Dr. Pickles' FM Review Flashcards
USPSTF Grade A and B Guidelines (last update 1/22/23)
USPSTF guideline: AAA Screening
Men 65-75 who have smoked
Ultrasound one time
USPSTF guideline: Diabetes Screening
Adults 35-70 overweight (BMI >25) or obese (BMI >30)
If positive offer or refer for multicomponent behavioral intervention for weight loss
USPSTF guideline: Aspirin Use
Ages 40-59 with a 10% or greater 10 year CVD risk
Grade C
USPSTF guideline: BRCA-Related Cancer Risk
Familial risk tool (women with a personal or family history of breast, ovarian, tubal or peritoneal cancer or ancestor with BRCA1/2 mutations)
If tool is positive send to genetic counseling, then genetic testing
Offer risk reducing medications (tamoxifen, raloxifene or aromatase inhibitors) to women (35 years and older) at increased risk for breast cancer and low risk for adverse medication effects
USPSTF guideline: Breast Cancer Screening
Ages 50-74 q2 years
USPSTF guideline: Cervical Cancer Screening
Cytology (PAP) q 3 years
HPV testing alone or HPV testing and cytology q 5 years
or cytology alone q 3 years
USPSTF guideline: Colorectal Cancer Screening
Ages 45-75
FIT q1 year
FIT DNA q1-3 years
Flex sigmoidoscopy q 5 years
Flex sig q10 years with q1 year FIT tests
Colonoscopy q 10 years
USPSTF guideline: Depression screening (adults)
All adults, pregnant and postpartum populations
Need system to diagnose, treat and follow up
USPSTF guideline: Depression Screening (Kids/Teens)
Ages 12-18
Screen for MDD
Need system to diagnose, treat and follow up
USPSTF guideline: Fall Prevention
65 yrs and older
Exercise interventions
USPSTF guideline: Prevention of Neural Tube defects
Folic acid (0.4 -0.8 mg) for all reproductive age women
4mg if history of child with NTDs or on folic acid antagonists
USPSTF guideline: Gestational Diabetes screening
24-28 weeks with 50 g oral glucose
Positive if >135 or > 140 mg/dL
USPSTF guideline: Chlamydia and Gonorrhea screening in women
Sexually active women age 24 and younger.
Women 25 and up, screen those at increased risk
USPSTF guideline: Hepatitis B Screening
Adolescents and adults at increased risk
Pregnant women at their first prenatal visit
USPSTF guideline: Hepatitis C Screening
Ages 18-79
USPSTF guideline: HIV Screening
All pregnant women (1st and 3rd trimesters)
Ages 15-65 or those at increased risk
USPSTF guideline: High Blood Pressure Screening
Adults 18 and older
-Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring is preferred
Per AAP, kids 3 and older
USPSTF guideline: Asymptomatic Bacteriuria screening
Screen with urine culture for pregnant women
If positive then Keflex x 7 days , if recurrent then start suppression
USPSTF guideline: Screening for Intimate partner violence
Screen in women of reproductive age
If positive refer to support services
USPSTF guideline: Latent TB Screening
Screen for LTBI in at risk patients
Risks: Born or resided in countries with increased TB prevalence, lived in high risk setting like homeless shelters or jail, immunosuppressed
USPSTF guideline: Preeclampsia prevention
Screen with blood pressure at each visit
Aspirin (81 mg daily), starting after 12 weeks gestation in women at high risk for preeclampsia
USPSTF guideline for Lung Cancer Screening
Low dose CT scan yearly
50-80 with 20 pack year hx and currently smoke or quit within the past 15 years.
USPSTF guideline: Obesity screening in kids and teens
Kids 6 years and older
BMI 85-95%ile overweight, above 95%ile obese (BMI percentile age and gender)
Offer/refer to intensive behavioral interventions to improve weight status
USPSTF guideline: Ocular prophylaxis for Gonococcal Ophthalmia Neonatorum
Use prophylactic ocular topical medication for all newborns