USMC Drill And Ceremonies Flashcards
Explain the five purposes of close order drill
- MOVE unit from one place to another in a standard orderly manner, maintaining the best appearance possible
- PROVIDE simple formations from which combat formations can be readily assumed
- TEACH discipline by instilling habits of precision and automatic response to orders
- INCREASE confidence in junior officers and NCO’s through exercise of command by giving proper commands and control of troops
- GIVE marines an opportunity to handle individual weapons
An individual, squad, section, plato company or other unit which is part of a larger unit
Arrangement of elements on line, in column, or in any other prescribed manner
Formation in which elements are abreast except when a platoon is in line and its squads are in line and one behind the other
A line of Marines or vehicles placed side by side
Formation in which elements are one behind the other except when a platoon is in column and it’s squads are in column and abreast of each other
Single column of Marines or Vehicles one behind each other
Right or left extremity of a unit either on line or in column.
The lateral space between elements on the same line. It is measured between individuals from shoulder to shoulder.
Normal Interval
Normal interval between individuals is one arm’s length
Close Interval
The horizontal distance between shoulder and elbow when the left hand is placed on the left hip
Dressing of several elements on the same line
The individual upon a formation regulates it’s march
The middle element of a formation within an odd number of elements or the left center of elements of a formation with an even number of elements
Length of a full step at quick time (30 in from back of one heel to the back of other heel
Distance from heel to heel.
- Half step and back step = 15 in
- Right & Left step = 12 in
- Quick step = 30 in
- Double time = 36 in
A rhythmic rate of march at uniform step
Discuss the four characteristics of command voice
(voice is controlled by opening the throat, using mouth to shape words and diaphragm to control volume)
- DISTINCTNESS (all commands must be pronounced correctly without loss of effect)
- INFLECTION (the rise and fall in pitch and tone in voice)
- CADENCE (commands given in a uniform and rhythmic flow of words)
Discuss the two types of drill commands
(Indicates the movement to be executed)
-COMMAND OF EXECUTION (indicates when a movement is to be executed)
Discuss the color guard.
Color guard consist of four men.
- Two NCO’s are color bearers
- Two men junior to color bearer are color guards
- National color bearer commands the color guard and command color is always to the left of national color
- When only national color is carried only one color guard accompanies the color bearer
Wet Down
A party thrown by a newly promoted Staff NCO or officer to celebrate his new rank.
- Within a month after the promotion
- New NCO spends one month’s pay raise
- Guests are equal or superior ranks
Hail and Fairwell
Purpose of introducing the SNCO’s and their spouses who are newly arrived and say good-bye to any SNCO who are leaving.
Promotions and Reenlistments
Spring 1923, first group of Staff Sgt received their warrants. Prom&Re-ups are required ceremonies to recognize milestones in a Marine’s career.
- Personal awards (1st.)
- Promotions (2nd)
- Re-enlistments (3rd)
Ceremony flow:
- Senior enlisted reports formation to commander
- Commander says Post
- (Senior) Personnel to receive awards, center
- Mark time march, detail halt, right face, hand salute, ready two
- promotions are given
- Hand salute, ready two, left face, forward march
Formal dinner:
- Recognizing a new member
- Farewell to a departing member
- Command members to get together to become more acquainted
- Non-military guest can attend
Marine Corps Birthday
- When no General Officer present, Senior Line Officer will follow procedures outlined for the commanding general. Escorts will be formed from the appropriate ranks present
- When ceremony is at NCO’s or other enlisted messes, appropriate ranking NCO’s will preside and form the escort.
- Two officers or enlisted personnel of each rank will be assigned to escort
- Uniform Will be evening dress or blue dress
- Birthday cake will be on a mess serving cart covered with scarlet and gold bunting
- If swords not available, escorts will execute hand salute at appropriate commands
Relief & Appointment
Ceremony held for the relief of the old and appointment of the new Sgt Major within units of battalion or squadron size and larger.
During the ceremony, the Sgt Majors exchange the staff noncommissioned officer sword. This passing of the sword signifies the transfer of the sacred trust between Sgt. Majors