Pulmonolgy Flashcards
What is COPD (4 words)?
What is the the pathophysiology of COPD?
irritant/toxin ->
Inflammation/oxidation ->
Airflow limitation:
Loss of elasticity, air sacs destroyed, airways narrowed, fibrosis ->
Mucus hyper-secretion, cough, dyspnea, recurrent infections
What are the risk factors for COPD?
Increased age
Women > Men
Pollutants exposure
Genetics- Alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency
Hx of asthma, chronic bronchitis, recurrent infections
Socioeconomic status
What are the hallmark symptoms of COPD?
Chronic sputum production
Recurrent respiratory infections
Who should be screened for COPD?
Patients (ages 40+) with current or past smoking history with respiratory symptoms
-Dyspnea, cough, chronic sputum, recurrent lower respiratory infections
*Per USPSTF do NOT screen asymptomatic patients regardless of risk factors
What are the 4 key steps for assessing COPD?
Assess airflow limitation with spirometry
Assess symptom severity
Assess risk of exacerbations
Assess and manage co-morbidities
What is the main test for evaluation COPD?
Spirometry to:
-confirm diagnosis
-Measure obstruction severity
-Monitor progression, response to therapy
In spirometry what is FEV1?
Volume of air expired in one second after a full inspiration
In spirometry what is FVC?
Maximum volume of air exhaled after a full inspiration
What is the best spirometric criterion to diagnose COPD?
FEV1/FVC ratio < 0.70, post-bronchodilator
How does FEV1, FVC and FEV1/FVC ratio change in obstructive v. restrictive lung disease?
FEV1 reduced
FEV1/FVC ratio reduced
FEV1 and FVC equally reduced
FEV1/FVC ratio around 1
How can you distinguish COPD from asthma on spirometry?
COPD shows no improvement with bronchodilation
(aka not reversible)
How is COPD classified?
Gold Staging based on FEV1
*Must have FEV1/FVC ratio less than 0.7, after bronchodilation
Classify COPD severity based on FEV1 percent predicted: mild, moderate, severe, very severe
*Must have FEV1/FVC ratio less than 0.7, after bronchodilation for all stages
Mild: FEV1 greater than 80% of predicted
Moderate: FEV1 50-80% of predicted
Severe: FEV1 30-50% of predicted
Very severe (“end stage”): FEV1 less than 30% of predicted
How are COPD symptoms assessed?
-Patient reporting- COPD Assessment Test (CAT)
Who is considered to be at increased risk for COPD exacerbations?
2 or more exacerbations in the past year
One or more hospitalizations for COPD exacerbation
Which cardiovascular disease are patients with COPD at higher risk for?
Atrial fibrillation
What co-morbidity is an independent risk factor for COPD exacerbations?
How often should spirometry be done to monitor patients with COPD?
Repeat every year or if a sudden decline in status
What are the 5 “A”s of smoking cessation?
Ask about use
Advise to quit
Assess readiness to quit
Assist with pharmacotherapies
Arrange follow up
What are the only 2 interventions proven to prolong survival of patients with COPD?
Tobacco cessation
Oxygen therapy (use greater than 15 hours/day, if chronically hypoxic)
What are some pharmacotherapies for smoking cessation?
1st line: Nicotine Replacement Therapy
Varenicline (Chantix)- Nicotine blockade
Counseling and medications more effective together than either alone
What is the role of E cigarettes in tobacco cessation?
Effectiveness and safety unproven
What is the first step of COPD treatment?
Beta 2 agonists- relax smooth muscle, lower airway resistance, increase FEV1
Long acting beta agonist (LABA) preferred over Short acting beta agonist (SABA)
Side effects- tachycardia, arrhythmia, tremor
What is the second step of COPD treatment?
Long Acting Muscarinic Antagonists (LAMA)- block bronchoconstrictor effect of acetylcholine on muscarinic receptors
Ex: Tiotropium
-improve symptoms, reduce exacerbations and hospitalizations
Side effects- dry mouth
What is the third step of COPD treatment?
Combination therapy
LAMA/LABA (preferred)
-improved lung function, quality of life. Reduce exacerbations
COPD treatment by ABCD groups?
if CAT score >20: LAMA/LABA
if eosinophils >300 or also have asthma: LABA/ICS
last resort LAMA/LABA/ICS
Name some LAMA/LABA combination medications
Stiolto (tiotropium/olodaterol)
Bevespi (glycopyrrolate/formoterol)
*Just some examples, there are others
What is the role of corticosteroids in COPD?
Benefit is more limited (compared to asthma)
Regular use of ICS or oral steroids alone not recommended due to risk of pneumonia, thrush and hoarseness
-use ICS in combination therapies
Patients with COPD and Asthma or eosinophils >300, more likely to benefit
*oral steroids only for exacerbations
Which category of medications has a greater effect on COPD exacerbation reduction and decreased hospitalizations, LAMAs or LABAs?
Which category of medications has the highest increase in FEV1 and reduces more symptoms of COPD, LAMAs or LABAs?
Combined LAMA/LABAs
*Better combined than monotherapy
Which combination therapy reduces more COPD exacerbations, LAMA/LABA or LABA/ICS?
Is there any benefit in triple inhaled therapy v. combined double therapy in COPD management?
Triple therapy (LAMA/LABA/ICS), improves lung function, reduces exacerbations more than ICS/LABA or LAMA/LABA
What is the role of steroids in long term treatment of COPD?
What is the role of theophyline in COPD treatment?
Not recommended!
limited evidence of benefit- high toxicity
What is the role of PDE4 inhibitors (Roflumilast) in COPD treatment?
