peritonitis Flashcards
definition of peritonitis
inflammation of the peritoneal lining of the abdominal cavity
can be localised to one part or generalised
generalised can be primary or secondary
aetiology of localised peritonitis
aetiology of primary generalised peritonitis
bacterial infection of the peritoneal cavity without obvious focus responsible
possibly via haematogenous or lymphatic spread, or ascending infection from the female genital tract
more common in people with ascites - eg liver cirrhosis (SBP) or children with nephrotic syndrome
aetiology of secondary generalised peritonitis
due to bacterial translocation and spread, evolving from a localised focus
or nonbacterial due to spillage of bile, blood, gastric contents eg perforated peptic ulcer, pancreatic secretions - chemical peritonitis that often becomes secondarily infected
epidemiology of peritonitis
primary peritonitis rare - usually in adolescent females
localised and secondary generalised peritonitis are common in surgical patients
sx of peritonitis
parietal pain from peritonitis is usually continuous, sharp, localised,
exacerbated by movement and coughing (because parietal peritoneum is supplied by somatic A-d fibres arising from spinal nerves T7-L2
in those with liver disease and ascites, symptoms can be vague eg increased confusion due to encephalopathy
signs of peritonitis
general state should be assessed
vital signs,
signs of dehydration or compromised perfusion eg due to hypovolaemia, sepsis, or circulatory failure
signs of localised peritonitis
tenderness on exam with involuntary guarding - reflex contraction of overlying abdominal wall muscles
rebound tenderness - sudden removal of a palpating hand = pain due to movement of the inflamed peritoneum, similarly demonstrated as percussion tenderness or pain evoked by coughing
signs of generalised peritonitis
pt very unwell - systemic signs of toxaemia or sepsis eg fever, tachycardia
pt lies still with shallow resp effort - movement exacerbate pain
prostration - lying stretched out
abdo is rigid with generalised tenderness,
bowel sounds are reduced or more typically absent due to paralytic ileus
rectal exam allows direct palpation of the pelvic peritoneum - demonstrating anterior tenderness
pathology of peritonitis
peritoneum consists of a single layer of flatterned mesothelial cells over loose areolar tissue containing rich network of capillaies, lymphatics, nerve endings and immune competent cells (lymphocytes and macrophages)
secondary is usually polymicrobial with synergistic growth of aerobic and anaerobic organisms - often arising from bowel flora
primary - monomicrobial (eg streptococcus, pneumococcus)
when inflammed the peritoneum loses glistening appearance and becomes erythematous, with production of copious serous inflammatory exudate, rich in WBC, protein and inflam mediatirs
greater omentum becomes adherent to the inflammed organ creating a barrier to spread of infection
investigation for peritonitis
- blood
- FBC, UE, LFT, amylase, CRP, clotting, G&S or crossmatch, blood cultures, preg test, ABG (looking for acidosis or resp failure)
- imaging
- eract CXR - for pneumoperitoneum
- AXR - bowel obstruction, localised ileus with a sentinal loop of intraluminal gas visible
- USS or CT abdo if suspect abscess (swelling, swinging fever, high WCC)
- laproscopy
- if ascites
- ascitic tap and cell count (diagnostic of SBP if >250neutropjils/mm3)
- gram stain and culture
management of local peritonitis
depend on the underlying cause eg appendicectomy
cholecystitis, salpingitis and most cases of acute diverticulis can be treated by IV AB
management of generalised peritonitsi
pt at risk of sepsis and shock
need IV fluid resus and correction of volume and electrolyte imbalance - there is often severe hypovolaemia seciondary to 3rd space losses
urinary catheter, NG tube, CVP line to monitor fluid balance
urgent laparotomy should be performed to remove the infected or nectroic tissue, treat the cause and perform peritineal washing with copious irrigation to remove all seropurulent exudate
an exception is non-necrotising pancreatitis
primary peritonitis is treated with AB - but dx not apparent until after attempted operation
management of spontaneous bacterial peritonitis
medical treatment with quinolone antibiotic or cefuroxime and metronidazole combination
early complication of peritonitis
septic shock
resp or multiorgan failure
paralytic ileus
wound infection
tertiary peritonitis - persistance of intra-abdo infection
portal pyaemia/hepatic abscesses
late complications of peritonitis
incisional hernia
prognosis of peritonitis
locallised usually resolves
generalised has a higher mortality- 30-50%
concurrent development of septic shock and ultiorgan dysfucntion can increase mortality rate to >70%
primary peritonitis has a good prognosis with appropriate AB
overall mortality of pts with SBP may exceed 30% if dx and treatment are delayed
spontaneous bacterial peritonitis (SBP)
considered in any patient with ascites who deteriorates suddenly
e coli, klebsiella, streptococci
treatment - penicillin, tazobactam 4.5g/8hr for 5d
prophlaxis for high risk pts (low albumin, high PT/INR, low ascitic albumin) or those who have had a previous episode eg ciprofloxacin 500mg PO daily