UTA8 Boilers Flashcards
All sprinkler systems have how many basic components? (Page 8- 1)
What sprinkler system is the most common type? (Page 8-1)
Wet pipe
n a dry pipe sprinkler system, the pipes normally contain either air or what under pressure? (Page 8-2)
The differential dry pipe valve has a large clapper on the air side that bears directly on a smaller water side clapper. The differential between the areas of the two clappers is approximately what ratio? (Page 8-4)
To eliminate an accidental trip of the valve and false alarms, air pressure should be maintained at least what psi greater than the calculated trip pressure of the dry pipe valve? (Page 8-4)
What kind of system is used where there is an extra hazard, suchas areas where flammable liquids or pro- pellants are handled or stored, or where there is a possibility that a fire might grow faster than ordinary sprinkler systems can control? (Page 8-7)
Water deluge
What are nozzles placed at intervals along the piping network to distribute a uniform pattern of water on the area being protected? (Page 8-9)
Sprinklers have orifices ranging in size from 1/4-inch to 1/2-inch diameter graduated by what size increments? (Page 8-9)
What give different patterns of water distribution and allow the sprinkler to be placed in various locations such as upright, pendent, or sidewall? (Page 8-9)
There are basically four types of release mechanisms for automatic sprinklers. They are the fusible link, frangible bulb, frangible pellet, and what else? (Page 8-10)
Bimetallic element
What devices are used to prevent water freezing in fire protection systems? (Page 8-18)
Temperature supervisory
The combined water needed for all fire-fighting equipment is known as the what? (Page 8-18)
Fire flow demand
Temperature ratings for soldered link sprinklers should be 50F above (for quartz bulb sprinklers what above) normal room temperature? (Page 8-20)
Where sprinklers are installed in areas where there is stockpiling of materials a clearance of at least how many inches under the sprinklers is necessary for proper water distribution? (Page 8-20)
Perform a 2-inch drain test at least how often to test alarm check valves? (Page 8-20)
Certain mechanical dry pipe valves are designed to trip at a fixed pressure of 10 to 15 psi. Maintain what psi air pressure on these valves? (Page 8-22)
Full operational testing of high-speed suppression systems is conducted at intervals not to exceed how many years except when mission requirements justify change? (Page 8-24)
What type of extinguishing systems are generally found in areas where equipment is installed that would be highly vulnerable to destruction from water or dry chemical extinguishing agents? (Page 8-24)
Gaseous extinguishing systems can be divided into three general categories: local application, total flooding, and what else? (Page 8- 24)
Hose line systems
At present, what is the only gaseous agent approved for manual hose line systems? (Page 8-24)
Carbon dioxide
High-pressure carbon dioxide extinguishing systems require refilling and hydrostatic testing every how many years? (Page 8-26)
Generally, Halon 1211 and Halon 1301 are used in total flooding applications. For effective fire-fighting purposes, a minimum concentration of what percent is recommended for total flooding systems for surface fires of ordinary combustibles? (Page 8-29)
Halon 1211 is toxic to people when concentrations exceed what percent? (Page 8-29)
Halon1301 is stored in a cylinder super pressurized with nitrogen to what psi (at 70°F) to provide an expellant pressure for the agent in excess of the agent’s normal vapor pressure? (Page 8-29)
Because of the high ozone depletion factor of halons, installation of new Halon 1301 systems are prohibited except by special approval from what? (Page 8-29)
Halon 1301 is the least toxic of the halongenated gases and does not harm personnel when concentrations are below what percent? (Page 8-29)
Test electrically operated release devices for gaseous extinguishing systems at least how often? (Page 8-32)
How many general categories of chemical extinguishing systems are there? (Page 8-33)
What systems are arranged to discharge dry chemical directly on the hazard, without any enclosure? (Page 8-34)
Local application
Dry chemical used in approved systems is mostly what? (Page 8- 34)
Sodium bicarbonate
(True or False) When selecting a site for boiler installation, the availability of water, electricity, fuel, and natural drainage should be considered.
When must boilers be inspected for integrity of welds and nozzle connections?
At 5 year intervals
Operator boiler plant logs are arranged for use over a 24-hour period, consisting of how many shifts?
Three 8-hour shifts
What effect of inadequate or improper water conditioning causes pitting of metal in boilers, and steam and condensate in piping?
What chemical is used for internal boiler water treatment to prevent oxygen corrosion in boilers?
Sodium sulfite
What boiler operator maintenance responsibility is required to keep a boiler running continuously at its original capacity and efficiency?
A. Keeping equipment in service for maximum periods of time.
B. Determining any flaws so equipment can be removed in time to prevent serious damage.
C. Performing minor repairs on equipment that has been removed from service to minimize outage time.
D. All of the above
D. All of the above
How often should a PMI be done on the boiler room drains of a hot-water boiler
(True or False) Water that is contained in an idle boiler should be sampled and analyzed monthly.
How often should the internal inspections of wet or dry lay-up boilers be conducted?
What waterside damage is the result of mechanical causes and not corrosion?
