USPSTF Guidelines Flashcards
USPSTF Grade A and B Guidelines (last update 1/22/23)
USPSTF guideline for Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm
1 time screening with US in men 65-75 who have ever smoked
Grade B
USPSTF guideline for Screening for Pre-diabetes and Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
Asymptomatic adults aged 35-70 who are overweight or obese
If +, offer/refer patients to intensive behavioral counseling interventions (healthy diet and exercise)
Grade B
Indications for aspirin use as a preventative medication per USPSTF?
Grade C:
Ages 40-59 with a 10% or greater 10 year CVD risk
Use shared decision for initiating low dose ASA for the primary prevention of CVD*
*net benefit of ASA is small, also consider bleeding risk, life expectancy, willingness to take daily ASA for at least 10 years
Grade D:
Ages 60+
Recommend against initiating low dose ASA use for the primary prevention of CVD
USPSTF guideline for Asymptomatic Bacteriuria screening
Screen with urine culture for pregnant women
Grade B
USPSTF guideline for BRCA-Related Cancer Risk Assessment
Assess women with a personal or family history of breast, ovarian, tubal or peritoneal cancer or who have an ancestry associated with breast cancer susceptibility BRCA1/2 mutations with a risk assessment tool.
Women with a positive score should receive genetic counseling and if indicated after counseling, genetic testing
Tools: Ontario family hx, Manchester scoring, Referral screening tool, Pedigree Assessment, 7-Question family hx, etc.
Grade B
USPSTF guideline for Breast Cancer Medication Use
Offer to prescribe risk reducing medications (tamoxifen, raloxifene or aromatase inhibitors) to women at increased risk for breast cancer and low risk for adverse medication effects
Increased risk: Hx of LCIS or atypical hyperplasia, Gail model 5 year risk 1.66% or higher
Not for women with BRCA mutations
Grade B
USPSTF guideline for Breast Cancer Screening
Screening mammography for women 50-74 every 2 years
Grade B
For women 40-49, shared decision making
USPSTF guideline for Breast feeding
Provide interventions during pregnancy and after birth to support breastfeeding
Grade B
USPSTF guideline for Cervical Cancer Screening
cytology (PAP smear) alone every 3 years
HPV testing alone or HPV testing and cytology (PAP smear) every 5 years
or cytology (PAP smear) alone every 3 years
Grade A
USPSTF guideline for Colorectal Cancer Screening
Ages 45-75
FIT every year
Flex sigmoidoscopy every 5 years
Colonoscopy every 10 years
Grade A (Ages 50-75), Grade B (Ages 45-49)
USPSTF guideline for Dental Caries
6 months- 5 years old
Prescribe oral fluoride supplementation for children whose water is deficient in fluoride
Apply fluoride varnish to the primary teeth starting at age of tooth eruption
Grade B
USPSTF guideline for Depression in adults and pregnant women
Screen the general adult, pregnant and postpartum populations
Need system to diagnose, treat and follow up
Grade B
USPSTF guideline for Depression and Suicide Risk Screening in Kids/Teens
Ages 12-18
Screen for Major Depressive Disorder
Need system to diagnose, treat and follow up
Grade B
USPSTF guideline for Fall Prevention
Recommend exercise interventions to prevent falls in community dwelling older adults, 65 and older who are at increased risk for falls
Grade B
USPSTF guideline for Prevention of Neural Tube defects
All women planning or capable of pregnancy take daily folic acid (0.4 - 0.8 mg)
Grade A
USPSTF guideline for Gestational Diabetes screening
Screen for GDM in asymptomatic pregnant women at 24 weeks gestation or after
Grade B
USPSTF guideline for Chlamydia and Gonorrhea screening in women
Screen for G/C in sexually active women age 24 years and younger.
For women 25 and up, screen those at increased risk
Grade B
USPSTF guideline for Behavioral Interventions for Adults with CVD Risk Factors
Offer/refer adults with CVD risk factors to behavioral counseling interventions to promote healthy diet and physical activity
USPSTF guideline for Hepatitis B Screening
Screen for HBV in adolescents and adults at increased risk
(Grade B)
Screen for HBV in pregnant women at their first prenatal visit
(Grade A)
USPSTF guideline for Hepatitis C Screening
Screen for HCV in adults aged 18-79
Grade B
USPSTF guideline for HIV Screening
Screen all pregnant women, including those who present in labor with unknown HIV status
(Grade A)
Screen adolescents and adults 15-65 or those at increased risk.
(Grade A)
USPSTF guideline for High Blood Pressure Screening
Screen in adults 18 and older
Obtain measurements outside of clinical setting for diagnostic confirmation before starting treatment. Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring is preferred
Grade A
USPSTF guideline for Screening for Intimate partner violence, Elder Abuse, and Abuse of Vulnerable adults
Screen for intimate partner violence in women of reproductive age, if positive refer to support services
(Grade B)
Insufficient evidence in screening all adults and elders
USPSTF guideline for Latent TB Screening
Screen for LTBI in at risk patients
Risks: Born or resided in countries with increased TB prevalence, lived in high risk setting like homeless shelters or jail, immunosuppressed
Grade B