Can help reduce exacerbations
Useful add on for GOLD 3-4
Side effects: use caution in patients with depression or liver impairment, sleep disturbance, Nausea, abdominal pain, diarrhea, weight loss
What is an over the counter medication to reduce the risk of COPD exacerbations?
N-acetylecystine, mucolytics
Loosens phlegm
What is the role of Azithromycin in COPD management?
Long term use can reduce exacerbations (250mg/day) in high risk patients
Associated with bacterial resistance, hearing impairment, prolonged QT
What is the indication for supplemental oxygen in COPD treatment?
O2 sat <88% at rest
What is the indication for pulmonary rehabilitation in COPD treatment?
For all stages of COPD
Exercise training, education, nutrition, psychosocial support
Improves symptoms, exercise tolerance
Reduces hospitalizations, anxiety, depression
What is one important factor to keep in mind when prescribing inhalers?
Ensure correct inhaler technique
What is the role of antitussives and vasodilators in COPD management?
Not helpful
What are the goals of COPD management?
Reduce symptoms
-Improve exercise tolerance and health status, relieve dyspnea
Reduce risk
-Prevent progression and exacerbations, prolong life
How is COPD classified based on the GOLD ABCD criteria?
COPD differential diagnoses?
Lung cancer
Interstitial lung disease/fibrosis
TB/pulmonary infections
Bronchopulmonary dysplasia
What is the most common cause of Acute COPD exacerbations?
URI: viral or bacterial
What should be ordered in the work up of acute COPD exacerbation?
*spirometry not recommended
What is the treatment of mild acute COPD exacerbation?
What is the treatment of moderate acute COPD exacerbation?
Antibiotics +/- oral steroids
What is the treatment of severe acute COPD exacerbation?
Hospitalization or ED eval needed
What are indications to admit a patient for COPD exacerbation?
-Increased symptoms (dyspnea, tachypnea, confusion)
-New physical signs (cyanosis, edema)
-Acute respiratory failure
-Failure of initial treatment
-Older age
-Serious co-morbidities
-Lack of home support
What are the treatment options for acute COPD exacerbations?
Oxygen: titrate to goal of 88-92%
Bronchodilators: SABA +/- anticholinergics
Corticosteroids: Prednisone 40 mg PO for 5 days
When should antibiotics be added for treatment of acute COPD exacerbation?
Not routinely recommended
Must have all three:
Increased dyspnea, sputum volume, sputum purulence
Requiring mechanical ventilation
*Treat for 5-7 days
Can shorten recovery, reduce relapse and hospital stays
What is the role of systemic steroids in COPD exacerbation?
Improve lung function and oxygenation
Shorten recovery and hospital stays
*Treat for 5-7 days (Prednisone 20 mg BID for 5 days)
What bugs need to be covered for acute COPD exacerbation antibiotic treatment?
S. pneumo, H. flu, M. catarrhalis, M. Pneumo
Similar tx to CAP (amoxicillin, augmentin, macrolides, cephalosporins, quinolones)
What is the #1 cause of cancer deaths in men and women?
Lung cancer
How is small cell lung cancer different than nonsmall cell, in terms of location, treatment prognosis?
Small Cell:
-Central, mediastinal
-Aggressive, early mets, poor prognosis
Nonsmall Cell:
-Better prognosis
What are 3 types of Nonsmall cell lung cancer?
40% Adenocarcinoma
25% Squamous cell
10% Large cell
What is the USPSTF recommendation for lung cancer screening?
Low dose CT annually
Ages 55-80
30 or more pack year history
Can stop when patient has quit smoking for 15 years
What are the risk factors for Obstructive Sleep Apnea?
Sex (M > F)
Age (40+)
What are some consequences of OSA?
Sleep disturbance- daytime sleepiness
Memory problems
Weight gain
What are the 3 “S”s of OSA symptoms?
Sleepiness (Excessive)
Significant other complaints
How is OSA diagnosed?
Sleep study (polysomnography)
Apnea-hypoxia index
What is the treatment of OSA?
Weight loss
Nasal decongestant
Position therapy
What is sarcoidosis?
Inflammatory auto immune disease
Usually affects lungs
Cause unknown
Who is more likely to get Sarcoidosis?
More common in African american women
Ages 20-40
What are the symptoms of sarcoidosis?
-Often asymptomatic
-Waxing and waning symptoms
-SOB, cough
-Red bumps/patches on skin
-Enlarged lymph nodes
-Fever, weight loss, night sweats, malaise
What is Lofgren’s syndrome?
Acute form of sarcoidosis
-Erythema nodosum
Self limited
How is sarcoidosis diagnosed?
Noncaseating granulomas on lung tissue biopsy
Clinical symptoms
Abnormal CXR/ CT
What are some non-lung related complications of sarcoidosis?
Anterior uveitis
Erythema nodosum
Neurosarcoidosis- intracranial lesions, peripheral neuropathy
What is the treatment of sarcoidosis?
Observation- if asymptomatic, follow closely
Corticosteroids are mainstay of treatment
Methotrexate, azathioprine, chloroquine, etanercept, infliximab
Consider consulting pulmonology
What is Wegener’s granulomatosis?
Necrotizing granulomatous vasculitis
Affects upper and lower respiratory tract
Associated with focal segmental glomerulonephritis
Who is most likely to get Wegener’s granulomatosis?
Young to middle age
Males > females
Unknown cause
Fatal without treatment
What are the symptoms of Wegener’s granulomatosis?
Cough, chest pain, dyspnea, malaise
Blood in urine