus mirabilis, Klebsiella and Enterococci (more common in hospitals).
epidemiology UTI
common in females - 30% experience UTI at some point
seen in 5% pregnant women, 2% non-preg, 20% of elderly living at home and 50% of institutionalised elderly
UTI is rare in children and young men (if present, suspect an underlying cause).
Annual incidence of UTI in women is 10–20%.
10% of men and 20% of women >65 years have asymptomatic bacteriuria (>65 years MSU is no longer diagnostic and clinical assessment is mandatory).
Pyelonephritis = 3 per 1000 patient years
general sx of UTI
may be asymptomatic bacturia
Up to 30% of women with UTI symptoms may not have bacteruria
sx of cystitis
dysuria - pain on micturition
suprapubic pain
smelly urine
sx of acute pyelonephritis
loin/flank pain
costovertebral pain
associated cystitis sx
septic shock
sx of prostatitis
low back/perineal/rectum/scrotum/penis/bladder pain
irritative/obstructive symptoms - hesitancy, urgency, intermittency, poor stream, dribbling
swollen or tender prostate on PR
sx of UTI in elderly
signs of cystitis
abdo/suprapubic/loin tenderness
bladder distension
signs of pyelonephritis
loin/flank tenderness
signs of prostatitis
swollen prostate
ix for uti
In non-pregnant women, if ≥ 3 (or one severe) symptoms of cystitis, and no vaginal discharge, treat empirically without further test
midstream urine
- dipstick test
- use in non-pregnant women <65 years with less than three symptoms. A negative dipstick reduces probability of UTI to <20%. Do not use in pregnant women. Limited data for men.
- nitrites (urinary bacteria reduces nitrites to nitrates)
- leucocytes
- protein
- blood
- microscopy, culture and sensitivity
- >=10(5)colonies/mL indicates a significant bacteriuria, but in the presence of UTI symptoms, the threshold is lower, in women (>10(2)/mL) and in men(>10(5)/mL).
- Use in pregnant women, men, children, and if fail to respond to empirical antibiotics. Catheterized sample only if septic.
- if sterile pyuria (pus cells with no organisms) - consider if may be partially treated UTI, TB stones, tumour, interstitial nephritis or renal papillary necrosis
blood - only if systemically unwell (FBC, UE, CRP, blood culture - positive in only 10–25% of pyelonephritis. consider fasting glucose)
renal US or IV urogram considered in women with frequent UTIs, and in children and men
- exclude predisposing structural/functional abnormalities.
cystoscopy, urodynamics, CT from urology for men with upper UTI, failure to respond to treatment, recurrent UTI (>2/yr), pyelonephritis, unusual organism, persistent haematuria
Mx of cystitis
If three or more symptoms (or one severe) of cystitis, and no vaginal discharge; consider local microbiological policies: co-trimoxazole, trimethoprim, nitrofurantoin (if eGFR >30) or amoxicillin (in non-pregnant females) and ciprofloxacin (males).
If first-line empirical treatment fails, culture urine and treat according to antibiotic sensitivity
If symptoms suggest prostatitis (pain in pelvis, genitals, lower back, buttocks) consider a longer (4-week) course of a fluoroquinolone (eg ciprofloxacin) - ability to penetrate prostatic fluid
Mx for pyelonephritis
IV gentamicin, cefuroxime, ciprofloxacin
- take culture and treat initially with broad spectrum AB eg co-amoxiclav
- consider hospitalisation because of AB resistence
- Avoid nitrofurantoin as it does not achieve eff ective concentrations in the blood.
men - refer to urology
Mx for catheterised pts - UTI
obtain culture and consider changing catheter
only treat if symptomatic - catheters invariably get colonised