Waterside abrasion
What action should be taken when defects are discovered during a waterside inspection of drums and headers?
A. Report defects to the maintenance officer.
B. Record defects in the maintenance log.
C. Record defects in the boiler water treatment log.
D. All of the above
D. All of the above
Boiler firesides are inspected for signs of damage and deterioration when the boiler is secured for fireside cleaning. At what other intervals should this type of inspection be conducted?
Every time the boiler is secured
What two types of slag-forming materials cause the most damage to boiler refractories?
Vanadium salts and sodium chloride
What term is used to describe any opening in a tube that is not associated with tube enlargement?
What term is applied to tubes that appear to have dropped downward toward the furnace under their own weight?
Which condition should be looked for when conducting a steam and water piping inspection?
A. Excessive expansion and contraction
B. Undue vibration in piping connections to the boiler
C. Leaking water column connections
D. All of the above
D. All of the above
What step should be taken to test the operation of a float-activated low-water fuel cutoff device?
Drain the float bowl to the low-water level.
Venting should be held to a minimum to preclude what condition in the feedwater?
Oxygen entrainment
What indications of trouble should the boiler plant supervisor be able to identify? A. Strange noises B. Unusual vibrations C. Abnormal temperatures D. All of the above
D. All of the above
What term is commonly used to describe the universal solvent?
What term is used for deposits on tubes and other internal surfaces caused by calcium salts, magnesium salts, and insoluble materials?
What is the only sludge dispersant approved by NAVFAC for use in shore-based boilers?
Quebracho tannin
Which condition inside a boiler is caused by a small amount of seawater in the feedwater?
Heavy sludge
Feedwater or makeup water tanks should be maintained within what temperature range?
180°F to 200°F
What two types of solids are present in most boiler water?
Suspended and dissolved solids
How many pounds of steam per hour are produced by one boiler horsepower?
What person is the most important member of a boiler plant maintenance team?
What is formed when soot mixes with water?
Sulfuric acid
Which component will have a lower melting point if soot and other deposits are left on boiler brickwork?
What two methods can be used to boil out the watersides of a boiler?
Sodium metasilicate pentahydrate and trisodium phosphate
What chemical should be added to the water when laying-up a boiler using the wet method?
Sodium sulfite
(True or False) Laying-up a boiler by the dry method should be used when a boiler is scheduled to be out of service because it could freeze.
The most common type of boiler in the NCF is the what? (Page 12-1)
Scotch marine
When you are preparing to install a boiler, consider three basic factors-site location, accessories, and what else? (Page 12-1)
Boilers may vary in wet weight from 1.5 tons to more than how many tons? (Page 12-1)
What is a peculiar type of heat blistering that occurs when the boiler water is contaminated with oil? (Page 12-12)
Tube Corrugation
In general, most hydrostatic tests are made at one of three test pressures: boiler design pressure, 125% of design pressure, or what percent of design pressure? (Page 12-13)
At how many-year intervals, each boiler must be inspected for integrity of welds and nozzle connections? (Page 12-14)
What term is used to describe the metal loss that occurs in bands or stripes around the circumference of a tube? (Page 12-17)
Circumferential groove
What is a broad term used to cover all of the ash products (other than slag) that result from combustion? (Page 12-23)
When more than one relief valve is provided on either hot-water heating or hot-water supply boilers, the additional valve (or valves) may be set within a range not to exceed what percent of the lowest pressure to which any valve is set? (Page 12-26)
What is called the universal solvent? (Page 12-31)
A glass of tap water at 68°F contains how many ppm of oxygen? (Page 12-31)
When water evaporates in a boiler, the hard components that were in the water, such as calcium salts, magnesium salts, and other insoluble materials, form deposits on the tubes and other internal surfaces. These deposits are known as what? (Page 12-31)
The first two chemicals to be considered for boiler water treatment of shore-based boilers are caustic soda and what else? (Page 12-33)
Sodium phosphate
What is the deterioration of metal by Chemical action? (Page 12- 35)
The chemical most commonly used in oxygen removal is what? (Page 12-35)
Sodium sulfite
What is the production of froth or unbroken bubbles on the surface of the boiler water? (Page 12-36)
What is the principal cause of equipment failure? (Page 12-38)
What is a system of routine inspections of equipment recorded for future reference on some type of inspection record? (Page 12-38)
Preventive maintenance inspection (PMI)
When soot is allowed to remain on the boiler firesides for any length of time, the sulfur in the soot combines with moisture and forms what? (Page 12-40)
Sulfuric acid
Although there are a number of cleaning methods available (such as hot-water washing, wet-steam lancing, and so forth), what should be considered the basic and preferred method of cleaning firesides? (Page 12-40)
Mechanical cleaning
There are two approved methods for boiling out boilers—the sodium metasilicate pentahydrate method and what other method? (Page 12-41)
Trisodium phosphate
What should be used when a boiler is scheduled to be out of service for a long period of time or when a boiler is in danger of freezing? (Page 12-42)
Dry lay-up